Special Report on the Photonic and Optoelectronic Laboratory at IUST Optoelectronic systems are widely used in medical, industrial, military, and etc. fields. Photonic and Optoelectronic laboratory at the physics department of IUST have undergone many researches in the areas of designing, manufacturing, and testing optoelectronic systems, such as optical telecommunications, Adaptive optics, and so on. The IUST Photonic and Optoelectronic laboratory is among Iran’s most important asset s, and their missions are to establish strong technological, industrial, and military systems. These include imaging, advanced laser physics, optical telecommunications, medical, and industrial systems. The Photonic Laboratory at IUST specifically focuses on the practicality of its industrial, medical, and military scientific bases. A few of their research projects include designing and manufacturing free space optical communication telecommunication systems, improving image quality, and reducing the effects of atmospheric turbulence on image quality through the usage of adaptive optics, simulation of optical wave propagation through random, turbulent and laminar media . Students, including Masters and PhD, supervised by professors who conduct their research in the areas of manufacturing, designing, and testing of optoelectronic systems. Gaduates from this educational research center have succeeded in different research and industrial fields. Currently this center is under the leadership of Dr. Dabbagh Kashani and Dr. Ghafary. |