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:: Physical education ::
 | Post date: 2013/09/4 | 

 Department of physical education and sport sciences

The Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences provides sport courses for other schools of IUST students. This courses include physical education (I) physical fitness and (II) for the purpose of specialization in particular sport fields., in practical and theoretical components.

The department facilities are: 1 ) professional library of books on physical education and sport science fields as such as: sport physiology, sport management, nutrition, sport medicine, sport biomechanics, sport injury, motor behavior. 2 )Lab and Fitness & Health Center with well equipped instruments, for example: Body Composition Analyzer, Skinfold measurement, Treadmill, Ergo meter ,Vo2max analyzer software. In order to encourage of students, staff and faculties members to practice sports and develop their physical competence, the Physical Education Management and Extra Curriculum offers programs in diverse sport field and conduct sport communities, that members of the Physical Education Department assist and cooperate with them. These programs and communities are dormitory sport community, school sport community, and specialized sport community. The sport fields include football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, bodybuilding, chess, footsall, mountain climbing, rock climbing, badminton, archery, swimming, karate, handball, fencing, cycling, wrestling, skateboarding, and track and field athletics. The sport areas include indoor and outdoor facilities and are expanded in more than 22000 square meters. These areas are comprised of four gymnasium, an stadium and tennis courts. 


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