M. Naderi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (March 2005)
Having observed the costly failures of different cutoff walls, that had been constructed
according to the mix design specified by reputable consultants in Iran, a research programme was
conducted to study the effects of constituent materials on the properties of plastic concrete. The
main properties, such as compressive strength, biaxial and triaxial strains, permeability, and
modulus of elasticity have been investigated using different mixes, obtained from prototype
production line plant, situated on site, because it was realized that the site production line and the
systems employed have major effects on the properties of plastic concrete. Statistical analysis of
the results, revealed the coefficients of influence of main constituent materials of plastic concrete
namely cement, bentonite, aggregate and water on its compressive strength and modulus of
elasticity. Having realized the cancelling effects of bentonite and aggregates on the measured
properties, some equations relating the quantities of cement and water to the compressive strength
and modulus of elasticity are introduced. Effects of clay and hydrated lime powder, as fillers were
also investigated leading to the proposal of limits for their safe and economic use. Since most of
the cutoff walls are buried structures, failure strains under both uniaxial and triaxial tests, with
values of cohesion and internal friction, are also presented in this paper.
M. Naderi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (June 2006)
This paper introduces an innovative partially destructive method, called “Twist-off”, for
the assessment of in situ concrete strength. In this method a 40mm diameter metal probe is bonded
to a concrete surface by means of a high strength epoxy resin adhesive. To measure the concrete
compressive strength, a torque is applied using an ordinary torque-meter and the maximum shear
stress at failure is used to estimate the cube compressive strength by means of a calibration graph.
The relationship between the results of this new method and compressive strengths of concrete cores
is also presented in this paper. The average coefficient of variation of the results of this method was
seen to be of the order of 8 percent and the correlation coefficients of its comparative results with
concrete cube and core compressive strengths were found to be 0.97 and 0.90 respectively. In order
to assess the performance of this method on site, tests were undertaken on a number of buildings.
Although the method was found to perform well but with some of the structures tested, the
differences between the strengths of sample cubes and estimated in situ compressive strength of
concrete were seen to be significant.