Showing 43 results for Cement
H. Ghiassian,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2004)
A study of bearing capacity and compressibility characteristics of cohesive soil, reinforced by geogrid and supporting square footing loads has been conducted. The lack of adequate frictional resistance between clay and reinforcing elements was compensated by using a thin sand layer (lens) encapsulating the geogrid sheet. In this way, tensile forces induced in the geogrid were transferred to the bulk clay medium through the sand particles and soil reinforcement was improved Experiments were conduced on two sets of specimens, one set of 1 x 1 x 1 m dimension and the footing size of 19 x 19 cm (series A), and the other set of 0.15 x 0.15 x 0.15 m dimension and the footing size of 3.7 x 3.7 cm (series B). The loading systems for the above specimens were stress controlled and strain controlled respectively. All specimens were saturated and presumably loaded under an undrained condition. The results qualitatively confirmed the effectiveness of the sand lens in improving the bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of the model footing. In series A, the maximum increase in the bearing capacity due to the presence of the sand lens was 17% whereas in series B, the amount of increase was 24%. The percentage reductions in the settlement for these results were 30% and 46% respectively.
A.r. Khoei, S. Yadegari, M. Anahid,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2006)
In this paper, a higher order continuum model is presented based on the Cosserat
continuum theory in 3D numerical simulation of shear band localization. As the classical
continuum models suffer from the pathological mesh-dependence in strain softening models, the
governing equations are regularized by adding the rotational degrees-of-freedom to conventional
degrees-of-freedom. The fundamental relations in three-dimensional Cosserat continuum are
presented and the internal length parameters are introduced in the elasto-plastic constitutive matrix
to control the shear bandwidth. Finally, the efficiency of proposed model and computational
algorithm is demonstrated by a 3D strip in tensile. A comparison is performed between the classical
and Cosserat theories and the effect of internal length parameter is demonstrated. Clearly, a finite
shear bandwidth is achieved and the load-displacement curves are uniformly converged upon
different mesh sizes.
F. R. Rofooei, N. K. Attari, A. Rasekh, A.h. Shodja,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2006)
Pushover analysis is a simplified nonlinear analysis technique that can be used to
estimate the dynamic demands imposed on a structure under earthquake excitations. One of the first
steps taken in this approximate solution is to assess the maximum roof displacement, known as
target displacement, using the base shear versus roof displacement diagram. That could be done by
the so-called dynamic pushover analysis, i.e. a dynamic time history analysis of an equivalent single
degree of freedom model of the original system, as well as other available approximate static
methods. In this paper, a number of load patterns, including a new approach, are considered to
construct the related pushover curves. In a so-called dynamic pushover analysis, the bi-linear and
tri-linear approximations of these pushover curves were used to assess the target displacements by
performing dynamic nonlinear time history analyses. The results obtained for five different special
moment resisting steel frames, using five earthquake records were compared with those resulted
from the time history analysis of the original system. It is shown that the dynamic pushover analysis
approach, specially, with the tri-linear approximation of the pushover curves, proves to have a
better accuracy in assessing the target displacements. On the other hand, when nonlinear static
procedure seems adequate, no specific preference is observed in using more complicated static
procedures (proposed by codes) compared to the simple first mode target displacement assessment.
S.n. Moghaddas Tafreshi, Gh. Tavakoli Mehrjardi, S.m. Moghaddas Tafreshi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2007)
The safety of buried pipes under repeated load has been a challenging task in
geotechnical engineering. In this paper artificial neural network and regression model for
predicting the vertical deformation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), small diameter flexible
pipes buried in reinforced trenches, which were subjected to repeated loadings to simulate the
heavy vehicle loads, are proposed.
The experimental data from tests show that the vertical diametric strain (VDS) of pipe embedded
in reinforced sand depends on relative density of sand, number of reinforced layers and height of
embedment depth of pipe significantly. Therefore in this investigation, the value of VDS is related
to above pointed parameters.
A database of 72 experiments from laboratory tests were utilized to train, validate and test the
developed neural network and regression model. The results show that the predicted of the vertical
diametric strain (VDS) using the trained neural network and regression model are in good
agreement with the experimental results but the predictions obtained from the neural network are
better than regression model as the maximum percentage of error for training data is less than
1.56% and 27.4%, for neural network and regression model, respectively. Also the additional set
of 24 data was used for validation of the model as 90% of predicted results have less than 7% and
21.5% error for neural network and regression model, respectively. A parametric study has been
conducted using the trained neural network to study the important parameters on the vertical
diametric strain.
