Showing 8 results for Type of Study: Review Paper
S. R. Talebiyan, S. Hosseini-Khayat,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2009)
A fast low-power 1-bit full adder circuit suitable for nano-scale CMOS implementation is presented. Out of the three modules in a common full-adder circuit, we have replaced one with a new design, and optimized another one, all with the goal to reduce the static power consumption. The design has been simulated and evaluated using the 65 nm PTM models.
Z. Abolhasani, M. Tayarani,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2009)
In this paper, chiral E-shaped resonators are used in a waveguide. Direction of EM wave and position of resonators for effective excitation is studied and various resonances of E-shaped resonators are determined. As a consequence an analytical equivalent circuit model is proposed. Finally, an array of these resonators is used to realize a wide reject band. The resulted band stop filter performance is simulated and a rejection level of almost 40 dB is achieved to confirm the effectiveness of the idea. This stopband filter is used in cascade with a bandpass filter to suppress its spurious response.
K. Saghafi, M. K Moravvej-Farshi, R. Faez, A. Shahhoseini,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2009)
In this paper, we have investigated the effects of asymmetry in the source and drain capacitance of metallic island single electron transistors. By comparing the source and drain Fermi levels, in the ground and source referenced biasing configurations, with the island’s discrete charging energy levels for various gate voltages, we have derived a set of closed form equations for the device threshold voltage. Extending our technique, for the first time, we have also modeled the “kink effect” appearing in the device ID-VDS characteristic, next to the threshold voltage. To demonstrate how accurate the calculated values of the threshold and kink voltages obtained from the analytically derived formulas are, next, we have used the master equation based on the orthodox theory to simulate the device parameters, numerically. Comparisons of the numerical results, obtained from both techniques, have demonstrated the tolerances in our analytical calculations, for the worst case, are less than 1%.
D. Arab Khaburi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2012)
This paper presents a comparative study on the Predictive Direct Torque Control
method and the Indirect Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control method for a
Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) which its rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix
Converter (IMC). In Conventional DTC technique, good transient and steady-state
performances are achieved but it presents a non constant switching frequency behavior and
non desirable torque ripples. However, in this paper by using the proposed methods, a fixed
switching frequency is obtained. In this model Doubly-Fed Induction Machine is connected
to the grid by the stator and the rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter. Functionally
this converter is very similar to the Direct Matrix Converter, but it has separate line and
load bridges. In the inverter stage, the Predictive method and ISVM method are employed.
In the rectifier stage, in order to reduce losses caused by snubber circuits, the rectifier fourstep
commutation method is employed. A comparative study between the Predictive DTC
and ISVM-DTC is performed by simulating these control systems in
MATLAB/SIMULINK software environments and the obtained results are presented and
B Rezaeealam,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2013)
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new technique for row spacing measurement in a wire array using giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensor. The self-rectifying property of the GMR-based probes leads to accurately detection of the magnetic field fluctuations caused by surface-breaking cracks in conductive materials, shape-induced magnetic anisotropy, etc. The ability to manufacture probes having small dimensions and high sensitivity (11 mV/mT) to low magnetic fields over a broad frequency range (from dc up to 1 MHz) enhances the spatial resolution of such a probe that is applicable to eddy current testing (ECT) techniques. Here, an AC uniform magnetic field is formed using a Helmholtz coil in which by scanning the probe over an array of acupuncture needles, the distances between them are detected. The results verified the possibility and the performance of the proposed row spacing measurement using GMR sensor.
R. Gandotra, K. Pal,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2022)
The growing demand increases the maximum utilization of transmission and distribution lines which causes overloading, high losses, instability, contingency, and congestion. To enhance the performance of AC transmission and distribution systems FACTS devices are used. These devices assist in solving different issues of transmission lines such as instability, congestion, power flow, and power losses. Advancement in developed technology leads to the development of special application-based FACTS controllers. The main issues are concerned while placing the FACTS controller in the transmission and distribution lines to maximize the flow of power. Various methods like analytic method, arithmetic programming approaches, meta-heuristic optimization approaches, and hybrid approaches are being employed for the optimal location of FACTS controllers. This paper presents a review of various types of FACTS controllers available with both analytical and meta-heuristic optimization methods for the optimal placement of FACTS controllers. This paper also presents a review of various applications of FACTS devices such as stability improvement, power quality, and congestion management which are the main issues in smart power systems. Today’s smart power systems comprise the smart grids with smart meters and ensure continuous high quality of power to the consumers.
N. Danapour, E. Akbari, M. Tarafdar-Hagh,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2022)
In electricity generation through photovoltaic cells, efficient inverters are required to inject the generated power into the grid. Among the inverters connected to the grid, current source inverters despite their advantages are used less than voltage source ones. Different circuits are presented for these converters. In this paper, several power circuit topologies of the current source inverters, which are an interface between solar panels and the grid, are reviewed. Also, the inverters are compared from the point of some indexes like efficiency, voltage transmission ratio, total harmonic distortion, leakage currents, and their reduction methods. The importance of these indexes is investigated too. Categorization is for full-bridge inverters and special structures groups. The first group includes the conventional inverter, 4-leg inverter, CH7 CSI, H7 CSI, three-mode, and other structures. The second group consists of inverters with special structures and is independent of the conventional CSI. The summary of the studies is presented in a table.
Zahraa Talib,
Volume 21, Issue 0 (3-2025)
Electronic systems reliant on solar sources need DC voltage over 50 volts; hence, the use of converters is essential to satisfy client requirements. Converters modify the output voltage based on the input voltage. Quadratic DC-DC step-up converters are often used to enhance voltage transfer gain and efficiency. This sort of converter circumvents the issues associated with regular cascaded converters. Alongside the primary aims of its use, the researcher must address the practical aspects of the suggested approach, including duty cycle operational range, output voltage fluctuations, reduction of component consumption, cost, and complexity. This article examines and compares quadratic step-up converter topologies from recent years, highlighting researchers' endeavours to attain high voltage transfer gain, regulated output, and efficiency. The comparison results of the high gain converter are shown (Table 1) to assist in selecting an appropriate high gain topology for a particular application.