Dr KHeyreddin,Reza

 | Post date: 2012/12/16 | 


Name: Reza
Urban Planning department
Iran University of Science and Technology
Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Cell :+98(0)9121009010
Tel/Fax: +98(0)2177240467-8
Email: reza_kheyroddiniust.ac.ir, kheyroddin2000yahoo.com


Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5511-1539
H-Index: 9,  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Cq97hBIAAAAJ&hl=en

CV 2024



  • Associate professor in Urban & Regional Planning Department,

School of Architecture and Environmental Design,
IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology), Tehran, IRAN


  • Director of Research Laboratory: EASAF (Engineering Analysis of Spatial Arrangement Factors), Department of Urbanism, IUST


  • Director of Urbanism Departement, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology), (Scince May 2017 to now).
  • Vice-Dean for Educational and Doctoral Affaires, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology), (Since March 2011 to May 2014).

Languages :

  • French (Very Good),
  • English (Good),
  • Parsian (Native),
  • Turkish Azerbaijani (Maternal)

Research Interests/ Domaine de recherche :

  • Rail-Based Urbanism and Rail-Scape Planning
  • Quantitative and Spatial Analysis of Urban & Regional Transformation/ Analyse Quantitative et Spatiale de Transformation Urbaine et Régionale
  • Mega-Cities and Metropolization/ Très Grandes Villes et Métropolisation
  • Petroleum Cities (Iran & midel-East)/ Villes Pétrolières (Iran et Moyen Orient)
  • Urbanism and Spatial Mobility in Coastal and Border Regions/ Urbanisme et Mobilité Spatiale aux Régions Côtièrs et Frontièrs


  • University of Paris X-Nanterre, Paris- France, Ph.D. in Urban Planning (Urbanisme et Amenagement de l’Espace), 2009. Ph.D. program: “Policies, Practices and Methods for Urban regeneration in the scale of Tehran metropolis”, Mention: “Very Honorable”.

On line in the website of Paris-X University:  http://bdr.u-paris10.fr/sid/these.php?2009PA100060

  • University of Tehran, Master’s degree in urban & regional Planning: 1998,

M.S. thesis title: "Inner city growth by revitalization of urban spaces of King Hasan complex in Tabriz- Iran"

  • University of Tehran – Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering & rural development: 1994.
  • Alborz High School, Tehran-Iran, High School Diploma in the field of Physics & mathematics, 1990.

Some of Journal Papers:

