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Showing 9 results for Afandizadeh

Afandizadeh Sh.,, Zoghi H. ,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (December 2003)

Since Road transportation accounts for a large portion of total displaced passengers of Different types it is the most important mode of passenger services in Iran. The costs considered are depreciation, investment, insurance, tax, fuel, tires, main repairs, unexpected repairs, oil filter break shoe. Lubrication, batteries, commission, wages and other miscellaneous costs. These are classified into two categories of fixed and variable costs that it-ere analyzed. The data used is obtained, from the Iranian passenger transportation co- operatives based on their real costs in Fear 2002 . The methodology of determination rate of return and Passenger Transportation Price are described and these parameters are calculated. In this paper, a price model based on the economic techniques and sensitlvtfx. Analysis is presented for operators and managers. Pricing model of passenger service is prepared by the authors by the name of Development of Pricing Model of passenger Services in Intercity Roads . This research is pointing to Model Sensivity Analysis Dependent on Various Indicators.
Sh. Afandizadeh Zargari, R. Taromi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (September 2006)

Optimization is an important methodology for activities in planning and design. The transportation designers are able to introduce better projects when they can save time and cost of travel for project by optimization methods. Most of the optimization problems in engineering are more complicated than they can be solved by custom optimization methods. The most common and available methods are heuristic methods. In these methods, the answer will be close to the optimum answer but it isn’t the exact one. For achieving more accuracy, more time has been spent. In fact, the accuracy of response will vary based on the time spent. In this research, using the generic algorithms, one of the most effective heuristic algorithms, a method of optimization for urban streets direction will be introduced. Therefore model of decision making in considered one way – two way streets is developed. The efficiency of model in Qazvin network is shown and the results compared whit the current situation as case study. The objective function of the research is to minimize the total travel time for all users, which is one of the most used in urban networks objectives.
Shahriar Afandizadeh, Morteza Araghi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (December 2008)

Shahriar Afandizadeh, Jalil Kianfar,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (March 2009)

This paper presents a hybrid approach to developing a short-term traffic flow prediction model. In this

approach a primary model is synthesized based on Neural Networks and then the model structure is optimized through

Genetic Algorithm. The proposed approach is applied to a rural highway, Ghazvin-Rasht Road in Iran. The obtained

results are acceptable and indicate that the proposed approach can improve model accuracy while reducing model

structure complexity. Minimum achieved prediction r2 is 0.73 and number of connection links at least reduced 20%

as a result of optimization.

A. Mansour Khaki, Sh. Afandizadeh, R. Moayedfar,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Sept. 2009)

Household trip production is not a constant parameter and vary based on socio-economic characteristics. Even households in each category (households with constant socio-economic characteristics) produce several numbers of trips. Purpose of present study is to model the variation of household trip production rate in urban societies. In order to do this, concept of the Bayesian Inference has been used. The city of Isfahan was selected as case study. First, likelihood distribution function was determined for number of household trips, separating odd and even trips. In order to increase precision of the function, the composed likelihood distribution function was utilized. To insert households’ socio-economic variables in the process, disaggregate 2 calibrated model were used at the likelihood distribution function. Statistical indices and 2 test show that likelihood distribution function of numbers of household trip production follows the Poisson distribution. The final composed likelihood distribution was determined based on Bayesian inference. Related function was created with compilation of mean parameter distribution function (Gamma distribution) and numbers of household trip production (Poisson distribution). Finally, disaggregate model was put at final composed probability function instead of mean parameter. Results show that with Bayesian inference method, it would be possible to model the variation of household trip production rate in urban societies. Also it would be possible to put socio-economic characteristics in the model to predict likelihood of real produced trips (not average produced trips) for each household's category.
Sh. Afandizadeh, S.a.h Zahabi, N. Kalantari,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2010)

