

Personal Data




Papers presented in Conferences

PhD Theses

Industrial Projects



Courses Taught

Professional Experience

Board of director, journals of

Supervising Theses and Projects

Personal Data

Mohammad Modarres 


  Sharif University of Technology

  Department of Industrial Engineering

  Tehran , Iran

  E-mail :

  Office Phone : (+98-21)6165719

  Office Fax : (+98-21) 66022702



  Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Engineering System, 1975.

  Major Field: Operations Research.

  Minor Fields: Reliability & Probability and Real Analysis.

  Advisor: Professor Bruce Miller

    M.S. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Engineering System, 1973,

  Major Field: Operations Research.

    M.S. Tehran University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1968.



  The distinguished professor of year, 2008



  Papers published in Journals

  Azaron, A., Furmans, K., Modarres, M. (2008). Interactive multi-objective stochastic programming approaches for designing robust supply chain networks. To appear in Operations Research Proceedings 2008 (published by Springer).

Azaron, A., Furmans, K., Modarres, M. (2008). Multi-objective stochastic programming approaches for supply chain management. To appear in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. 

Azaron, A., Brown, K.N., Armagan Tarim, S., Modarres, M. (2008). A multi-objective stochastic programming approach for supply chain design considering risk. International Journal of Production Economics, 116 (1), 129-138.

M.R. Feylizadeh, M. Modarres and M. Bagherpour, Optimal crashing of multi-period multi-product production planning problems, World Applied Sciences Journal, 4(4), 2008, 499-505.

 N. Yazdanshenas, A. Eshragh and M. Modarres, A New Approach to Find the Optimal Solution for Base Stock Policies, Journal of Applied Science, 9(4), 2009, pp786-793.

 Akbari Jokar, M. R, Mohsen Sajadieh and M. Modarres, Developing a coordinated vendor-buyer model in two-stage supply chain with stochastic lead-times, Computers & Operations Research, 2009.

 Majid Azizi and Mohammad Modarres, Applying ANP for raw material supply in Iranian paper industry, OR Insight, Vol 21, No. 3, 2009.

Majid Azizi and Mohammad Modarres, A Strategic Model for Location Selection of Wood Industry: An Application of ANP, Journal of Applied Science, Vol 7, No. 3, 2007, pp 326-333.

Nima Yazdanshenas, A. Eshraghnia Jahromi and M. Modarres, An efficient procedure for computing an optimal (R, Q) policy in continuous review system with Poisson demand an constant lead time, to be published in Scientia Iranica.

M . Modarres and Mahsa Ghandehari, Application of circular coloring and ant colony algorithm to cyclic open shop scheduling problems, Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, to be published (in Persian language).

 M. Modarres and E. Bolandifar, Integration of dynamic pricing and overselling with opportunistic cancellation, Iranian Journal of Operations Research, Vol 1, No. 1, pp 74-93.

 M. Sharifyazdi, M. Modarres, Airline Stochastic Capacity Allocation by Applying Revenue Management, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 4, pp 19-27, 2007.

 M. Modarres, Mahsa Ghandehari, Generalized cyclic open shop scheduling and a hybrid algorithm, Journal of Industrial and System Engineering (JICE), Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 345-359, 2008.

 M. Modarres, Mahsa Ghandehari, Applying circular coloring to open shop scheduling, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 15, no. 5, pp652-660.

 M. Modarres and Mehdi Sharifyazdi, Revenue management approach to stochastic capacity allocation problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Article accepted for publication.

 M. Sharifyazdi, M. Modarres, Service Level Based Capacity Rationing Procedure for Make-To-Order Manufacturing System, International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 1, Feb. 2007, pp 1- 16.

 M. Modarres, J.Yadoolahi, A. Jafarnejad, G.R. Jamali, Designing supply chain based on product type and product life cycle, Management knowledge, Vol. 19, winter 2007, No. 75, pp149-176 (in Persian language)

 M. R. Arasti, M. Modarres and M. Delavari, An integrated model to select the most appropriate technology transfer, Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, No. 43, 2007, pp 145-153 , (in Persian Language).

