Abstract: (9311 Views)
In this paper, a new approach was presented for bus network design which took the effects of three out of four stages of the bus
planning process into account. The presented model consisted of three majors steps 1- Network Design Procedure (NDP), 2-
Frequency Determination and Assignment Procedure (FDAP), and 3- Network Evaluation Procedure (NEP). Genetic Algorithm
(GA) was utilized to solve this problem since it was capable of solving large and complex problems. Optimization of bus
assignment at depots is another important issue in bus system planning process which was considered in the presented model. In
fact, the present model was tested on Mandl’s bus network which was a benchmark in Swiss network and was initially employed
by Mandl and later by Baaj, Mahmassani, Kidwai, Chakroborty and Zhao. Several comparisons indicated that the model
presented in this paper was superior to the previous models. Meanwhile, none of the previous approaches optimized depots
assignment. Afterwards, sensitivity analysis on GA parameters was done and calculation times were presented. Subsequently the
proposed model was evaluated thus, Mashhad bus network was designed using the methodology of the presented model.