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Showing 2 results for Zakipour

A. Zakipour, K. Aminzare, M. Salimi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (September 2022)

Considering the presence of different model parameters and controlling variables, as well as the nonlinear nature of DC to AC inverters; stabilizing the closed-loop system for grid current balancing is a challenging task. To cope with these issues, a novel sliding mode controller is proposed for the current balancing of local loads using grid-connected inverters in this paper. The closed-loop system includes two different controlling loops: a current controller which regulates the output current of grid-connected inverter and a voltage controller which is responsible for DC link voltage regulation. The main features of the proposed nonlinear controller are reactive power compensation, harmonic filtering and three-phase balancing of local nonlinear loads.  The developed controller is designed based on the state-space averaged modelling its stability and robustness are proved analytically using the Lyapunov stability theorem. The accuracy and effectiveness of proposed controlled approach are investigated through the PC-based simulations in MATLAB/Simulink.

S. Shabani, M. Asadi, A. Zakipour,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (March 2023)

In this paper, parasitic capacitors and common mode voltage (CMV) are modeled in a delta connection multilevel cascaded STATCOM. In high frequency and high voltage applications the parasitic capacitors play important role in common mode voltages. In this paper, parasitic capacitors and CMV are modeled in a multilevel cascaded STATCOM and also parasitic currents are calculated, then a method will be proposed to reduce the effects of the parasitic capacitors. The values of parasitic capacitors are calculated by finite element software. Finally, a delta connection 13-level cascaded STATCOM with parasitic capacitors will be simulated in MATLAB Simulink and then simulation results will be presented.

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