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Showing 3 results for Boundary Element Method

H. Alielahi, M. Kamalian, J. Asgari Marnani, M. K. Jafari, M. Panji,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2013)

In this paper, an advanced formulation of a time-domain two-dimensional boundary element method (BEM) is presented and

applied to calculate the response of a buried, unlined, and infinitely long cylindrical cavity with a circular cross-section subjected

to SV and P waves. The applicability and efficiency of the algorithm are verified with frequency-domain BEM examples of the

effect of cylindrical cavities on the site response analysis. The analysis results show that acceptable agreements exist between

results of this research and presented examples. For a shallow cavity, the numerical results demonstrate that vertically incident

SV wave reduces the horizontal components of the motion on the ground surface above the cavity, while it significantly increases

the vertical component for a dimensionless frequency (&eta) of 0.5 and h/a=1.5. The maximum values of normalized displacements

in vertical component of P waves are larger than horizontal component of SV waves for &eta=1.0. For a deeply embedded cavity,

the effect of the cavity on the surface ground motion is negligible for incident SV wave, but it increases the vertical component of

the displacement for incident P wave. Additionally, far and near distances from the center of the cavity show different amplitude

patterns of response due to the cavity effect. Increasing the distance from the center of the cavity, the amplitude of displacement

and the effect of the cavity attenuates significantly.

I. Ashayeri, M. Kamalian, M. K Jafari, M. Biglari, Ma. Mirmohammad Sadeghi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2014)

This paper presents time domain fundamental solutions for the extended Biot's dynamic formulations of two-dimensional (2D) unsaturated poroelasticity. Unsaturated porous media is considered as a porous media in which the voids are saturated with two immiscible fluids, i.e. liquid and gas. At first, the corresponding explicit Laplace transform domain fundamental solution is obtained in terms of skeleton displacements, as well as liquid and gas pressures. Subsequently, the closed-form time domain fundamental solutions are derived by analytical inversion of the Laplace transform domain solutions. Finally, a set of numerical results are presented which verifies the accuracy of the analytically inversed transient fundamental solution and demonstrates some salient features of the elastic waves in unsaturated media..
Hamid Alielahi, Mohammad Adampira,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (6-2016)

Investigating the seismic amplification of incident waves induced by subsurface cavities and characterizing its patterns for the ground surface are important in seismology, geophysics and earthquake engineering both in theory and practical application. Nowadays, it has been established that the seismic ground response above subsurface structures can be different from the free-field motion during earthquakes. In this regard, this research studied preliminary results of a numerical parametric study on the seismic response of the ground surface above subsurface cavity. Basically, this study is applied to get new idea to move a step forward in site response analysis which can be used in the seismic microzonation of areas located above underground spaces. For analysis purposes, a numerical time-domain analysis is performed by utilizing a robust numerical algorithm working based on the boundary element method. It is observed that the amplification of the ground surface underlain by a shallow elliptical cavity is increased in long periods. Some preliminary simple relationships and tables are presented which could be used while introducing simple preliminary ideas for modification of the standard design spectra in building codes and seismic microzonation studies.

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