Abstract: (11802 Views)
In this research, an innovative numerical simulating approach for time domain analysis
of multi degrees of freedom structures with uncertainty in dynamic properties is presented. A full
scale finite element model of multi-story and multi bays of three sample structures has been
constructed. The reduced order model of structure with holding the dominant and effective
Gramians in the balanced state-space realization has been achieved for easy and safe design of the
optimal control forces applied to the structure. Some easy selective control algorithms based on the
Optimal-Stochastic control theories such as LQG, DLQRY and modified sliding mode control has
been programmed with the simulation control sequences. Some real features of accurate control
system such as time delay and noise signals in earthquake time histories and also measurement
sensors are considered in illustrative simulation models. These models can be analyzed under either
various intensity of corresponding earthquakes or desired random excitations passed through the
suitable filters providing stochastic parameters of earthquake disturbances. This control procedure
will be shown to be very efficient suppressing all the severities and difficulties may arise in design
of a multi-objective optimal control system. The obtained results illustrate the feasibility and
applicability of the proposed stochastic optimal control design of active control force providing a
stable and energy-saving control strategy for tall building structures.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |