Volume 16, Issue 3 (September 2020)                   IJEEE 2020, 16(3): 412-424 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (3156 Views)
Distribution load flow (DLF) calculation is one of the most important tools in distribution networks. DLF tools must be able to perform fast calculations in real-time studies at the presence of distributed generators (DGs) in a smart grid environment even in conditions of change in the network topology. In this paper, a new method for DLF in radial active distribution networks is proposed. The method performs a very fast DLF using zooming algorithm associated with a fast-decoupled reactive power compensation (ZAFDRC) technique, not in all of the buses of the grid, causes to reduce the solution time, which is the most important issue in the real-time studies. The proposed method is based on the zooming algorithm and does not require to calculate the bus-injection to branch-current (BIBC) matrix which reduces the computational burden and helps to decrease the solution time. The method is tested on the IEEE 69-bus systems as a balanced network and the IEEE 123-bus as a very unbalanced system. The results confirm the high accuracy and high speed of the proposed method.
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  • Distribution load flow (DLF) calculation is studied in radial distribution networks, considering the presence of distributed generation plants in the PV-mode.
  • A very fast DLF using zooming algorithm associated with a fast-decoupled reactive power compensation technique causes to reduce the solution time.
  • A new physical connection matrix building method is proposed.
  • The method is tested on the IEEE 69-bus as a balanced network and the IEEE 123-bus as a very unbalanced system.

Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Distribution Systems Efficiency
Received: 2019/02/15 | Revised: 2019/09/25 | Accepted: 2019/10/06

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