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Full name: Rohollah Abdolvahab
Position: Assistant Professor
Phone: 98-21-77451500-10 Ex: 5887
Fax: 98-21-77240497
Email: rabdolvahab AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
University Degrees:
• Ph.D: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• MS.c: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• BS.c: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Current Research:
• Soft Condensed Matter Physics
• Biophysics
• Statistical Mechanics
• Data Analysis
Publications- Journal Papers:
Non-equilibrium effects in chaperone-assisted translocation of a stiff polymer
RH Abdolvahab
Physics Letters A, online (2017) Q2
Chaperone driven polymer translocation through Nanopore: spatial distribution and binding energy
RH Abdolvahab
The European Physical Journal E, 40, 41 (2017) Q2
OmpF, a nucleotide-sensing nanoprobe, computational evaluation of single channel activities
RH Abdolvahab, H Mobasheri, A Nikouee, MR Ejtehadi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 457, 215 (2016) Q1
Investigating binding particles distribution effects on polymer translocation through nanopore
RH Abdolvahab
Physics Letters A, 380, 1023 (2016) Q2
First passage time distribution of chaperone driven polymer translocation through a nanopore: Homopolymer and heteropolymer cases
RH Abdolvahab, R Metzler, MR Ejtehadi
Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 245102 (2016) Q1
Sequence dependence of the binding energy in chaperone-driven polymer translocation through a nanopore
RH Abdolvahab, MR Ejtehadi, R Metzler
Phys. Rev. E, 83,011902 (2011) Q1
Analytical and numerical studies of sequence dependence of passage times for translocation of heterobiopolymers through nanopores
RH Abdolvahab, F Roshani, A Nourmohammad, M Sahimi, MRR Tabar
Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 235102 (2008) Q1