Logit models are one of the most important discrete choice models and they play an important role in

describing decision makers’ choices among alternatives. In this paper the Multi-Nominal Logit models has been used

in mode choice modeling of Isfahan. Despite the availability of different mathematical computer programs there are

not so many programs available for estimating discrete choice models. Most of these programs use optimization

methods that may fail to optimize these models properly. Even when they do converge, there is no assurance that they

have found the global optimum, and it just might be a good approximation of the global minimum. In this research a

heuristic optimization algorithm, simulated annealing (S.A), has been tested for estimating the parameters of a Logit

model for a mode choice problem that had 17 parameters for the city of Isfahan and has been compared with the same

model calculated using GAUSS that uses common and conventional algorithms. Simulated annealing is and algorithm

capable of finding the global optimum and also it’s less likely to fail on difficult functions because it is a very robust

algorithm and by writing the computer program in MATLAB the estimation time has been decreased significantly. In

this paper, this problem has been briefly discussed and a new approach based on the simulated annealing algorithm

to solve that is discussed and also a new path for using this technique for estimating Nested Logit models is opened

for future research by the authors. For showing the advantages of this method over other methods explained above a

case study on the mode choice of Isfahan has been done.

Sh. Afandizadeh, M. Yadak, N. Kalantar,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (March 2011)

The congestion pricing has been discussed as a practical tool for traffic management on urban transport networks. The traffic congestion is defined as an external diseconomy on the network in transport economics. It has been proposed that the congestion pricing would be used to reduce the traffic on the network. This paper investigates the cordon-based second-best congestion-pricing problems on road networks, including optimal selection of both toll levels and toll locations. A road network is viewed as a directed graph and the cutest concept in graph theory is used to describe the mathematical properties of a toll cordon by examining the incidence matrix of the network. Maximization of social welfare is sought subject to the elastic-demand traffic equilibrium constraint. A mathematical programming model with mixed (integer and continuous) variables is formulated and solved by use of two genetic algorithms for simultaneous determination of the toll levels and cordon location on the networks. The model and algorithm are demonstrated in the road network of Mashhad CBD.
F. Rezaie Moghaddam, Sh. Afandizadeh, M. Ziyadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (March 2011)

In spite of significant advances in highways safety, a lot of crashes in high severities still occur in highways. Investigation of influential factors on crashes enables engineers to carry out calculations in order to reduce crash severity. Therefore, this paper deals with the models to illustrate the simultaneous influence of human factors, road, vehicle, weather conditions and traffic features including traffic volume and flow speed on the crash severity in urban highways. This study uses a series of artificial neural networks to model and estimate crash severity and to identify significant crash-related factors in urban highways. Applying artificial neural networks in engineering science has been proved in recent years. It is capable to predict and present desired results in spite of limited data sets, which is the remarkable feature of the artificial neural networks models. Obtained results illustrate that the variables such as highway width, head-on collision, type of vehicle at fault, ignoring lateral clearance, following distance, inability to control the vehicle, violating the permissible velocity and deviation to left by drivers are most significant factors that increase crash severity in urban highways.

Sh. Afandizadeh, H. Khaksar, N. Kalantari,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (TransactionA: Civil Engineering, March 2013)

In this paper, a new approach was presented for bus network design which took the effects of three out of four stages of the bus planning process into account. The presented model consisted of three majors steps 1- Network Design Procedure (NDP), 2- Frequency Determination and Assignment Procedure (FDAP), and 3- Network Evaluation Procedure (NEP). Genetic Algorithm (GA) was utilized to solve this problem since it was capable of solving large and complex problems. Optimization of bus assignment at depots is another important issue in bus system planning process which was considered in the presented model. In fact, the present model was tested on Mandl’s bus network which was a benchmark in Swiss network and was initially employed by Mandl and later by Baaj, Mahmassani, Kidwai, Chakroborty and Zhao. Several comparisons indicated that the model presented in this paper was superior to the previous models. Meanwhile, none of the previous approaches optimized depots assignment. Afterwards, sensitivity analysis on GA parameters was done and calculation times were presented. Subsequently the proposed model was evaluated thus, Mashhad bus network was designed using the methodology of the presented model.

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