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Showing 1 results for Harmonic Mitigation

S. R. Mousavi-Aghdam, N. Elahi Kachaei,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2021)

This paper presents a new single to three phase converter using rotating magnetic field transformer. Conventional transformers have been used in many converters aiming at supplementary improvements and they usually have no critical effect on the conversion technique. In this paper, the conversion technique is based on a special rotating magnetic field transformer in which there are two windings in the primary and six windings on the secondary side. In the proposed converter, first a single-phase voltage source is applied on the primary windings via a switching technique using thyristors to create a rotating magnetic field. Next, the created field induces three phase voltages on the secondary three phase windings. Nevertheless, the created field in the primary side suffers from low frequency harmonics and can be transmitted to the secondary three phase voltages. Hence, design of the secondary windings is modified to mitigate these harmonics. The paper discusses how the harmonics can be mitigated using two sets of three phase windings with appropriate shift. Finally, the proposed converter is modeled using state equations and the simulation results exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed converter.

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