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Single-Setup-Multiple-Deliveries for a Single Supplier-Single Buyer with Single Product and Backorder Mona Ahmadi Rad, MohammadJafar Tarokh, Farid Khoshalhan
Fuzzy Queuing Approach for Designing Multi Supplier Systems (Case: SAPCO Company) E. Teimoury, H. Ansari, M. Fathi
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Prediction of Knowledge Worker Productivity Based on Real Coded Genetic Algorithm Asadallah Najafi, Abbas Afrazeh
Finding the Shortest Hamiltonian Path for Iranian Cities Using Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M. Sarmadi
Estimation of Electricity Demand in Residential Sector Using Genetic Algorithm Approach Hossein Sadeghi, Mahdi Zolfaghari, Mohamad Heydarizade
A Fuzzy TOPSIS Method Based on Left and Right Scores Mir. B. Aryanezhad, M.J. Tarokh, M.N. Mokhtarian, F. Zaheri
Investigating Impact of Intelligent Agents in Improving Supply Chain Performance F Etebari, M. Abedzadeh, F. Khoshalhan
Fuzzy Network Analysis for Projects with High Level of Risks – Uncertainty in Time and Structure Reza Morovatdar, Abdolah Aghaie, Simak Haji Yakhchali
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