The Signing of an MOU between UNESCO's University-Industry Seat and the NIOECC An MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between UNESCO's University-Industry seat and the National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company was signed Sunday May 19, 2013 in IUST's Automotive Research Center. The first session of the summit on how to improve the relationship between industry and academia in the areas of engineering related matters and oil design was held with the presence of Mr. Ahmadi, CEO of the National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company, a few of his assistants, and interested professors and students. Initially Dr. Shojaee Fard, conference moderator, gave an introduction about the opening of the UNESCO seat and the goals for running this conference. Then Mr. Ahmadi and his team presented a report on necessary areas of research, ways on how to improve the industry-university relationship, and their experiences in working with different universities, namely IUST. This summit ended with a detailed discussion of areas for cooperation, and a signing of an MOU towards cooperation in technological, scientific, and academic areas by Dr. Shojaee Fard and Engineer Ahmadi. Among crucial topics noted in the MOU include cooperation in different areas of research and design, obtain licenses for specialized field creation refineries, participate in retrofitting buildings and oil refineries, consultation and observation on international contracts for purposes to protect and provide from the benefits of the Ministry of oil, upgrade standards and guidelines of the National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company , design the production of feeding specific units refined process and cut foreign dependence, design specific structures such as explosion-proof structures, and design coastal and off-shore structures related to the oil industry. The office of UNESCO's University-Industry seat has had many summits towards bringing together the university and the industry's various public fields, including the water industry and the Ministry of Energy. UNESCO's University-Industry seat in Iran was established April 2012 at Iran University of Science and Technology. Dr. Mohammad Hassan Shojaee Fard, faculty at IUST's School of Mechanical Engineering and chair to the Automotive Research Center, is chair to this UNESCO seat. This office is located in the Automotive Research Center at IUST.  