  Darish Mohammadi and M. Modarres, Evidence methodology for performance measurement of supply chain as a tool for design and configuring, Management knowledge, Vol. 19, winter 2007, No. 75, pp75-102 (in Persian language)

 M. Zarghami, R. Ardakanian and M. Modarres, Ranking the inter-basin water transfer using induced ordered weighted averaging operator, Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, No. 37, 2007, pp 99-109 , (in Persian Language).

A. Azaron and M. Modarres, “ Project completion Time in General Dynamic PERT Networks, with Generating Projects ” Scientia Iranica, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp 56-63, Feb. 2007.

 M. Modarres, J., Nazemi, Capacity price decisions, a manufacturing Yield management perspective, Journal of Industrial engineering, International, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006, pp 1-18. M. Modarres, J., Nazemi Yield Management in manufacturing: A Conceptual model & Research propositions, Management Knowledge, No. 70, pp 143-170 

Amir Azaron and M. Modarres, Reliability evaluation and optimization of systems with standby redundancy scheme, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2005, pp 35-45.

 M. Modarres, S.S. Hashemin, S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi, Optimal resource allocation in PERT: a hybrid approach, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 17 , No. 1, 2006, pp 61-67.

 S.M. Hashemi , M. Modarres, E. Nasrabadi, M.M. Nasrabadi Fully Fuzzified Linear Programming, Solution and Duality, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy System, Vol. 16, 2005, pp . 1-9

 M., Azizi, S. Amiri and M. Modarres, Using ANP and BOCR structure for location analysis of plywood and veneer industry plant, the case of Iran, Journal of Institute of Wood Science, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2005, pp 24-33.

M. Kaligiri, A. Azaron, M. Sakawa and M. Modarres, The reliability function of a class of time-dependent systems with standby redundancy, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 164, 2005, pp 378-386.

 M. Modarres and S. Sadi-Nezhad, “Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting Method by Preference Ratio”, AutoSoft-Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2005, pp. 235-244.

M. Modarres, E. Nasrabadi, M.M. Nasrabadi “Fuzzy linear regression analysis from the point of view risk” International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, volume 12, No. 5, October 2004, pp 635-649.

M. Modarres, Saeed Khodamoradi, “The Application of Mixed Integer Programming and Genetic Algorithm in Capacity Expansion”, Management Journal (Danesh Modiriat of Tehran University), No. 63, 2004, pp 131-153, (in Persian Language)

 M. Modarres, E. Nasrabadi, M.M. Nasrabadi “Fuzzy Linear Regression Models with Least Square Errors”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 163, 2005, pp 977-989.
Mohammad Modarres and Ahamd Tavakoli, “ Developing a mathematical model for increasing flexibility in lean production systems, International Journal Engineering Science, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2004, pp 109-123, (in Persian Language).

Amir Azaron and Mohammad Modarres, “Distribution function of the shortest path in networks of queues”, OR Spectrum, Vol. 27, 2005, pp 123-144.

 M. Azizi , S. Amiri, and M. Modarres, Decision making for determination of appropriate Wood Industry Location, Journal of Natural Resources of University of Tehran, Vol. 4, No. 57, 2004, pp 523-536, (in Persian Language).

 Amir Azaron and M. Modarres, Longest Path in Network of Queues in the Steady-State, Journal of Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2004, pp 35-50.

 M. Modarres, Davood Farokhzad and F. Ghasemi, “Solving Long Term Hydro- Thermal Coordination Problem with a Special Genetic Algorithm”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Shiraz, Transaction B, Vol. 28, No. B2, 2004, pp 201-216.

 A. Azaron and M. Modarres, “A New Approach in Reliability Evaluation, Shortest Path of E-Networks”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Shiraz, Transaction B, Vol. 28, No. B2, 2004, pp 191-199.

 M. Modarres, Davood Farokhzad, and Nima Amjdy, “Optimal-Reliable Operation of Hydro-thermal Power System with Random Unit Outage”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 279-287, February 2003.

