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Showing 2 results for Bouktir

O. Herbadji, L. Slimani, T. Bouktir,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (March 2019)

In this study, a multiobjective optimization is applied to Optimal Power Flow Problem (OPF). To effectively achieve this goal, a Multiobjective Ant Lion algorithm (MOALO) is proposed to find the Pareto optimal front for the multiobjective OPF. The aim of this work is to reach good solutions of Active and Reactive OPF problem by optimizing 4-conflicting objective functions simultaneously. Here are generation cost, environmental pollution emission, active power losses, and voltage deviation. The performance of the proposed MOALO algorithm has been tested on various electrical power systems with different sizes such as IEEE 30-bus, IEEE 57-bus, IEEE 118-bus, IEEE 300-bus systems and on practical Algerian DZ114-bus system. The results of the tests proved the versatility of the algorithm when applied to large systems. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been confirmed by comparing the results obtained with those obtained by other algorithms given in the literature for the same test systems.

A. Boukaroura, L. Slimani, T. Bouktir,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (September 2020)

The progression towards smart grids, integrating renewable energy resources, has increased the integration of distributed generators (DGs) into power distribution networks. However, several economic and technical challenges can result from the unsuitable incorporation of DGs in existing distribution networks. Therefore, optimal placement and sizing of DGs are of paramount importance to improve the performance of distribution systems in terms of power loss reduction, voltage profile, and voltage stability enhancement. This paper proposes a methodology based on Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm (DA) for optimal allocation and sizing of DG units in distribution networks to minimize power losses considering variations of load demand profile. Load variations are represented as lower and upper bounds around base levels. Efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated on IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus radial distribution test networks. The results show the performance of this method over other existing methods in the literature.

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