Volume 7, Issue 1 (March 2011)                   IJEEE 2011, 7(1): 19-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (8785 Views)
This paper presents a new method called vespiary regular hexagonal (VRH) model in order to calculate parasitic capacitance between conductor wire filaments of one turn of coil (OTC) and between conductor wire filaments and liner and also total capacitance of one turn of the helix magneto flux cumulative generator (MCG) coil include single-layer conductor wire filaments in form of rectangular cross-section. In this paper, wire filaments of the coil are separated into many very small similar elementary cells. In this structure, an equilateral lozenge-shape basic cell (ELBC) with two trapezium-shape regions is considered between two adjacent conductor wire filaments in one turn of the generator coil. This method applies to calculate stray capacitance of one turn of the coil with multi conductor wire filaments (CWFs).
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Electrical Machines Design
Received: 2010/08/19 | Revised: 2011/12/24 | Accepted: 2013/12/30

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