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Showing 44 results for Converter

A.vahedi, M.ramezani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (4-2005)

Dc excitation of the field winding in a synchronous machine can be provided by permanent magnets. Permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) can offer simpler construction, lower weight and size for the same performance, with reduced losses and higher efficiency. Thanks to the mentioned advantages these motors are widely used in different application, therefore analysis and modeling of them, is very important. In this paper a new, fast and simple method is presented to study performance of a PMSM connected to the converter. For this purpose, average-value modeling and related analytical relations which leads to the desired characteristics such as electromagnetic torque, dc current and dc voltage is presented and applied to PMSM & converter system. The advantage of this model lie in reduction of computation time compares to the other dynamic models while keeping accuracy quite acceptable. This model is applicable for studying the steady-state performance of systems as well as dynamic performance.
A. Dastfan, F. Behrangi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2009)

A conventional high power DC power supply systems consist of a three-phase diode rectifier followed by a high frequency converter to supply loads at regulated DC voltage. These rectifiers draw significant harmonic currents from the utility, resulting in poor input power factor. In this paper, a DC power supply based on dual-bridge matrix converter (DBMC) with reduced number of switches is proposed. In the proposed circuit, three switches convert the low frequency AC input to a DC link. A single-phase bridge inverter converts the DC-link to a high frequency AC output. The output of the matrix converter is then processed via a high frequency isolation transformer and rectified to the regulated DC voltage. In the proposed topology only a simple voltage control loop ensures that the output voltage is regulated against load changes as well as input supply variations and the current control loop is not used to correct the input currents. Theory analysis and simulation are made to investigate performance of the proposed circuit. Simulation results show that in the proposed power supply with 7-switch, the input currents are of a high quality under varying load conditions and input voltage.
A. Mohammadpour, H. Mokhtari, M. R Zolghadri,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2009)

Robust performance controller design for duty-cycle controlled series resonant converter (SRC) is proposed in this paper. The uncertainties of the converter are analyzed with load variation and power circuit components tolerances are taken into consideration. Additionally, a nominal performance (NP) controller is designed. Closed-loop system is simulated with Orcad and simulation results of robust controller are compared with nominal performance controller. Although nominal performance controller has better performance for nominal plant, the robust performance controller is advantageous in dealing with uncertainties.
A. Nemati, M. Pakdel,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2010)

A novel ZVZCS isolated dual series-resonant active-clamp dc–dc converter is proposed to obtain high efficiency. The proposed converter employs an active-clamp technique, while a series-resonant scheme controls the output voltage with the complementary pulse width modulation controller. The active-clamp circuit serves to recycle the energy stored in the leakage inductance or the magnetizing inductance and provides zero-voltage and zero-current turn-on and turn off switching. The voltage stresses of the main switch are clamped. The voltage transient spikes across the dual series active clamp circuit and the current stress of the current-fed side switches are limited by auxiliary active clamping circuits on both sides, and ZVZCS is achieved. The operating principles and design considerations are discussed and verified by simulations using PSIM software. Also, the EMI reduction techniques from EMC point of view in the circuits related to converters has been pointed out.
S. M. Dehghan, M. Mohamadian, A. Yazdian, A. H. Rajaei, Mr H. Zahedi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2010)

This paper presents a modified nine switch inverter with two inputs and two Z-source networks. This inverter has two DC inputs and two AC outputs. Input DC voltages can be boosted to the required level. Amplitude, frequency and phase of AC output voltages can be controlled, independently. The proposed converter can be used in applications with two unregulated DC sources, which require feeding two independent loads. Compared to the conventional structure, the proposed converter requires reduced number of semiconductor switches hence improved converter reliability and less volume. Performance of the proposed inverter is verified by experimental results.
H. Abbasi, A. Gholami, A. Abbasi, ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2011)