S.n. Moghaddas Tafreshi, A. Asakereh,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2007)
Conventional investigations on the behavior of reinforced and unreinforced soils are often
investigated at the failure point. In this paper, a new concept of comparison of the behavior of
reinforced and unreinforced soil by estimating the strength and strength ratio (deviatoric stress of
reinforced sample to unreinforced sample) at various strain levels is proposed. A comprehensive set
of laboratory triaxial compression tests was carried out on wet (natural water content) non-plastic
beach silty sand with and without geotextile. The layer configurations used are one, two, three and
four horizontal reinforcing layers in a triaxial test sample. The influences of the number of
geotextile layers and confining pressure at 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% of the imposed strain levels
on sample were studied and described. The results show that the trend and magnitude of strength
ratio is different for various strain level. It implies that using failure strength from peak point or
strength corresponding to the axial-strain approximately 15% to evaluate the enhancement of
strength or strength ratio due to reinforcement may cause hazard and uncertainty in practical
design. Hence, it is necessary to consider the strength of reinforced sample compared with
unreinforced sample at the imposed strain level. Only one type of soil and one type of geotextile
were used in all tests.
Amir Hamidi, S. Mohsen Haeri,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2008)
The deformation and stiffness characteristics of a cemented gravely sand was investigated using
triaxial equipment. The triaxial tests were conducted in both dry and saturated undrained conditions.
Artificially cemented samples are prepared using gypsum plaster as the cementing agent. The plaster was
mixed with the base soil at the weight percentages of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6. The applied confining pressure varied
between 25 to 500 kPa in triaxial tests. The process of yielding of the soil was investigated for the considered
soil and the bond and final yield points were identified for the cemented soil with different cement contents.
The variations of deformation and stiffness parameters with cement content and confining stress were studied
as well. Some of the parameters were determined for both drained and undrained conditions to investigate the
effect of drainage condition on the stiffness and yield characteristics of the tested cemented gravely sand.
According to the results, the difference between drained and undrained tangent stiffness decreases with
increase in confining stress. Finally the effect of cement type was investigated as an important parameter
affecting the stiffness at bond yield. The rate of increase in tangent stiffness at bond yield changes with cement
content for different cementing agents.
Mahmood R. Abdi, Ali Parsapajouh, Mohammad A. Arjomand,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2008)
Clay soils and their related abnormal behavior such as excessive shrinkage, swelling, consolidation settlement and cracking on drying has been the subject of many investigations. Previous studies mainly evaluated the effects of additives such as lime, cement and sand on these characteristics. Initial results indicated that the soil characteristics were improved. However, reportedly in many cases, these additives resulted in a decrease in plasticity and increase in hydraulic conductivity. As a result, there has been a growing interest in soil/fiber reinforcement. The present investigation has focused on the impact of short random fiber inclusion on consolidation settlement, swelling, hydraulic conductivity, shrinkage limit and the development of desiccation cracks in compacted clays. To examine the possible improvements in the soil characteristics, samples consisting of 75% kaolinite and 25% montmorillonite were reinforced with 1, 2, 4 and 8 percent fibers as dry weight of soil with 5, 10 and 15mm lengths. Results indicated that consolidation settlements and swelling of fiber reinforced samples reduced substantially whereas hydraulic conductivities increased slightly by increasing fiber content and length. Shrinkage limits also showed an increase with increasing fiber content and length. This meant that samples experienced much less volumetric changes due to desiccation, and the extent of crack formation was significantly reduced.
S.a. Naeini, R. Ziaie_moayed,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2009)
In recent years, soil reinforcement is considered of great importance in many different civil projects. One of
the most significant applications of soil reinforcement is in road construction. Sub grade soil and its properties are
very important in the design of road pavement structure. Its main function is to give adequate support to the pavement
from beneath. Therefore, it should have a sufficient load carrying capacity. The use of geosynthetics in road and
airfield construction has shown the potential to increase the soil bearing capacity. One category of geosynthetics to
particular, geogrid, has gained increasing acceptance in road construction. A geogrid is a geosynthetic material
consisting of connected parallel sets of tensile ribs with apertures of sufficient size to allow strike-through of
surrounding soil, stone, or other geotechnical material. Geogrid reinforcement of sub grade soil is achieved through
the increase of frictional interaction between the soil and the reinforcement. Geogrid have been successfully used to
provide a construction platform over subgrades. In this application, the geogrid improves the ability to obtain
compaction in overlying aggregates, while reducing the amount of material required be removing and replacing.
