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Showing 2 results for Olabode

A. O. Amole, O. E. Olabode, D. O. Akinyele, S. G. Akinjobi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (September 2022)

Milk is one of the important dairy foods, which forms an essential building block in the feed formulation for infant and growing children, and adults alike. However, the quality of the final product largely depends on the temperature of the pasteurization process. It is, therefore, a necessity to ensure that optimum temperature is maintained during pasteurization process, as over-temperature kills all the essential nutrients contained in the final product and similarly, low temperature is not desirable as the final product will not yield the desired nutritional value. As a result, the application of optimal temperature control scheme is a critical requirement for milk pasteurization. It is, on this background, that this paper presents the use of a Proportional (P), Integral (I), Derivative (D) abbreviated as PID controller for optimal control of temperature in the milk pasteurization process. The milk pasteurization temperature was modeled based on the first law of thermodynamics, while three different tuning techniques namely; Zigler-Nichols (ZN), Chien-Hrones-Reswick (CHR) and Cohen-Coon (CC) were employed to tune the PID controller for optimal control of the milk pasteurization temperature. The control schemes were simulated in MATLAB/Simulink, and the performance of each tuning technique was evaluated using the rise time, settling time, peak amplitude, and overshoot. Results showed that ZN tuned PID controller gave the lowest rise time, settling time, and peak amplitude of 0.177s, 0.34s, and 0.993, respectively, while the lowest overshoot of 0% was attained by both ZN and CHR. Based on these results, CC tuned PID controller exhibited moderate rise time of 1.02s, settling time of 6.49s, and overshoot of 5.67%, indicating that its performance is comparatively preferred with respect to other tuning techniques investigated. The results of this research find application in diary industries as it provides insight into the appropriate tuning technique for the PID controller to ensure optimum temperature control during milk pasteurization.

I. K. Okakwu, O. E. Olabode, D. O. Akinyele, T. O. Ajewole,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (June 2023)

This paper evaluates the wind potential of some specified locations in Nigeria, and then examines the response of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) to this potential. The study employs eight probability distribution (PD) functions such as Weibull (Wbl), Rayleigh (Ryh), Lognormal (Lgl), Gamma (Gma), Inverse Gaussian (IG), Normal (Nl), Maxwell (Mwl) and Gumbel (Gbl) distributions to fit the wind data for nine locations in Nigeria viz. Kano, Maiduguri, Jos, Abuja, Akure, Abeokuta, Uyo, Warri and Ikeja. The paper then uses the maximum likelihood (ML) method to obtain the parameters of the distributions and then evaluates the goodness of fit for the PD models to characterize the locations’ wind speeds using the minimum Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The paper analyses the techno-economic aspect of the WECSs based on the daily average wind speed; it evaluates the performance of ten 25 kW pitch-controlled wind turbines (WT1 – WT10) with dissimilar characteristics for each location, including the cost/kWh of energy (COE) and the sensitivity analyses of the WECSs. Results reveal that Ryh distribution shows the best fit for Kano, Jos, Abeokuta, Uyo, Warri and Ikeja, while the Lgl distribution shows the best fit for Maiduguri, Abuja and Akure due to their minimum RMSE. WT7 achieves the least COE ranging from $0.0328 in Jos to $4.4922 in Uyo and WT5 has the highest COE ranging from $0.1380 in Ikeja to $53.371 in Uyo. The paper also details the sensitivity analysis for the technical and economic aspects.

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