This paper consist of two sections: control and stabilizing approach for chaotic behaviour of converter is introduced in first section of this paper for the removal of harmonic caused by the chaotic behaviour in current converter. For this work, a Time- Delayed Feedback Controller (TDFC) control method for stability chaotic behaviour of buck converter for switching courses in current control mode is presented. This behaviour is demonstrated by presenting a piecewise linear discrete map for this converter and then combining the feedback equation to obtain the overall equation of the converter. A simple time-delay feedback control method is applied to stabilize the Unstable Periodic Orbits (UPOs). In second section is studied the effect of a parallel metal oxide surge arrester on the ferroresonance oscillations of the transformer. It is expected that the arresters generally cause ferroresonance drop out. Simulation has been done on a three phase power transformer with one open phase. Effect of varying input voltage has been studied. The simulation results reveal that connecting the arrester to the transformer poles, exhibits a great mitigating effect on ferroresonant over voltages. Phase plane along with bifurcation diagrams are also presented. Significant effect on the onset of chaos, the range of parameter values that may lead to chaos and magnitude of ferroresonant voltages has been obtained, shown and tabulated.
D. Arab Khaburi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2012)

This paper presents a comparative study on the Predictive Direct Torque Control method and the Indirect Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control method for a Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) which its rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter (IMC). In Conventional DTC technique, good transient and steady-state performances are achieved but it presents a non constant switching frequency behavior and non desirable torque ripples. However, in this paper by using the proposed methods, a fixed switching frequency is obtained. In this model Doubly-Fed Induction Machine is connected to the grid by the stator and the rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter. Functionally this converter is very similar to the Direct Matrix Converter, but it has separate line and load bridges. In the inverter stage, the Predictive method and ISVM method are employed. In the rectifier stage, in order to reduce losses caused by snubber circuits, the rectifier fourstep commutation method is employed. A comparative study between the Predictive DTC and ISVM-DTC is performed by simulating these control systems in MATLAB/SIMULINK software environments and the obtained results are presented and verified.
C. Nagarajan, M. Madheswaran,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2012)

This paper presents a Closed Loop CLL-T (capacitor inductor inductor) Series Parallel Resonant Converter (SPRC) has been simulated and the performance is analysised. A three element CLL-T SPRC working under load independent operation (voltage type and current type load) is presented in this paper. The Steady state Stability Analysis of CLL-T SPRC has been developed using State Space technique and the regulation of output voltage is done by using Fuzzy controller. The simulation study indicates the superiority of fuzzy control over the conventional control methods. The proposed approach is expected to provide better voltage regulation for dynamic load conditions. A prototype 300 W, 100 kHz converter is designed and built to experimentally demonstrate, dynamic and steady state performance for the CLL-T SPRC are compared from the simulation studies.
R. Ghazi, A. Khajeh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Nowadays, the doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) based wind turbines (WTs) are the dominant type of WTs connected to grid. Traditionally the back-to-back converters are used to control the DFIGs. In this paper, an Indirect Matrix Converter (IMC) is proposed to control the generator. Compared with back-to-back converters, IMCs have numerous advantages such as: higher level of robustness, reliability, reduced size and weight due to the absence of bulky electrolytic capacitor. According to the recent grid codes it is required that wind turbines remain connected to the grid during grid faults and following voltage dips. This feature is called low voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability. In this paper the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller is used for optimal control of the DFIG. The weighting matrices of the LQR are obtained using the genetic algorithm (GA) technique. With the LQR controller the intention is to improve the LVRT capability of the DFIG wind turbines to satisfy the new LVRT requirements. Compared to the PI controller, the superiority of the LQR controller in improving the transient stability and LVRT performance of the DFIG wind turbines is evident. Simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed controller.
M. Hosseini Abardeh, R. Ghazi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2015)