Relative agreement exists that substantial benefits can be achieved from the inclusion of geogrids within the pavement
systems however, the quantity of the improvement is in relative disagreement. This paper presents the effects of
plasticity index and also reinforcing of soft clay on CBR values. Three samples of clay with different plasticity index
(PI) values are selected and tested without reinforcement. Then by placing one and two layer of geogrid at certain
depth within sample height, the effects of reinforcement and PI on CBR values are investigated in both soaked and
unsoaked conditions. The results shows that as the PI increase the CBR value decreases and reinforcing clay with
geogrid will increase the CBR value.
A. Arabzadeh, A.r. Rahaie, A. Aghayari,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2009)
In this paper a new method based on Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) is proposed to determine the shear capacity
of simply supported RC deep beams and an efficiency factor for concrete with considering the effect of web
reinforcements. It is assumed that, the total carried shear force by RC deep beam provided by two independent
resistance, namely diagonal concrete strut due to strut-and-tie mechanism and the equivalent resisting force resulted
by web reinforcements, web reinforcing reduces the concrete compression softening effect with preventing from the
diagonal cracks opening or concrete splitting. The unknown function and parameters are determined from 324
experimental results obtained by other researchers. To validate the proposed method, the obtained results are
compared with some of the existing methods and codes such as ACI 318-05 and CSA. The results indicate that the
proposed method is capable to predict the shear strength of variety of deep beams with acceptable accuracy.
M.r. Abdi, S. A. Sadrnejad, M.a. Arjomand,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2009)
Large size direct shear tests (i.e.300 x 300mm) were conducted to investigate the interaction between clay
reinforced with geogrids embedded in thin layers of sand. Test results for the clay, sand, clay-sand, clay-geogrid, sandgeogrid
and clay-sand-geogrid are discussed. Thin layers of sand including 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14mm were used to
increase the interaction between the clay and the geogrids. Effects of sand layer thickness, normal pressure and
transverse geogrid members were studied. All tests were conducted on saturated clay under unconsolidated-undrained
(UU) conditions. Test results indicate that provision of thin layers of high strength sand on both sides of the geogrid
is very effective in improving the strength and deformation behaviour of reinforced clay under UU loading conditions.
Using geogrids embedded in thin layers of sand not only can improve performance of clay backfills but also it can
provide drainage paths preventing pore water pressure generations. For the soil, geogrid and the normal pressures
used, an optimum sand layer thickness of 10mm was determined which proved to be independent of the magnitude of
the normal pressure used. Effect of sand layers combined with the geogrid reinforcement increased with increase in
normal pressures. The improvement was more pronounced at higher normal pressures. Total shear resistance provided
by the geogrids with transverse members removed was approximately 10% lower than shear resistance of geogrids
with transverse members.
M. Saiidi, C. Cruz, D. Hillis,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2010)
Three unconventional details for plastic hinges of bridge columns subjected to seismic loads were developed,
designed, and implemented in a large-scale, four-span reinforced concrete bridge. Shape memory alloys (SMA),
special engineered cementitious composites (ECC), elastomeric pads embedded into columns, and post-tensioning
were used in three different piers. The bridge model was subjected to two-horizontal components of simulated
earthquake records of the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California. The multiple shake table system at the University
of Nevada, Reno was used for testing. Over 300 channels of data were collected. Test results showed the effectiveness
of post-tensioning and the innovative materials in reducing damage and permanent displacements. The damage was
minimal in plastic hinges with SMA/ECC and those with built in elastomeric pads. Conventional reinforced concrete
plastic hinges were severely damaged due to spalling of concrete and rupture of the longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement. Analytical studies showed close correlation between the results from the OpenSEES model and the
measured data for moderate and strong earthquakes.
