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Showing 6 results for Saeed

Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi, Ali Khodaii,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (December 2008)

In this study an empirical model which can be used to predict the rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) for neat and powder rubber modified bitumen describes. The model was developed using 36 unique powder rubber modified bitumen combinations, rubber concentrations were varied at 5% intervals between 5 and 20%. The effects of powder rubber particle size on model accuracy were also studied ultimately a model was produced with the capability of predicting rutting parameter values over a range of temperatures and rubber concentrations. By definition, the upper limit of the performance grade is dependent on the rutting parameter value therefore, the relationship was also considered in terms of high end failure temperature. The Rubber Coefficient for rutting parameter (Rcg) was identified as an important parameter in the estimation of rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) with the addition of powder rubber. This term is a quantitative representation of the increase typically witnessed in rutting parameter values with the addition of powder rubber. Ambient ground powder rubber exhibited higher Rcg values than cryogenically ground particles. Additionally, 95% confidence intervals were generated for the predictive model thus providing a range of accuracy for the model. The resulting confidence intervals were approximately +/-1300 Pa these confidence intervals were seen to capture 92.6% of the 462 data points used. Findings from this research suggest that the differences between cryogenic and ambient powder rubber bitumen are accurately described using the Rcg, furthermore bitumen properties may be predicted using an empirical equation.
Saeed Reza Sabbaghyazdi1, Tayebeh Amiri Saadatabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (September 2011)

In this research, a novel numerical algorithm is introduced for computation of temperature-induced before crack steady strainstress field in plane-stress problem. For this purpose, two dimensional heat transfer equation and force equilibrium equations are sequentially solved using Galerkin Finite Volume method on identical unstructured triangular meshes when proper convergence for each field is achieved. In this model, a proper thermal boundary condition that is suitable for unstructured triangular meshes is introduced for analysis. Two test cases are used to assess accuracy of thermal and structural modules of the developed solver and the computed results are compared with theirs analytical solution.First, thermal analysis is performed for a rectangular plate which is connected to a supporting body with constant temperature and expose to surrounding liquid at three edges.Second, structural analysis is performed for a plate under distributed loads in two directions. Having obtained acceptable results from thermal and structural modules, thermal stress analysis is performed for a plate with fixed-end condition at one of edges,due to a uniform temperature field and the computational principle stress contours are compared with the Finite Element method results which have been reported in the literatures.

M. H. Baziar, A. Saeedi Azizkandi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering 2013)

Due to its critical impact and significant destructive nature during and after seismic events, soil liquefaction and liquefactioninduced

lateral ground spreading have been increasingly important topics in the geotechnical earthquake engineering field

during the past four decades. The aim of this research is to develop an empirical model for the assessment of liquefaction-induced

lateral ground spreading. This study includes three main stages: compilation of liquefaction-induced lateral ground spreading

data from available earthquake case histories (the total number of 525 data points), detecting importance level of seismological,

topographical and geotechnical parameters for the resulted deformations, and proposing an empirical relation to predict

horizontal ground displacement in both ground slope and free face conditions. The statistical parameters and parametric study

presented for this model indicate the superiority of the current relation over the already introduced relations and its applicability

for engineers.

A. Saeedi Azizkandi, M.h. Baziar, H. Rasouli, M. Modarresi, H. Shahnazari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering June 2015)

In present research, 17 centrifuge tests have been conducted to study the effect of various parameters such as the number of piles, the distance between piles, gradation and thickness of the granular layer on the load-settlement behavior of a pile raft system. The results showed the importance of granular layer to reduce the settlement of non-connected pile raft system when the roles of piles are to reduce the settlement. In other words when the piles have major contribution on the bearing capacity of pile raft system, presence of a granular layer may increase the settlement.
D. Khan, N. Ejaz, T.a. Khan, T.u. Saeed, H. Attaullah,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (Transaction A: Civil Engineering, September 2015)

Globally, irrigated agriculture is the largest extractor and the most frequent consumer of groundwater resources, with important groundwater-dependent and largely spread agro-economies. Quality of irrigation water is one of the key factors which have either direct or indirect impact on plant growth, soil and water management practices and plant yields. This work aims at highlighting the importance of periodic assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation, impact of different chemical parameters on plant yield and agriculture and water management practices needed in adverse irrigation water conditions. This study was conducted in semi-arid area where salinity and alkalinity are considered the main threats to the sustainable irrigation agriculture. Thirty representative samples were collected for chemical analyses from various sources of groundwater, within an area of 36 km2, lying in the north-east of the Lakki Marwat district Pakistan. The standard values suggested by WAPDA, FAO and USDA Handbook 60 were used as benchmark for comparison. The electrical conductivity and pH values together classify groundwater as saline-alkaline. It is revealed that none of the water samples has an adverse impact on the yield of barley, sorghum and wheat while 7% and 17% of this water respectively reduce the yield of corn and onion by 50%. Besides, 7% of this water reduces the yield of alfalfa by 25%. This work recommends management practices such as deep ploughing, provision of adequate drainage and crop rotation for improving the use of such water.
Fatemeh Kazemi, Dr Saeed Reza Khodashenas, Hamed Sarkardeh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Transaction A: Civil Engineering 2016)

Stilling basins dissipate energy in order to form hydraulic jumps and rotational flows. Hydraulic jump and rotational current phenomenon produces pressure fluctuation at the bottom of stilling basins. In the present study, pressure fluctuations and their locations have been studied in a physical model of Nimrod Dam. Results showed that fluctuations in presence of jump in the basin are high and therefore the fluctuation factors are respectively high. Regarding available empirical equations, the thickness of slab for different hydraulic conditions were calculated and compared in 1D and 2D conditions. By analyzing collected data, it was observed that, results of 1D were underestimated in comparison by 2D calculations.

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