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Showing 5 results for Sharifi

Khaloo R., Sharifian M.,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (September & December 2005)

Results of an experimental investigation performed to evaluate the effect of various concrete strength levels on behavior of lightweight concrete (LWC) under pure torsion are reported.The principle variable of the testing program was compressive strength of concrete (�'c) which ranged between 6.9 and 81.4 MPa. Ten mixture proportions were utilized for LWC of 1500 to 2050 kg/m3 unit weight. In total, sixty four (thirty two pairs) rectangular specimens with 100x 200 mm cross-section were tested. Ultimate torsion strength of LWC increases as uniaxial compressive strength increases however the increase rate reduces for high levels of concrete strengths. The test results are compared with predictions of elastic and plastic theories for torsion and the ACI Code. The Code underestimates the cracking torque of LWC under pure torsion. A regression equation incorporating test results is higher than the ACI equation prediction by a factor of 1.12.
P. Ghoddousi, R. Ahmadi, Mahdi Sharifi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (December 2010)

 Superior performances of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) in fresh state to achieve a more uniform distribution encourage the addition of fibers in concrete which is a motivation for structural application of fiberreinforced concrete. Fiber addition reduces the workability of Self-Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SCFRC). To provide required workability of the SCFRC, more paste is needed in the mixture. Therefore, the coarse aggregate content shall be adjusted to maintain its workability. The purpose of this study is to drive a model for estimating the aggregate contents for SCFRC. This model is based on constant covering mortar thickness theory. In this paper, all parameters which are participated in coarse aggregate content are discussed and presented in a relation. Then another relation is developed for predicting the void volume in the fibrous concrete. These relations are combined and a mathematical relation is deduced for predicting the coarse volume content in the function of the fiber factors. Proposed model is validated by conducting a rheological test. The result shows that the proposed model is simple, applicable and can be used as starting point in practical project.      Finally in order to complete the proposed model, another relation has been derived that can show the interaction of parameters involved in SCFRC rheology behavior. 

R. Ahmadii, P. Ghoddousi, M. Sharifi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (December 2012)

The main objective of this study is to drive a simple solution for prediction of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) behavior

under four point bending test (FPBT). In this model all the force components at the beam section (before and after cracking)

are formulated by applying these assumptions: a bilinear elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain response for concrete behavior

in compression, a linear response for the un-cracked tension region in a concrete constitutive model, and an exponential

relationship for stress-crack opening in the crack region which requires two parameters.Then the moment capacity of the critical

cracked section is calculated by applying these assumptions and satisfying equilibrium lawat critical cracked section. After that,

parametric studies have been done on the behavior of SFRC to assess the sensitively of model. Finally the proposed model has

been validated with some existing experimental tests.The result shows that the proposed solution is able to estimate the behavior

of SFRC under FPBT with simplicity and proper accuracy.

Dr Mahdi Sharifi, Eng Majid Kamali,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (Transaction A: Civil Engineering 2017)

Fiber Reinforcement Concrete is mainly distinguished in their behavior in cracked tension zone which is called tension softening behavior. Wide researchers have been investigated this behavior and present many tensioned softening models. This paper presents a compression between four tension softening models including constant, linear, bilinear and exponential models in flexural behavior. In this study the behavior of rectangular beam section under four/three point bending test have been predicted by iteration procedure. These models has been compared in some parametrical properties. The result of this study shows variety in result for four used models and indicate concern in applied assumptions.

Vahid Sharifianjazi, Habibollah Nassiri,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (Transaction A: Civil Engineering 2017)

One of the frequent aspects of lawlessness at signalized intersections is red light violation (RLV). In addition to adverse effects on intersection safety, RLV can cause delay in the startup of the vehicles in the competing phase, defined as the green flow in this study. In this research a video camera was used to collect the required data from intersections in order to investigate the adverse effect of RLV in the city of Esfahan, Iran. Then, by assigning a cellular network to the conflict points of the vehicles path in successive phases the vehicles arrival times to these cells were measured and the imposed delays to the green flow were measured. The results of this study showed that the behavior of drivers in the green flow, the time passed into red interval, and the presence of an all-red interval are the prominent factors affecting the delay caused by RLV. Furthermore, in the absence of an all-red intervals a delay in the range of 1 to 4.5 seconds was inflicted on the subsequent competing green phase. Results of the study also showed that the amount of delay increased substantially when a RL violator was not permitted to precede through the intersection by the green flow vehicles.

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