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Showing 2 results for Emc

A. Hajiaboli, Hodjat-Kashani, M. Omidi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (7-2007)

This paper presents a novel implementation of an electromagnetically coupled patch antenna using air gap filled substrates to achieve the maximum bandwidth. We also propose an efficient modeling technique using the FDTD method which can substantially reduce the simulation cost for modeling the structure. The simulated results have been compared with measurement to show the broadband behavior of the antenna and the accuracy of the proposed modeling technique. The measured results show a 16% of VSWR<2 bandwidth which is considerable considering the inherent bandwidth limitations in microstrip antenna technology.
A. Nemati, M. Pakdel,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2010)

A novel ZVZCS isolated dual series-resonant active-clamp dc–dc converter is proposed to obtain high efficiency. The proposed converter employs an active-clamp technique, while a series-resonant scheme controls the output voltage with the complementary pulse width modulation controller. The active-clamp circuit serves to recycle the energy stored in the leakage inductance or the magnetizing inductance and provides zero-voltage and zero-current turn-on and turn off switching. The voltage stresses of the main switch are clamped. The voltage transient spikes across the dual series active clamp circuit and the current stress of the current-fed side switches are limited by auxiliary active clamping circuits on both sides, and ZVZCS is achieved. The operating principles and design considerations are discussed and verified by simulations using PSIM software. Also, the EMI reduction techniques from EMC point of view in the circuits related to converters has been pointed out.

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