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Showing 1 results for Inclined Strut

Z. Sabzi, A. Fakher,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Limitations in the design method used for the support systems of urban buildings make them vulnerable to damage by adjacent excavations. This paper examines a traditional system used to support excavation sites and adjacent buildings in which inclined struts are connected to the wall or foundation of the adjacent building. This method can be considered to be a type of shoring or underpinning. The performance of buildings and the criteria for deformation control during excavation are introduced. Next, a 2D finite element analysis is presented in which an excavation is modeled considering the parameters from the adjacent building and the inclined struts. The numerical model is capable of simulating the overall excavation and installation of the support system. The soil is modeled using an elastic perfectly-plastic constitutive relation based on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The finite element model is validated using Rankine earth pressure and in situ data was measured during an excavation. The effect of different variables on performance and acceptable limits for the inclined strut are discussed. The model used for the parametric study shows the influence of the characteristics of the adjacent building, soil parameters, geometry of excavation, type of excavation and effect of strut installation. It was found that one type of strut arrangement produced the best possible result. The results can be used as a primary approximation of small-to-medium depth excavations in which struts are used to reduce the deflections.

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