V. Esmaeili, M. Mohassel Feghhi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (9-2023)
The coronavirus disease or COVID-19, as a global disease, is an unprecedented health care crisis due to increasing mortality and its high rate of infection. Patients usually show significant complications in the respiratory system. This disease is caused by SARS-CoV-2. Decreasing the time of diagnosis is essential for reducing deaths and low spreading of the virus. Also, using the optimal tool in the pediatric setting and Intensive care unit (ICU) is required. Therefore, using lung ultrasound is recommended. It does not have any radiation and it has a lower cost. However, it makes noisy and low-quality data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Uniform Local Binary Pattern on Five intersecting Planes and convolutional neural Network (ULBPFP-Net) that overcomes the said limitation. We extract worthwhile features from five planes for feeding a network. Our experiments confirm the success of the ULBPFP-Net in COVID-19 diagnosis compared to the previous approaches.