The matrix converter instability can cause a substantial distortion in the input currents and voltages which leads to the malfunction of the converter. This paper deals with the effects of input filter type, grid inductance, voltage fed to the modulation algorithm and the synchronous rotating digital filter time constant on the stability and performance of the matrix converter. The studies are carried out using eigenvalues of the linearized system and simulations. Two most common schemes for the input filter (LC and RLC) are analyzed. It is shown that by a proper choice of voltage input to the modulation algorithm, structure of the input filter and its parameters, the need for the digital filter for ensuring the stability can be resolved. Moreover, a detailed model of the system considering the switching effects is simulated and the results are used to validate the analytical outcomes. The agreement between simulation and analytical results implies that the system performance is not deteriorated by neglecting the nonlinear switching behavior of the converter. Hence, the eigenvalue analysis of the linearized system can be a proper indicator of the system stability.
A. Vahedi, A. Baktash,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Recently, tape wound cores due to their excellent magnetic properties, are widely used in different types of transformers. Performance prediction of these transformers needs an accurate model with ability to determine flux distribution within the core and magnetic loss. Spiral structure of tape wound cores affects the flux distribution and always cause complication of analysis. In this paper, a model based on reluctance networks method is presented for analysis of magnetic flux in wound cores. Using this model, distribution of longitudinal and transverse fluxes within the core can be determined. To consider the nonlinearity of the core, a dynamic hysteresis model is included in the presented model. Having flux density in different points of the core, magnetic losses can be calculated. To evaluate the validity of the model, results are compared with 2-D FEM simulations. In addition, a transformer designed for series-resonant converter and simulation results are compared with experimental measurements. Comparisons show accuracy of the model besides simplicity and fast convergence
M. Oloumi, R. Ghazi, M. Monfared,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (6-2015)

This paper provides a detailed comparative study concerning the performance of min-projection strategy (MPS) and model predictive control (MPC) systems to control the three-phase grid connected converters. To do so, first, the converter is modeled as a switched linear system. Then, the feasibility of the MPS technique is investigated and its stability criterion is derived as a lower limit on the DC link voltage. Next, the fundamental equations of the MPS to control a VSC are obtained in the stationary reference frame. The mathematical analysis reveals that the MPS is independent of the load, grid, filter and converter parameters. This feature is a great advantage of MPS over the MPC approach. However, the latter is a well-known model-based control technique, has already developed for controlling the VSC in the stationary reference frame. To control the grid connected VSC, both MPS and MPC approaches are simulated in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment. Simulation results illustrate that the MPS is functioning well and is less sensitive to grid and filter inductances as well as the DC link voltage level. However, the MPC approach renders slightly a better performance in the steady state conditions.
M. Alizadeh Moghadam, R. Noroozian, S. Jalilzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2015)

This paper presents modeling, simulation and control of matrix converter (MC) for variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) system including permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). At a given wind velocity, the power available from a wind turbine is a function of its shaft speed. In order to track maximum power, the MC adjusts the PMSG shaft speed.The proposed control system allowing independent control maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of generator side and regulate reactive power of grid side for the operation of the VSWT system. The MPPT is implemented by a new control system. This control system is based on control of zero d-axis current (ZDC). The ZDC control can be realized by transfer the three-phase stator current in the stationary reference frame into d-and q-axis components in the synchronous reference frame. Also this paper is presented, a novel control strategy to regulate the reactive power supplied by a variable speed wind energy conversion system. This control strategy is based on voltage oriented control (VOC). The simulation results based on Simulink/Matlab software show that the controllers can extract maximum power and regulate reactive power under varying wind velocities.


E. Babaei, M. R. Farzinnia,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2016)

In this paper, a new topology for Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer (IDVR) is proposed. This topology contains two direct three-phase converters which have been connected together by a common fictitious dc-link. According to the kind of the disturbances, both of the converters can be employed as a rectifier or inverter. The converters receive the required compensation energy from the gird through the direct link which is provided by the dual-proposed switches. Due to the lack of the huge storage elements, the practical prototype of the proposed topology is more economical in comparison with the traditional structure. Moreover, compensating for long time duration is possible due to the unlimited eternal energy which is provided from the grids. The low volume, cost and weight are the additional features of the proposed topology in comparison with traditional types. This topology is capable to compensate both of the balanced and unbalanced disturbances. Furthermore, restoring the deep sags and power outages will be possible with the support from the other grid. Unlike the conventional topologies, the capability of compensation is independent from the power flow and the power factor of each grid. The performance of the proposed IDVR topology is validated by computer simulation with PSCAD/EMTDC software.

E. Babaei, Z. Saadatizadeh, S. Laali,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2016)

In this paper, a new bidirectional buck-boost dc-dc converter with capability of soft switching and zero input current ripple is proposed. The coupled inductor is used in the proposed converter to eliminate the input current ripple. In the proposed converter, zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS) can be obtained for the main and auxiliary switches, respectively. In addition, the proposed topology is analyzed in all operating modes and all equations of voltage and current for components are obtained. Moreover, the required conditions for soft switching operation and also achieving zero input current ripple are calculated. Finally, the acuracy performance of the proposed converter is reconfirmed through simulation results in EMTDC/PSCAD software program.