A.r. Khaloo, I. Eshghi, P. Piran Aghl,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2010)
In this paper the response of cantilevered reinforced concrete (RC) beams with smart rebars under static lateral loading has been numerically studied, using Finite Element Method. The material used in this study is SuperelasticShape Memory Alloys (SE SMAs) which contains nickel and titanium elements. The SE SMA is a unique alloy that has the ability to undergo large deformations and return to their undeformed shape by removal of stresses. In this study, different quantities of steel and smart rebars have been used for reinforcement andthe behavior of these models under lateral loading, including their load-displacement curves, residual displacements, and stiffness, were discussed. During lateral loading, rebars yield or concrete crushes in compression zone in some parts of the beams and also residual deflections are created in the structure. It is found that by using SMA rebars in RC beams, these materials tend to return to the previous state (zero strain), so they reduce the permanent deformations and also in turn create forces known as recovery forces in the structure which lead into closing of concrete cracks in tensile zone. This ability makes special structures to maintain their serviceability even after a strong earthquake
A. Allahverdi, E. Najafi Kani,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2010)
Fast set and high early strength cements containing calcium fluoroaluminate phase (C11A7CaF2) are usually produced by sintering a proportioned raw mix from calcareous and argillaceous components as the main raw materials, at reduced temperatures about 1330 °C. In this work, the possibility of utilizing natural pozzolan as the argillaceous component in the cement raw mix and in order to decrease the sintering temperature of fast set and high early strength cement clinker containing C11A7CaF2 phase has been investigated. The results reveal that the sintering temperature can be reduced to temperatures as low as 1270 °C by utilizing a suitable natural pozzolan and improving the mix burnability. The experimental results confirm the possibility of achieving final setting times as low as 10 min and 3-day compressive strengths as high as 57 MPa
Malik Shoeb Ahmad, S. Salahuddin Shah,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2010)
Roadways have a high potential for utilization of large volume of the fly ash stabilized mixes. In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the use of Class F fly ash mixed with lime precipitated electroplating waste sludge–cement as a base material in highways. A series of tests were performed on specimens prepared with fly ash, cement and lime precipitated waste sludge. California bearing ratio (CBR) tests were conducted for 70%-55%fly ash, 8%cement, and 30%-45%waste sludge combinations. Results show that the load bearing strength of the mix is highly dependent on the waste sludge content, cement as well as curing period. The CBR value of fly ash mixed with electroplating waste sludge and cement has been increased to manifold and results the reduction in the construction cost of the pavement. The study also encourages the use of two potentially hazardous wastes for mass scale utilization without causing danger to the environment, vegetation, human and animal lives.
Abolfazl Arabzadeh, Reza Aghayari, Ali Reza Rahai,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2011)
An experimental-analytical investigation was conducted to study the behavior of high-strength RC deep beams a total of sixteen
reinforced concrete deep beams with compressive strength in range of 59 MPaOf'c O65 MPa were tested under two-point top
loading. The shear span-to-effective depth ratio a/d was 1.10 all the specimens were simply supported and reinforced by
vertical, horizontal and orthogonal steel bars in various arrangements. The test specimens were composed of five series based
on their arrangement of shear reinforcing. The general behavior of tested beams was investigated. Observations were made on
mid-span and loading point deflections, cracks form, failure modes and shear strengths. The test results indicated that both
vertical and horizontal web reinforcement are efficient in shear capacity of deep beams, also the orthogonal shear reinforcement
was the most efficient when placed perpendicular to major axis of diagonal crack. Concentrating of shear reinforcement within
middle region of shear span can improve the ultimate shear strength of deep beam. The test results were then compared with the
predicted ultimate strengths using the ACI 318-08 provisions ACI code tended to either unsafe or scattered results. The
performed investigations deduced that the ACI code provisions need to be revised.
Hasan Ghasemzadeh, Ms. Esmat Akbari Jalalabad,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2011)
In this study compressive strength of carbon nanotube (CNT)/cement composite is computed by analytical method. For this purpose representative elementary volume (REV) as an indicator element of composite is chosen and analyzed by elasticity relationships and Von mises' criterion applied to it. It is assumed that carbon nanotubes are distributed uniformly in the cement and there is perfect bonding in the interface of cement and nanotube. At first for simplicity of computations, carbon nanotubes ( CNTs) are assumed to have unidirectional orientation in the cement matrix. In following, the relations are generalized to consider random distribution of nanotubes in cement, and a new factor suggested for random orientation of fibers in the CNT/cement composite. The results of analytical method are compared with experimental results.