  1. Almusawi A, Kheyroddin R, Alalhesabi M, 2024, The impact of the mega-event on urban morphology: Arbaeen event in Al-Najaf as a case study, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Available online 18 October 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2024.08.006
  2. Kheyroddin Reza, Alalhesabi Mehran, Maleki Fariba, 2024, Spatial Analysis of Educational Inequalities and Evaluation of its Affecting Factors: the Period of Before and During the COVID-19 Epidemic in Iran, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, DOI: 10.1007/s12061-024-09567-w
  3. Kheyroddin, R., Momeni, S. F. (2024). Comparative Study of Environmental Qualities of Urban Spaces in New Shopping Malls and Traditional Bazaars Case Study: Kourosh Mall and Kaffashha Bazaar in Tehran. Urban and Regional Planning, 9(2), 35-46. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.urp.20240902.11
  4. Kheyroddin Reza, Mostafavi Esfahani Nazanin, 2024, Identifying and analysis the speculative factors affecting land use changes and activity (Case study:Gisha street in Tehran), Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 75 (2-2025). Doi: 10.61186/jgs.24.75.22  (Full Text in Persain).
  5. Ghorbanpour M., Kheyroddin R., Daneshpour SA., 2023, Providing a Flexible Conceptual Framework to Define “Second Home”: A Systematic Review, Journal of Research and Rural Planning, Available Online from 20 September 2023, doi: 10.22067/JRRP.2023.82591.1080
  6. Khorsand R, Alalhesabi M, Kheyroddin R, 2023, Conceptualize of Mutual Acquaintance and its Influence on Enhancing of Citizenship Social Relation Quality; An Urbanistic Approach in the Context of Islamic Ideology​, Interdisciplinary Studies of Islamic Revolution Civilization, 8(2), 129-154.
  7. Kheyroddin R, Ghaderi M, (2023), Railways and urban expansion: How does rail transport affect urban expansion in metropolitan areas? (Warsaw and Copenhagen case), International Planning Studies, 28 (2), 124-141.
  8. Shirvani Dastgerdi, Ahmadreza, and Kheyroddin, Reza. (2023). “Building Resilience in Cultural Landscapes: Exploring the Role of Transdisciplinary and Participatory Planning in the Recovery of the Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System.” Sustainability. 15 (13): 10433.
  9. Shirvani Dastgerdi, Ahmadreza, and Kheyroddin, Reza. (2022). “Policy Recommendations for Integrating Resilience into the Management of Cultural Landscapes.” Sustainability. 14 (14): 8500.
  10. Kheyroddin Reza, Ghadi Mohamad hosein, 2022, Productive and Exportive Function of Special Port Economic Zones for Endogenous Regional Development (Case study: Special Economic Zone of Amirabad Port), Urban Strategic Thought, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-23, DOI: 10.30479/UT.2022.17177.1102
  11. Khorashadi Zadeh H, Solimani mehranjani M, Tavallaei S, kheyroddin R, Abdoli G. 2022, The Explanation of Urban System Transformations in the Tehran's megalopolis region. jgs; 22 (65):403-422 (in persian).
  12. Alalhesabi Mehran, Kheyroddin Reza; Sarafraz Vahid, 2022, The Impact of the Islamic Worldview on the Position of the Mosque as an Urban Space and the Role of the Mosque as an Essential Pillar in the Islamic City in Economy, Culture and Security(Case study: Dezful city), Geography (Regional Planning), Vol. 48(4),  Pages 43-63. (Full Text in Persain).
  13. Sarafraz Vahid, Kheyroddin  Reza, Alalhesabi Mehran, 2022, Explaining the role of the mosque in the cohesion of the physical-spatial structure of the neighborhood, Iranian Political Sociology Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Pp: 139-177, (Full Text in Persain).
  14. Kheyroddin Reza, Salahi Moghadam Alireza, Taheri Fatemeh, 2021, Analyzing Spatial Organization of Tehran Metropolitan Area Using Demographic Flow, The Journal of Fine Arts: Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol.26, Issue 4, Pages 27-37.
  15. Kheyroddin Reza, Momeni Sepideh, Palouj Mojtaba, Daneshpour Abdolhadi, (2021), Investigating the side-effects and consequences of the formation of second homes in Alamut rural areas, Central Alborz of Iran, TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, Vol. 14 No. 3,  381-394.
  16. Mirzaei E, Kheyroddin Reza, Mignot D, 2021, Exploring the effect of the built environment, weather condition and departure time of travel on mode choice decision for different travel purposes: Evidence from Isfahan, Iran, Case studies on transport policy Vol.9, Issue: 4, Pages:1419-1430.
  17. Abbaspour kalmarzi M, Kheyroddin R, 2021, Ecological Tourism Development Model of Impassable Mountainous Areas in the Context of the Ancient Infrastructure of the Railway Network (Case study: Tehran-Mazandaran railway), Quarterly Journal of Urban and Regional Development Planning ,Volume 4, Issue 9, Pages 1-36. (Full Text in Persian)
