Dr. Seyed Morteza Mousavi Khoshdel
Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Chemistry
Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry Department
Email: mmousavi

Phone number: (+9821) 73228304-50-77240540 extension 8304
Farngar: (+9821) 73021415
Description of the duties of the teaching assistant:
- Implementation of approved educational bylaws and regulations
- Planning and setting the necessary policy and implementation methods to implement the approvals of the University Education Council
- Supervising the implementation of educational programs for the groups and trying to solve their educational problems
- Preparing and adjusting the educational policies of the faculty and presenting them to the dean of the faculty
- Supervision of all educational activities of undergraduate students
- Dealing with students' educational violations through the disciplinary committee
- Evaluating the annual educational performance of faculty members and teaching staff to improve the quality of their activities
- Supervising the implementation of free and short-term educational and evening courses with the coordination of the relevant managers of the central organization of the university
- Establishing communication and coordination with the relevant managers of the university's educational vice-chancellor to implement the approved educational regulations and instructions
- Supervising all educational and research activities of master's and doctoral students
- Organizing regular meetings of the Graduate Education Council of the Faculty
- Evaluation of educational and research activities of postgraduate students
- Establishing communication and coordination with the management of graduate education at the university to implement the relevant rules and regulations
- Supervising the implementation of master's and doctoral degree exams
- Participating in the meetings of the graduate education council of the university and reflecting its results in the Faculty