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Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

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:: taheri ::

 Full Name: Dr. Fathollah, Taheri-Behrooz

 Position: Associate Professor

 Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex: 8980

 Fax: 98-21-77240488

 Email: taheri AT iust.ac.ir
Personal pages: Scholar, Scopus

 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN

University Degrees

 Post Doc., Dalhousie University, Canada, (2009-2010)

 Ph. D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran (2003-2008)

 M. Sc., School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran (1996-1998)

 B. Sc., Mechaincal Engineering Department, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Iran (1992-1996)

Fields of Interest
  • Fatigue analysis of polymeric cmposites
  • Modeling of SMA hybrid composite structures
  • Simulation of bolted and rivetd joinints in laminated composites
  • Damage tolorence and structural integrity of composite structures

  • Associate professor, since 2017, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Tehran, Iran
  • Assistant professor, 2012-2016, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Tehran, Iran
  • Research associate, 2007-2008, School of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Canada

Journal Papers (ISI)

31-Taheri-Behrooz F., Omidi M. and Shokrieh M.M., Experimental and numerical investigation of buckling behavior of composite cylinders with cutout, Thin-Walled Structures2017, 116: 136–144.

30- Taheri-Behrooz F. and Kiani A., Numerical investigation of the macroscopic mechanical behavior of NiTi-Hybrid composites subjected to static load–unload–reload path. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance2017, 26:1483–1493.

29- Taheri-Behrooz F. and Bakhshi N., Neuber’s rule accounting for the material nonlinearity influence on the stress concentration of the laminated composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2017, 36(3): 214–225.

28- Taheri-Behrooz F., Esmkhani M., Yaghoobi-Chatroodi A. and Ghoreishi S.M., Out-of-plane shear properties of glass/epoxy composites enhanced with carbon-nanofibers. Polymer Testing, 2016, 55: 278-286.

27-Taheri-Behrooz F., Bakhshan H., Characteristicc length determination of notched woven composites, Advanced Composite Materials2016, DOI: 10.1080/09243046/2016.1232007.

26- Ghasemi AR., Taheri-Behrooz F., Farahani SMN. and Mohandes M., Nonlinear free vibration of an Euler-Bernoulli composite beam undergoing finite strain subjected to different boundary conditions, Journal of Vibration and Control2016, 22(3): 799-811.

25- Taheri-Behrooz F., Shamaei Kashani A.R., Hefzabad R.N., Effects of materials nonlinearity on load distribuation in multi-bolt composite joints, Composite Structures2015, 125:195-201.

24- Afshin M., Taheri-Behrooz F., Interlaminar stresses of laminated composite beams resting on elastic foundation subjected to transverse loading, Computational Material Science2015, 96:439-447.

23- Taheri-Behrooz F., Memar Maher B., Shokrieh M.M, Mechanical properties modification of a thin film phenolic resin filled with nano silica particles, Computational Materials Science2015, 96:411-415.

22- Ghadermazi K., Khozeimeh A.M., Taheri-Behrooz F., Safizadeh MS., Delamination detection on glass-epoxy composites using step phase thermography, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2015, 72:204-209.

21- Shokrieh M.M., Esmkhani M., Taheri-Behrooz F., A novel model to predict the fatigue life of thermoplastics nanocomposites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Material2015, 28(11):1496-1506.

20- Ghaheri A., Keshmiri A., Taheri-Behrooz F., Buckling and vibration of symmetrically laminated composites Elliptical plates on an elastic foundation subjected to uniform in-plane force, J. Eng. Mech., 2014, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000760.

19- Shokrieh M.M., Esmkhani M., Taheri-Behrooz F., Fatigue modeling of chopped strand mat/epoxy composites, Structural Engineering and Mechanics2014, 50(2):231-240.

18- Shokrieh M.M., Esmkhani M., Taheri-Behrooz F., Haghighatkhah A.R, Displacement -Controlled flexural bending fatigue behavior of graphene/epoxy nanocomposites, Journal of Composite Materials2014, 48(24):2935-2944.

17- Afsharmanesh B., Ghaeheri A., Taheri-Behrooz F., Buckling and vibration of a laminated composite circular plate on winkler type foundation, Steel and Composite Structures2014, 17(1): 1-19.

16- Taheri-Behrooz F.,  Shokrieh M.M.,  Yahyapour I., Effect of stacking sequence on failure mode of fiber metal laminates under low-velocity impact, Iran Polym J, 2014, 23: 147- 152.

15- Zibaei I, Rahnama H., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Shokrieh M.M.,  First strain gradient elasticity solution for nanotube-reinforced matrix problem, Composite Structures2014, 112: 273-282.

14- Taraghi I., Feridoon A. and Taheri-Behrooz F., Low-velocity impact response of woven Kevlar/epoxy laminated composites reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotubes at ambient and low temperatures, Material and Design2014, 53: 152-158.

13- Taheri-Behrooz F., Shokrieh M.M. and Abdolvand H.R., Designing and manufacturing of a drop weight impact test machine, Engineering Solid Mechanics2013, 1:69-76.

12- Akbari S., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Shokrieh MM., Slitting Measurement of Residual Hoop Stresses Through the Wall-Thickness of a Filament Wound Composite Ring,  Experimental Mechanics2013, 53: 1509-1518.

