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Showing 2 results for Mohammadpour

A. Mohammadpour, H. Mokhtari, M. R Zolghadri,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (December 2009)

Robust performance controller design for duty-cycle controlled series resonant converter (SRC) is proposed in this paper. The uncertainties of the converter are analyzed with load variation and power circuit components tolerances are taken into consideration. Additionally, a nominal performance (NP) controller is designed. Closed-loop system is simulated with Orcad and simulation results of robust controller are compared with nominal performance controller. Although nominal performance controller has better performance for nominal plant, the robust performance controller is advantageous in dealing with uncertainties.
M. Sedighizadeh, S. M. M. Alavi, A. Mohammadpour,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (September 2020)

Regarding the advances in technology and anxieties around high and growing prices of fossil fuels, government incentives increase to produce cleaner and sustainable energy through distributed generations. This makes trends in the using microgrids which consist of electric demands and different distributed generations and energy storage systems. The optimum operation of microgrids with considering demand-side management increases efficiency and reliability and maximize the advantages of using distributed generations. In this paper, the optimal operation scheduling and unit commitment of generation units installed in a microgrid are investigated. The microgrid consists of technologies based on natural gas that are microturbine and phosphoric acid fuel cell and technologies based on renewable energy, including wind turbine and photovoltaic unit along with battery energy storage system and plug-in electric vehicle commercial parking lot. The goal of the paper is to solve a multi-objective problem of maximizing revenues of microgrid operator and minimizing emissions. This paper uses an augmented epsilon constraint method for solving the multi-objective problem in a stochastic framework and also implements a fuzzy-based decision-maker for choosing the suitable optimal solution amid Pareto front solutions. This new model implements the three type of the price-based and incentive-based demand response program. It also considers the generation reserve in order to enhance the flexibility of operations. The presented model is tested on a microgrid and the results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model economically and environmentally compared to other methods.

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