M. Azizi , M. Modarres, S. Amiri, M. Faezipour and K.Doosthoseini, “The Group Decision Making to Determine Effective Criteria for Wood Industry Location, (Case Study: Iran), International Journal of Inquiry, 2003, Vol. 1, no 1, pp 63-96

M. Modarres and Davood Farokhzad, “Reliability Consideration in Optimization of Cascaded Hydro-thermal Power System”, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2003, Vol. 23, no. 1, pp 6-14.

 M. Modarres and B. Zarei, “Application of Network Theory and AHP in Urban Transportation to Minimize Earthquake Damages”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 2002, Vol. 53, pp 1308-1316.

  M. Modarres and Davood Farokhzad, “Optimization of Reliably Determined Hydro-thermal Power System”, Scientia Iranica, 2002, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 237-247.

  M. Modarres and E. Taimuri, “Optimal solution in a constrained distribution system”, Journal of Engineering, 2002, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp 179-190.

 M. Modarres and S. Sadi-Nezhad, “Ranking Fuzzy Numbers by Preference Ratio”, Fuzzy sets and systems, 200 1, Vol. 118, pp 429- 436.

 M. Modarres and E. Taimuri, “Generalization of multi-item, multi-retailer Distribution System”, Production Planning and Control, 1997, Vol. 8, No.7, pp 645-651.

  M. Modarres, “A Single Supplier Procurement Model with Random Yield”, Journal of Engineering, 1993, Vol. 6, No. 2&3, pp 95-107.

 M. Modarres, “Power Outage Planning”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1990, Vol. 249, No. 11, pp 254-265.

 M. Modarres and A. Azaron, Determining Distribution Function in a Queueing Network, Amirkabir, 2000, Vol. 43, pp. 379- 388 , (in Persian Language).

 M. Modarres and F. Madani, Application of Expert System in Strategy Planning, Journal of Esteghlal, Esfahan, 2000, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 49-59 , (in Persian Language).

 M. Modarres and H. R Faily, Unification of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Programming for Production Planning, Amirkabir, 2000, Vol. 43, pp. 389-398 , (in Persian Language).

 M. T Fatemi G., S. M Mir Kazemi and M. Modarres, Application of Branch and Bound in Capacitated Production Planning, Engineering Science, 1998, Vol. 2-b, pp 17-32, (in Persian Language).

 M. Modarres, “Minimization of Power Outage Costs”, Journal of Barname and Touse, 1988, Vol. 8, pp 17-32.

 B. Miller and M. Modarres, “The Distribution of Recoverable Inventory Items from a Repair Center when the Number of Consumption Centers is Large”, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp 597-604.

Papers presented in Conferences

A. Haery, N. Slamasi, M. Modarres Yazdi and H. Iranmanesh, Application of Asociation Rule Mining in Supplier Selection Criteria, World Academi of Science, Enginnering and Technology, Vol 30, July 2008, pp 358-362.

M. Modarres and Nader Jafari, Supply Chain Network with Normal Distribution, The first international conference of Iranian Society of Operations Research, Kish Island, Iran, February 2008.

S. F. Yusefian and M. Modarres, A Supplier Selection Model to Minimize Simultaneously Mean and Variance of Lead Times, The first international conference of Iranian Society of Operations Research, Kish Island, Iran, February 2008

M. J Feizolahi and M. Modarres, Robust Optimization of a Bank Input and Output, The first international conference of Iranian Society of Operations Research, Kish Island, Iran, February 2008

M. J Feizolahi, A.H. Shokuhi and M. Modarres, Robust Quadratic Assignment Problem, a metaheuristic Algorithm, The first international conference of Iranian Society of Operations Research, Kish Island, Iran, February 2008.

M. J Feizolahi, A.H. Shokuhi, M. Modarres, Robust Quadratic Assignment Problem, fifth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, July 2007.

Mehdi Sharifyazdi and Mohammad Modarres, Train stochastic capacity allocation using revenue management, National Conference on railroad transportation, Tehran, Dec. 2006.

B. Lotaliei, B. Angoshtari, A. Sharbatoghli, M. Modarres, Measuring market risk methodology for stock market portfolio at the Tehran Stock Exchange: customized model for an emerging market, International conference on business, law and technology issues, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 5-7, 2006

M. Modarres and M. Sepandasa, Increasing productivity of multi projects through integrated project management, 2nd International conference of Project management, Tehran, Iran, March 2006.

