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Showing 1 results for Calcareous Soil

Mahmoud Hassanlourad, Hosein Salehzadeh, Habib Shahnazari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2008)

In this paper shear behavior of two calcareous sands having different physical properties are

investigated using drained and undrained triaxial tests. The investigated sands are obtained from two different

zones located in Persian Gulf, Kish Island and Tonbak region. Analysis based on energy aspects show that

friction angle in these soils, having crushable particles, is formed of three components: substantial internal

friction angle, dilation and particle breakage angle. Dilation component is available in the two investigated

sand. Particle breakage component is a function of grains hardness, structure and geometry shape. Particles

breakage decreases the volume of sample during drained tests and creates positive pore water pressure during

undrained tests. Two investigated sands show different amount of dilation and particle breakage under similar

conditions. Simultaneous dilation and particles crushing and different amount of them result in different shear

behavior of the two studied sands. Energy aspects are used to determine the effect of particle crushing on the

shear strength. There is a suitable compatibility between relative breakage of grains and consumed energy

ratio for particle breakage.

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