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Showing 1 results for Sanatgar

M. Sanatgar, M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Bali Lashak,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (September 2019)

This paper presents the control approach for single inverter dual coupled brushless DC motors (DCBLDC) drive system. One of the basic requirements of such systems, is the power balance between two motors and on the other hand, minimizing mechanical fluctuations in order to avoid mechanical equipment damage especially in the state of mechanical resonance. This paper also presents an improved form of the conventional direct torque control (IDTC) for the DCBLDC, which can be used on nine-switch inverters (NSIs). The conventional approaches used in the coupled motors are considered, and then a combination of torque and velocity control is proposed for DCBLDC. After theoretical analysis and drive modeling, whose performance has been simulated by MATLAB/Simulink in terms of dispatching balanced power as well as dealing with transient phenomena owing to malfunctioning of the mechanical connection line. Finally, experiments with the 120W BLDC motors are executed to verify the feasibility of the proposed approach.

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