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Showing 1 results for Single-Phase Induction Motor

H. Shadfar, H. R. Izadfar,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Single-phase induction motors have a wide range of domestic and industrial applications. These motors have a squirrel cage rotor and their stator usually has two windings: main and auxiliary. The use of auxiliary winding in the structure of single-phase induction motors creates two unbalance and asymmetric phases. This causes to increase the spatial harmonics of the field in the air gap, and also useless electromagnetic forces. The purpose of this paper is the reduction of the electromagnetic forces in single-phase induction motors, focusing on the effect of the stator winding distribution. For this purpose, two new and different winding distributions for the motors used in the water coolers will be provided. The produced electromagnetic forces in several conventional single-phase induction motors will be compared with new and conventional windings by means of numerical methods. Numerical analysis is performed by Maxwell software. The results of this analysis indicate improvements in the quality of the performance of these motors in the presence of the provided windings.

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