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Showing 2 results for Sensitive Load

S. M. Sadr, H. Rajabi Mashhadi, M. Ebrahim Hajiabadi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2016)

This paper presents a novel approach for evaluating impacts of price-sensitive loads on electricity price and market power. To accomplish this aim an analytical method along with agent-based computational economics are used. At first, Nash equilibrium is achieved by computational approach of Q-learning then based on the optimal bidding strategies of GenCos, which are figured out by Q-learning, ISO's social welfare maximization is restated considering demand side bidding. In this research, it was demonstrated that Locational Marginal Price (LMP) at each node of system can be decomposed into five components. The first constitutive part is a constant value for the respective bus, while the next two components are related to GenCos and the last two parts are associated to Load Serving Entities (LSEs). Market regulators can acquire valuable information from the proposed LMP decomposition. First, sensitivity of electricity price at each bus and Lerner index of GenCos to the bidding strategies and maximum pricesensitive demand of LSEs are revealed through weighting coefficients of the last two terms in the decomposed LMP. Moreover, the decomposition of LMP expresses contribution of LSEs to the electricity price. The simulation results on two test systems confirm the capability of the proposed approach.

P. Asgharian, R. Noroozian,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Microturbine generation system is one of the most promising and a fast growing distributed generation sources. It is used in various applications thanks to high efficiency, quick start and high reliability. Combination of the microturbine and storage system (e.g. battery bank) is desirable selection to satisfy the load requirements under all conditions and hence the battery bank can play an important role in restoring balance between source and demand. In this paper, modeling of the microturbine with battery energy storage system is presented to supply sensitive loads. Appropriate power exchange between battery and the microturbine is an essential issue so, a new control method is proposed for battery energy storage based on instantaneous value of DC-link voltage. In this new strategy, DC-link voltage as well as battery parameters (current and voltage) are used in order to produce desirable DC-DC switching. A control scheme based on voltage, current and frequency measurement is presented for the corresponding inverter. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink software and the results show that storage along with proper control improves system reliability to supply sensitive load. The proposed configuration can be used as a remote power, emergency power and also in micro-grid.

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