Volume 8, Issue 3 (September 2012)                   IJEEE 2012, 8(3): 259-267 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (6958 Views)
This paper presents a Closed Loop CLL-T (capacitor inductor inductor) Series Parallel Resonant Converter (SPRC) has been simulated and the performance is analysised. A three element CLL-T SPRC working under load independent operation (voltage type and current type load) is presented in this paper. The Steady state Stability Analysis of CLL-T SPRC has been developed using State Space technique and the regulation of output voltage is done by using Fuzzy controller. The simulation study indicates the superiority of fuzzy control over the conventional control methods. The proposed approach is expected to provide better voltage regulation for dynamic load conditions. A prototype 300 W, 100 kHz converter is designed and built to experimentally demonstrate, dynamic and steady state performance for the CLL-T SPRC are compared from the simulation studies.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Converters
Received: 2011/02/18 | Revised: 2014/11/18 | Accepted: 2012/09/19

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