dehnavi S, sadegheih A. A fuzzy goal programming for dynamic cell formation and production planning problem together with pricing and advertising decisions. IJIEPR 2020; 31 (1) :13-34
A fuzzy goal programming for dynamic cell formation and production planning problem together with pricing and advertising decisions. نشریه بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و تحقیقات تولید. 1399; 31 (1) :13-34
چکیده: (4528 مشاهده)
In this paper, an integrated mathematical model of the dynamic cell formation and production planning, considering the pricing and advertising decision is proposed. This paper puts emphasis on the effect of demand aspects (e.g., pricing and advertising decisions) along with the supply aspects (e.g., reconfiguration, inventory, backorder and outsourcing decisions) in developed model. Due to imprecise and fuzzy nature of input data such as unit costs, capacities and processing times in practice, a fuzzy multi-objective programming model is proposed to determine the optimal demand and supply variables simultaneously. For this purpose, a fuzzy goal programming method is used to solve the equivalent defuzzified multi-objective model. The objective functions are to maximize the total profit for firm and maximize the utilization rate of machine capacity. The proposed model and solution method is verified by a numerical example.
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موضوع مقاله:
Production Planning & Control دریافت: 1397/8/10 | پذیرش: 1398/10/18 | انتشار: 1398/12/25