11- Taheri-Behrooz F., Ghasemi, AR and Shokrieh MM., Determination of non-uniform residual stress in laminated composites using integral hole drilling method: experimental evaluation, Journal of Composite Materials2014, 48(4): 415-425.

10- Eslami S., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Taheri F., Effects of moisture and temperature on perforated GFRP composites, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering2012, doi:10.1155/2012/303014

9- Eslami S., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Taheri F., Long-term hygrothermal response of perforated GFRP plates with/without application of constant external loading, Polymer Composites201233(4): 467–475.

8- Taheri-Behrooz F., R.A. Esmaeel and F. Taheri., Response of perforated composite tubes subjected to axial compressive loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2012, 50: 174-181.

7- V. Nasir, H. Karimipour, F. Taheri-Behrooz, M.M. Shokrieh, Corrosion behaviour and crack formation mechanism of basalt fibre in sulphuric acid, Corrosion Science, 2012, 64: 1–7.

6- Taheri-Behrooz F., Taheri F. and Hosseinzadeh R., Characterization of a shape memory alloy hybrid composite plate subject to static loadingJournal of Materials and Design, 2011,  32: 2923–2933.

5- Shokrieh M.M, Taheri-Behrooz F., Progressive fatigue damage modeling of cross-ply laminates, I: Modeling strategyJournal of Composite Materials2010, 44(10): 1217-1231.

4- Taheri-Behrooz F. , Shokrieh M.M, Lessard L.B., Progressive fatigue damage modeling of cross-ply laminates, II: Experimental evaluation, Journal of Composite Materials, 2010, 44(10): 1261-1277.

3- Taheri-Behrooz F. , Shokrieh M.M, Lessard L.B. “Residual stiffness in cross-ply laminates subjected to cyclic loading, Composite Structures, 2008, 85: 205-212.

2- Shokrieh M.M. and Taheri-Behrooz F., A unified fatigue life model for composite materials, Composite Structures2006, 75(1-4): 444-450.

1- Shokrieh M.M. and Taheri, B.F., wing instability of a full composite aircraft, Composite Structures,2001, 54: 335-340.

Conference Proceedings

 11- Shokrieh, MM., Taheri-Behrooz, F. and Yahyapour, I. Effect of stacking sequence on failure mode of fiber metal laminates under low velocity impact, CCFA-3, December 18-19,2012, Tehran, Iran.

 10- Afshin M., Taheri-Behrooz F., Analytical and experimental evaluation of a composite leaf spring landing gear, X-mech 2012, March 6-7, 2012, Tehran, Iran.

 9- Ahmadi B., Taheri-Behrooz F., Feridoon A. Multiwall carbon nanotube application in co-cured adhesive joints of E-glass/epoxy laminates and AL-2024-T3,The second interational conference of composites (CCFA2), Dec 27-30, 2010, Kish Irland ,Iran.

 8- Shokrieh M.M. and Taheri-Behrooz F. A Phenomenological Model to Study the Fatigue Behavior of Unidirectional Composites, Proceeding of 9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta, USA, May 14-19, 2006.

 7- Shokrieh M.M., Fakhar M. and Taheri-Behrooz F., Response of Composite Sandwich Panels under Low Velocity Impact with Circularly Clamped Boundary Conditions, Proceeding of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , April 3- 5, 2006.

 6- Shokrieh M.M. and Taheri-Behrooz F., A unified fatigue life model for composite materials, Proceeding of 13th international conference of composite structures (ICCS/13), Australia, Melbourne, November 14-16, 2005.

 5- Shokrieh M.M., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Moslemian R., Reinforcement of corroded gas pipelines with polymeric composite materials, Proceeding of the 13th Annual Conference (International) of Mechanical Engineering, Iran, Esfahan, 2005. (In Persian)

 4- Shokrieh M.M., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Sokhanvar H.R, A model for determining the optimum fiber volume fraction in composite materials, Proceeding of the 4thtechnical- engineering conference of young researchers Club, Azad University of Kashan, Iran 2005. (In Persian)

 3- Shokrieh M.M., Taheri-Behrooz F. and H. Asgari, Design and Manufacturing of a new composite cabin for Cobra helicopter, Proceeding of the 5th Annual Conference (International) Iranian Aerospace Association, Iran, Esfahan, 2004, pp. 215-224. (In Persian)

 2- Shokrieh M.M., Taheri-Behrooz F. and Fadaei Arasi M., Measurement of Moisture properties of Aramid/Epoxy composites for cylindrical specimens and evaluation of Fick’s equation, Proceeding of the 11th Annual Conference(International) of Mechanical Engineering, Iran, Mashhad, 2003, Vol.3, pp. 1281-1286. (In Persian)

 1- Shokrieh M.M. and Taheri, B.F., wing instability of a full composite aircraft”, International Conference, Theory and Practice of Technology of Manufacturing Products of Composite Metal Materials and New Alloys - The 21The Century, 30 January - 2 February 2001, Moscow, Russia


 1- " Fatigue life prediction of composites and composite structures", Edited by, A. P. Vassilopoulos, chapter 8 entitled , " Fatigue life prediction based on progressive damage modeling", by M. M. Shokrieh and F. Taheri-Behrooz , Woodhead Publishing, July 2010.

Funded Research Projects

1- Residual stress measurment in round composite specimens, Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2013.

2- Constitutive equations of polymeric composites reinforced with SMA wires. Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2014.

Courses Taught

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