M. Khalilzadeh, A. Fereidunian,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)

In this paper, a stochastic approach is proposed for reliability assessment of bidirectional DC-DC converters, including the fault-tolerant ones. This type of converters can be used in a smart DC grid, feeding DC loads such as home appliances and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The reliability of bidirectional DC-DC converters is of such an importance, due to the key role of the expected increasingly utilization of DC grids in modern Smart Grid. Markov processes are suggested for reliability modeling and consequently calculating the expected effective lifetime of bidirectional converters. A three-leg bidirectional interleaved converter using data of Toyota Prius 2012 hybrid electric vehicle is used as a case study. Besides, the influence of environment and ambient temperature on converter lifetime is studied. The impact of modeling the reliability of the converter and adding reliability constraints on the technical design procedure of the converter is also investigated. In order to investigate the effect of leg increase on the lifetime of the converter, single leg to five-leg interleave DC-DC converters are studied considering economical aspect and the results are extrapolated for six and seven-leg converters. The proposed method could be generalized so that the number of legs and input and output capacitors could be an arbitrary number.

M. Khalilzadeh, B. Asaei, M. R. Nikzad,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2017)

In this paper a novel four-leg interleaved DC-DC boost converter is proposed which is well suitable for fuel cell vehicles (FCV) application. The voltage stress of two switches of this converter is half of the conventional interleaved converters. Therefore, smaller and cheaper switches can be utilized. Also "on" state duration of the two of four switches are reduced in comparison with conventional converter. Furthermore, comparing the losses of the proposed converter to conventional one – which is used in ،Toyota Mirai 2015 – shows a significant loss reduction in full power range. The proposed converter is simulated within an FCV in urban and highway driving cycles using ADVISOR software. The results show that the average power loss of the converter is improved about 32% in urban cycle and about 17% in highway cycle comparing to conventional one.

M. Ghani Varzaneh, A. Rajaei, M. Fakhraei,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2017)

This paper presents a new structure to provide the ability for power sharing of two Z-source inverters. According to the operation principles of Z-source inverters, only one input source supplies the circuit, which is a limitation particularly for the stand alone systems feeded by limited output power such as photovoltaics and feul cells. Furthermore; if one source fails to supply,  the load can't be supplied. This paper covers those via interconnection of impedance network of two Z-source inverters. The operating principles of the proposed topology for the stand-alone and power sharing conditions are described and the relations are derived. The topology is simulated, which the results verify the theoretical analysis and well performance of the system. 

E. Babaei, H. Feyzi, R. Gholizadeh-Roshanagh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2017)

In this paper, a generalized buck-boost Z-H converter based on switched inductors is proposed. This structure consists of a set of series connected switched-inductor cells. The voltage conversion ratio of the proposed structure is adjusted by changing the number of cells and the duty cycle. Like the conventional Z-H converter, the shoot-through switching state and the diode before LC network are eliminated. The proposed converter can provide high voltage gain in low duty cycles. Considering different values for duty cycle, the proposed structure works in two operating zones. In the first operating zone, it works as a buck-boost converter and in the second operating zone, it works as a boost converter. In this paper, a complete analysis of the proposed converter is presented. In order to confirm the accuracy of mathematic calculations, the simulations results by using PSCAD/EMTDC software are given.

H. Torkaman, T. Hemmati,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2018)

This paper introduces a novel two transistors forward topology employing a z-source to achieve ZVZCS and power transformer resetting for various applications. Comparing with the forward converter, this topology has the advantage of displaying ZCS condition with an added Z-Source and no additional switches when the switches turn on, and that ZVS condition happens when the switches turn off. Duty cycle of the topology can exceed 50 percent. As a result, these converters are suitable for applications with high efficiency. In this paper, structure and properties of the topology will be discussed in details. Then the design principles will be presented. Finally, the benefits aforementioned will be approved in practice through a simple forward converter.

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