M. Modarres and A. Asef Vaziri, Determining the fleet size of AMHVs with stochastic jobs, 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, December 2005

M. Modarres, Sami Najafi-Asadolahi, Integrated Pricing and Seat Inventory Control in the Airline Revenue Management , 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, December 2005

 M. Modarres, Mehdi Sharifyazdi, Assignment of a stochastic production capacity to two groups of customers, 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, December 2005

M. Modarres and E. Bolandifar, Periodic review of dynamic pricing with discrete prices, 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, December 2005

 Mohammad Modarres and Mohammadali Pirayesh, (r,Q) Policy in supply chain with fuzzy demand, 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005.

 Mehdi Sharifyazdi, Saeideh Fallah Finin, Mohammad Modarres, Service level based capacity rationing procedure for make to order manufacturing systems, 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005. 

 M. Modarres و Yield Management in Airline Industries, The first International Conference on Air Transport Industries Management in Iran, Kish University, Kish Island, January 2005.

 M. Azizi and M. Modarres, Developing BOCR Structure to Select the Location for the Raw Material Plants to Feed Paper Mills, The second International Management Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, December 2004.

P. Naudé*, L. Modarres Yazdi*, and M. Modarres و “The Diffusion of Information Technology: Insights from Iran Using Judgmental Modeling”, The International Management Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, December 2003.

M. Modarres و B. Masih Tehrani, B. Lotfaliei and S. Taghdisian, “ Optimizing Cutting Stocks”, The International Management Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, December 2003.

M. Modarres and M. Talebian, “Another Look at Bullwhip Effect”, the International Management Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, December 2003.

 Majid Azizi, Mohammad Modarres and Saeed Amiri, “Selecting a Suitable Location for Wood Industry Units”, The 7th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISAHP, Bali, Indonesia, August 2003, pp 127-136.

M. Modarres, M.M. Nasrabadi, E. Nasrabadi and G.R. Mohtashami, “Evaluation of fuzzy linear regression model: a mathematical-programming approach’, 4th Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and its Application, Babolsar, Iran, May 2003.07 pp 129- 135.

M. Modarres and Mehdi Sharif, Determining the optimal decoupling point in the supply chin, the 2nd National Industrial Engineering Conference, Yazd, Iran, February 2003, pp 161-175.

Arash Behzad and Mohammad Modarres, A New Efficient Transformation of Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem into Traveling Salesman Problem, Fifteenth International Conference on Systems Engineering, August 6-8, 2002, Las Vegas, USA, pp 43-46.

H. Ghasaei, M. Modarres and H. Shams, “A new method for glaze optimization”, The 4th Iranian congress of Ceramics, Mashhad, May 2002, pp 243-252.

Ali Eshragh Jahromi and Mohammad Modarres Yazdi, “A new approach to Distribution Fitting, Decision on Belief “, The 53rd Session of International Statistical Institute, Seoul, Korea, August 2001.

M. Modarres and H. Shams, “New Models for Land Leveling Optimization”, First Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, May 2001.

M. Modarres and Davood Farokhzad, “Simultaneous Optimization of Operation and reliability of Hydro-thermal Power System, A new Genetic Algorithm”, First Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, May 2001.

Ali Eshragh and M. Modarres, “Decision on Belief, A new Approach for Distribution Fitting”, First Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, May 2001.

Davood Farokhzad, M. Modarres and R. Ardakanian, “The impact of Uncertainty in Optimal and steady Operation of Hydro-Thermal system with Multi-Purpose Reservoirs”, 15th International Power System Conference, Tehran, 2000, pp 117-128. 

S. Sadi-Nezhad and M. Modarres, “Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process by Preference Ratio, Fourth international Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen, Germany, June 27-29, 2000, pp 96-102.

