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Showing 2 results for Lateral Spreading

M. H. Baziar, A. Saeedi Azizkandi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

Due to its critical impact and significant destructive nature during and after seismic events, soil liquefaction and liquefactioninduced

lateral ground spreading have been increasingly important topics in the geotechnical earthquake engineering field

during the past four decades. The aim of this research is to develop an empirical model for the assessment of liquefaction-induced

lateral ground spreading. This study includes three main stages: compilation of liquefaction-induced lateral ground spreading

data from available earthquake case histories (the total number of 525 data points), detecting importance level of seismological,

topographical and geotechnical parameters for the resulted deformations, and proposing an empirical relation to predict

horizontal ground displacement in both ground slope and free face conditions. The statistical parameters and parametric study

presented for this model indicate the superiority of the current relation over the already introduced relations and its applicability

for engineers.

Ali Kavand, S.mohsen Haeri, Arian Asefzadeh, Iraj Rahmani, Abbas Ghalandarzadeh, Ali Bakhshi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (7-2014)

In this paper, different aspects of the behavior of 2×2 pile groups under liquefaction-induced lateral spreading in a 3-layer soil profile is investigated using large scale 1-g shake table test. Different parameters of the response of soil and piles including time-histories of accelerations, pore water pressures, displacements and bending moments are presented and discussed in the paper. In addition, distribution of lateral forces due to lateral spreading on individual piles of the groups is investigated in detail. The results show that total lateral forces on the piles are influenced by the shadow effect as well as the superstructure mass attached to the pile cap. It was also found that lateral forces exerted on the piles in the lower half of the liquefied layer are significantly larger than those recommended by the design code. Based on the numerical analyses performed, it is shown that the displacement based method is more capable of predicting the pile group behavior in this experiment comparing to the force based method provided that the model parameters are tuned.

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