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Gh. Khandar-Shahabad, J. Beiza, J. Pouladi, T. Abedinzadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (September 2022)

A new regionalization algorithm is presented to improve wide-area backup protection (WABP) of the power system. This method divides the power system into several protection zones based on the proposed optimal measurement device (MD) placement and electrical distances. The modified binary particle swarm optimization is used to achieve the optimal MD placement in the first step. Next, the power system is divided into small protection zones (SPZ) using the topology matrix of the power system and MD locations. Finally, the SPZs are combined to accomplish the main protection zones and protection centers according to electrical distances, degree of buses, and communication link constraints. The introduced regionalization formulation can help provide a rapid and secure WABP for power systems. This method was applied to several IEEE standard test systems, and the simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

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