M. Modarres and B. Zarei, Application of Network and AHP in Urban Transportation to Minimize Earthquake Damages, Operational Research Society Annual Conference, Lancaster University, England, September 1998 

M. Modarres and S. Sadi-Nezhad, “A Fuzzy Ranking Method by Preference Ratio”, Fuzzy Systems Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1998


PhD Theses

  Mahsa Ghandehari, Applying circular coloring and metaheuristic algorithms in open shop scheduling, Sharif University of Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, December 2007.

Mehdi Sharifyazdi, Revenue Management approach to stochastic capacity allocation problem, Sharif University of Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, December 2007.

Gholamreza Jamali, Designing supply chain model based on type and product life cycle, Tehran University, School of Management, September 2007

Darish Mohammadi, Evidence methodology for performance measurement of supply chain, Tehran University, School of Management, July 2007.

 Jamshid Nazemi, Robust supply chain, A yield management, Azad University, Industrial Engineering Department, July 2003

Saeed Khodamoradi, Capacity and equipment expansion planning, Tehran University, School of Management, March 2003.

Ahmad Tavakoli, Developing mathematical model to enhance productivity and flexibility in lean production systems, Tehran University, School of Management, February 2003.

Davood Farokhzad, Long term optimization of hydro-thermal power system operation, Sharif University of Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, September 2001. 

Soheil Sadinejad, A new method in ranking of fuzzy numbers and its application in fuzzy MADM, Azad University, Industrial Engineering Department, March 2000.

Mohsen Purseid Aghae, Scheduling trains for single track railroads, Tarbiat Modarres University, Industrial Engineering Department, October 1999.

 Ebrahim Taimuri, Developing distribution system and supplier selection models, Iran Science and Technology University, Industrial Engineering Department, September 1999.

Hamid Reza Faily, Production planning by applying analytical method and artificial intelligence system, Tarbiat Modarres University, Industrial Engineering Department, March 1997. 

 Behruz Dorry, Development of mathematical approach to promotion in a large organization, Tarbiat Modarres University, School of Management, February 1995.


Industrial Projects

  Optimization of Resources and Consumption in Bank Sanaat-Madan, 2003, Project Manager

  Optimization of Glaze Formula in Ceramic Industry, Ministry of Industry and Mines, 2002, Project Manager.

  Expansion Planning of Workshops of Mehvar Sazan Iran Khodro Company, Supply Chain approach , 2002, Project Manager..

  Layout Design of Assembly Line in Mehvar Sazan Iran Khodro Company , 2002, Project Manager..

 Line Balancing Mehvar Sazan Iran Khodro Company, 2001, Project Manager.

 Development of a Production Planning System for Isfahan Steel Mill, 1989, Project Manager.

 Development of Manpower Planning and Training System in a Mining Complex, 1989, Project Manager.



Queueing Theory (in Persian), The University Press, Tehran, Iran,1990



 Introduction to Mathematical Programmin, By Wayene L. Winston, 1997, Termah Publishing Co., Tehran, ‏ 2002.

 Introduction to Operations Research, By F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, 4th ed., Tondar Publishing Co., Tehran, 1985,1988

 Integrated Production Control System, By David D. Bedworth & James E. Baily, 2nd. Ed., The University Press, Tehran, 1991


  Courses Taught

  Financial Engineering

  Supply Chain Management

  Meta Heuristic Algorithms

  Operations Research 1

  Operations Research 2

  Queueing Theory

  Queueing Systems

  Quantitative Methods

  Operations /Production Management

  Advanced Linear Programming

  Advanced Dynamic Programming

  Special Topics in IE (Seminar)

  Operations Research for Managers

  Mathematical Modeling

  Stochastic Processes

  System Engineering

  Project Management



  Professional Experience

Dean, Golpayegan Engineering College, September 2000- 2001

Chairman of Industrial Engineering department, Sharif University of Technology, 1984-1989.

Head of Infra Structral and Prodution Planning Bureau, Plant and Budget Organization, " Five Year National Development Plan, Infra Strutre and Prodution Sectios" 1981‑1983


  Editor-in-Chief, Iranian Journal of Operations Research


  Board of director, journals of

  · Scientia Iranica,

  · Journal of Industrial and System Engineering,

  · International Journal of Engineering Science,

  · Management Knowledge


  Supervising Theses and Projects

  More than two hundred Theses.

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