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Showing 2 results for Diffusivity

Shooshpasha I.,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2003)

This study was designed to investigate the local volume changes induced by swelling pressure in unsaturated stand-bentonite bused buffer material. A laboratory mixture of sodium bentonite (lilt/ well graded silica stool in equal proportion by do weight was used for moisture floss experiments in both ambient and elevated temperatures. Experimental results have shown that tit high water content locations within the tested specimens, the density was reduced by .3.57% from its initial values clue to swelling. The swelling pressure was calculated by 4 different models as a function of distance. The calculated results have indicated that the density distribution within the .specimen is affected by swelling potential distribution. The calculated swelling pressure values van as u function of water content, reaching I MPa at the source of water intake, i.e., at high water content, and 2 MPa cot the heater .side, i.e., cot low water content .one.
R. Abbasnia, M. Kanzadi, M. Shekarchi Zadeh, J. Ahmadi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2009)

Drying shrinkage in concrete, which is caused by drying and the associated decrease in moisture content, is one of the most important parameters which affects the performance of concrete structures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop experimental and mathematical models that describe the mechanisms of drying shrinkage and damage build up in concrete. The main objective of this research is the development of a computational model and an experimental method for evaluation of concrete free shrinkage strain based on the internal moisture changes. For this purpose and for modeling of moisture losses in concrete members a computational program based on finite element approach and the modified version of Fick's second law in which the process of diffusion and convection due to water movement are taken into account, is developed. Also the modified SDB moisture meter was used to measure the internal moisture changes in concrete. Based on the obtained results, calculated humidity is in good agreement with measured data when modified Fick's second law with diffusion coefficient from Bazant method were used, and are very reasonable for determining the moisture gradient. Also, the predicted value of shrinkage strain from the proposed method is in good agreement with measured data and also the established relationship can be used for determine the distribution of shrinkage strains in concrete members.

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