Dr Mostaghim



Surname :mostaghim Name :zohreh Date of birth:11/1/1967

Present Position : Assistant Professor Department : Mathematics

Ph.D.Ph.D in Pure Mathematics,Tehran University. Tehran ,Iran., Tel : +98-21- 73225491

Website : http://webpages.iust.ac.ir/mostaghim/ E-mail :mostaghim AT iust.ac.ir

Education and Qualifications
Teaching Experiences
Research Interests

Journal papers
Conference papers

Research Projects
Books written (in Persian

Education and Qualifications

1984-1988:  B. Sc. in  Pure Mathematics, Isfahan University of Scinece and  Technology, Isfahan, Iran,

1989-1991 : M. Sc. in Pure Mathematics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 

1992-1997 : Ph. D in Pure  Mathematics, Tehran University. Tehran , Iran


1998-Present : Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics,
Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran,Iran

Teaching Experiences


 ○ Calculus1, Calculus2, Calculus3, Differential Equations, Algebra1, Algebra2, Algebra3,
     Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Discreate Mathematics, Foundations of Mathematics.

                                                     GRADUATE  COURSES

○Advanced Algebra, Finite Groups, Infinite Groups, Character Theory of Finite Groups,
   Coding Theory, Linear Groups.


1. Darafsheh,M.R.; Mostaghim,Z. Computation of the complex characters of the group AUT(GL7(2) . Korean J.Comput. Appl. Math.4 (1997),no.1, 193-210.(MR1436350)

2. Mostaghim,Z. A note on sums of degrees of irreducible characters. Int.Math.J. 4 (2003),no. 1,

3. Mostaghim,Z. On  C-normal Subgroups of some classes of finite groups. London Math.Soc.Lecture Note Ser.,340(2007) 640-643.(MR2331621)

4. Mostaghim,Z. On Hadamard property of 2-groups with special conditions on normal subgroups.
Acta Math.Acad.Paedagog. Nyhazi.(N.S)24(2008),no.3,309-311.(MR2469952).............

Research Projects

1 . On Hadamard groups , Iran University of Science and Technology , July 2000 .
2 . Some  results on sums of degrees of  irreducible chracters , Iran University of Science and Technology, May 2002 .
3 . p-groups with non-abelian quotients , Iran University of Science and Technology ,  September 2005 .
4 . Z- permutable subgroups in finite groups , Iran University of Science and Technology , July 2008 .
5 . The number of  irreducible constituents of products of chracters , Iran University of Science and Technology  , July 2009 .
6  . Product of conjugacy classes in finite groups , Iran University of Science and Technology , June 2010.

Conference papers

1.  On the character table of the group of the form GL7 (2).<τ> where τ is the transpose-inverse involution. The 29th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran,Iran,March 1998.
2. Hadamard abelian 2-groups. The 10th Iranian National Seminar in Algebra,University of Kordestan,Sanandaj,Iran,October 1998.
3. Some results on Hadamard abelian 2-groups. The 12th Iranian National Seminar in Algebra, Shahid Behesti University,Tehran,Iran,March 2000.
4. Classification in terms of degrees of irreducible characters. The 34th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahrood University of Technology,Shahrood,Iran,September 2003.
5. Strong and weak conditions on normal subgroups. The 16th Iranian National Seminar in Algebra, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS),Zanjan,Iran, November 2004.
6. C-normality of groups .The 35th  Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference,Shahid Chamran University,Ahvaz,Iran, January 2005.
7. On C-normal subgroups of some classes of finite groups. Groups St. Andrews 2005,University of St. Andrews,St.Andrews , Scotland,Augest 2005.
8. A note on  p-groups with nonabelian quotients. The 36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference,Yazd University,Yazd,Iran,September 2005.
9. On  z-permutability of subgroups. The 17th Iranian National Seminar in Algebra, University of Sistan & Baluchestan,Zahedan,March 2006.
10. A note on Hadamard abelian 2-groups. International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2006),Madrid,Spain,Augest 2006.
11. A note on z-permutable subgroups . The 38th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference , University of  Zanjan,Zanjan,Iran, September 2007.
12. On Hadamard  property of 2-groups with special conditions on normal subgroups. The Third International Conference on Mathematical Sciences,UAE University, Al Ain Rotana Hotel, UAE,March 2008
13. A note on product of characters . The 19th Iranian National Seminar in Algebra , Semnan University, Semnan,Iran,March 20087.
14. Some results on products of characters. The 39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference , Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman,Iran,Augest 2008.
15. On products of  conjugacy in some classes of finite groups. Two Days Group Theory Seminar,Isfahan University,Isfahan,Iran,March 2009.
16. Some results on products of conjugacy classes . International Conference of Mathematical Sciences , Maltepe University , Istanbul,Turkey, Augest 2009.
17. The influence of z-permutability of some subgroups of a finite group. The 40th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference , Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Augest 2009.
18. A note on C-normal subgroups of finite groups . Group Theory  Conference, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad ,Mashhad, Iran, March 2010.
19. Some results on C-normal subgroups of  finite groups . The 21  Iranian  National  Seminar in Algebra , Tabriz University , Tabriz, Iran , November 2010............

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