M. Miraboutalebi, F. Askari, O. Farzaneh,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2011)
In this paper, the effect of bedrock inclination on seismic performance of slopes is investigated. The study was conducted based
on dynamic analysis of different slopes, evaluation of the earthquake acceleration in sliding mass, and calculating the
permanent displacement of the slope, using Newmark sliding block. The investigation indicates that variation of the bedrock
inclination may cause the acceleration magnitude and the displacement in the sliding mass to reach to their maximum level.
This may happen in conditions that the mean period of the acceleration time history on failure surface (Tmt) and the
predominant period of the slope (Ts ) are close to each other. Typical results are presented and discussed. A two dimensional
model of a typical slope was considered and conducting dynamic analyses, the slope performance was studied for different
geometries, strength parameters and shear wave velocities. Such a performance has been studied by assessing the record of
acceleration in sliding mass (the mass above the critical sliding surface) and calculating the slope displacement using Newmark
method. It is shown that neglecting the effect of bedrock inclination, would lead to non-real results in assessing the seismic slope
A. Asakereh, S.n. Moghaddas Tafreshi, M. Ghazavi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2012)
This paper describes a series of laboratory model tests on strip footings supported on unreinforced and geogrid-reinforced sand
with an inside void. The footing is subjected to a combination of static and cyclic loading. The influence of various parameters
including the embedment depth of the void, the number of reinforcement layers, and the amplitude of cyclic load were studied.
The results show that the footing settlement due to repeated loading increased when the void existed in the failure zone of the
footing and decreased with increasing the void vertical distance from the footing bottom and with increasing the reinforcement
layers beneath the footing. For a specified amplitude of repeated load, the footing settlement is comparable for reinforced sand,
thicker soil layer over the void and much improved the settlement of unreinforced sand without void. In general, the results
indicate that, the reinforced soil-footing system with sufficient geogride-reinforcement and void embedment depth behaves much
stiffer and thus carries greater loading with lower settlement compared with unreinforced soil in the absent of void and can
eliminate the adverse effect of the void on the footing behavior. The final footing settlement under repeated cyclic loading becomes
about 4 times with respect to the footing settlement under static loading at the same magnitude of load applied.
A. Arabzadeh, R. Aghayari, Ali A. R. Rahai,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) can be used to model the flow of compression within a concrete strut. Concrete struts are formed
in various shapes such as prismatic or bottle-shaped. In order to study the behavior of concrete struts, a series of simple tests
were performed. Eighteen reinforced concrete isolated struts with compressive strength of 65 MPa were tested up failure under
point loading in the plane of specimens. The tested specimens were reinforced by various reinforcement layouts. The behavior
of tested beams was investigated. Observations were made on transverse displacement, primary cracking and ultimate failure
load and distribution of strain on the face of tested panels. Based on these observations, the geometry of the concrete struts was
examined. a new model to analysis of concrete struts was proposed based on modified compression field theory (MCFT). A
database of 44 tested specimens was compiled to evaluate the proposed model. The results indicate that using the ACI and CSA
codes expressions regarding the amount of minimum required reinforcement in a strut produces conservative but erratic results
when compared with the test data. Conversely, the new proposed model presents a more accurate prediction for the strength of
44 tested struts.
H. Alielahi, M. Kamalian, J. Asgari Marnani, M. K. Jafari, M. Panji,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2013)
In this paper, an advanced formulation of a time-domain two-dimensional boundary element method (BEM) is presented and
applied to calculate the response of a buried, unlined, and infinitely long cylindrical cavity with a circular cross-section subjected
to SV and P waves. The applicability and efficiency of the algorithm are verified with frequency-domain BEM examples of the
effect of cylindrical cavities on the site response analysis. The analysis results show that acceptable agreements exist between
results of this research and presented examples. For a shallow cavity, the numerical results demonstrate that vertically incident
SV wave reduces the horizontal components of the motion on the ground surface above the cavity, while it significantly increases
the vertical component for a dimensionless frequency (&eta) of 0.5 and h/a=1.5. The maximum values of normalized displacements
in vertical component of P waves are larger than horizontal component of SV waves for &eta=1.0. For a deeply embedded cavity,
the effect of the cavity on the surface ground motion is negligible for incident SV wave, but it increases the vertical component of
the displacement for incident P wave. Additionally, far and near distances from the center of the cavity show different amplitude
patterns of response due to the cavity effect. Increasing the distance from the center of the cavity, the amplitude of displacement
and the effect of the cavity attenuates significantly.