  18. Khorsand R, Kheyroddin R, Alalhesabi M, 2021,  City Nightlife from Islamic viewpoints: Inference of native pattern of 24-Hour city and city nightlife in accordance with the Islamic lifestyle,  Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture, Iran University of Science & Technology,  Volume 8, Issue 4, JRIA 2021, 8(4): 13-36,
  19. Kheyroddin R., Ghaderi M., 2020,  New towns as deconcentration or another concentration in the metropolis: evidence from Parand New Town in the Tehran Metropolitan Area, International journal of urban sciences Vol. 24, Issue 1, Pp. 69-87.
  20. Kheyroddin R, Rhsaz S, Kalmarzi MA. (2020). Ecological Tourism Development in the Mountainous Regions and Historical Railway Network Capacities. Case Study: Tehran-Mazandaran Old Railway by Crossing the Alborz Mountain Range, Lucrările Seminarului Geografic" Dimitrie Cantemir. 186-206.
  21. Khorsand Ramin, Alalhesabi Mehran, Kheyroddin Reza, 2020, Redefining the concept of the 24-hour city and city nightlife for holy cities, with the use of Islamic instructions: A Case study of the holy city of Karbala, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 671 (1), 012116
  22. Kheyroddin, R. Zabetian, E. 2019, Comparative evaluation of relationship between psychological adaptations in order to reach thermal comfort and sense of place in urban spaces, Urban Climate 29 (2019) 100483.
  23. Shirgir E, Kheyroddin R, Behzadfar M, 2019, Developing Strategic Principles of Intervention in Urban Green Infrastructure to Create and Enhance Climate Resilience in Cities—Case Study: Yousef Abad in Tehran, Journal of Climate Change, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 61-73.
  24. Moayedi M, Kheyroddin Reza, Shieh I, 2019, Determining the Role of Pedestrian-Orientation, Concerning the Public Places: Improvement of Urban Social Capital Quality, Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Pages: 901-912.
  25. Mirzaei E, Kheyroddin R, Behzadfar M, Mignot D, 2018, Utilitarian and hedonic walking: examining the impact of the built environment on walking behavior, European transport research review 10, Pp: 1-14.
  26. Shirgir E, Kheyroddin R, Behzadfar M, 2019, Defining urban green infrastructure role in analysis of climate resiliency in cities based on landscape ecology theories, TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 12 (3), 227-247.
  27. Nahavandi E., Zabetian E., Pour Ahmad A., Kheyroddin R., 2017, Spaces' livability in modern commercial centers, MANZAR, The Scientific Journal of landscape, Vol 9, Issue 40, 54-67.
  28. Razpour M, Kheyroddin R, Daneshpour AA, (2018), Explaining a different kind of informal space production in Baneh border County; capital accumulation and poverty deepening, Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Memary Va Shahrsazi, 22 (4), 17-28.
  29. Zabetian Elham, Kheyroddin Reza, 2018, The Role of Comfort Perception, Especially Thermal Comfort in the Pattern of Citizens’ Behavior in Urban Spaces (Case Study of Imam Khomeini Square and Imam Hussein in the City of Tehran), URBAN MANAGEMENT, Vol. 17, Issue 50, Pages: 5-19.
  30. Kheyroddin R., Hedayatifard M., 2017, a, Social segregation to exclusive public shoreline access: Coastal gated communities on the middle shoreline of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 143 (3), 05017006
  31. Kheyroddin R., Hedayatifard M., 2017, b, “The production of exclusive spaces in coastal pre-urban areas: Causes and motivations: Middle shoreline of Caspian Sea in north of Iran”, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pp: 333-341.
  32. Kheyroddin R, Piroozi R, Soleimani A, (2017), Metastatic spread of luxury second homes in rural areas: a new type of spatial development in the tehran metropolitan region: a study of damavand county Iran, Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 34 (1), 71-88.
  33. Reza Kheyroddin, Gholamreza Kamyar, Ebrahim Dalaei Milan, 2017, Balancing between property right and public interests in urban regeneration measures (from interests conflict to legal balance ), Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pp: 22-39, (Full text in Persain)
  34. Kheyroddin, R. Khazaeian, O. (2017), Spatial Planning in the information age: digital communications and new planning consideration? The case of spatial organization in Iran, Acta Geographica Slovenica, Accepted: 16/Oct./2017, Slovenia/ Geo Ins. Antona Melika ZRC SAZU,
  35. Kheyroddin, R. Azhdari, A. Taghvaee, A. 2017, Spatiotemporal analysis of Shiraz metropolitan area expansion during 1986-2014: Using remote sensing imagery and landscape metrics, International Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, Accepted 16/04/2017, Iran University Of Science and Technology, Iran,
  36. Kheyroddin R., Razpour M., 2016, Informal economy and urban spatial changes in the border town Baneh. A case study from the Iranian-Iraqi border, International Journal of Contemporary Economics & Administrative Sciences, Vol. 6, Issue. 1, Pages 66-86.
  37. Forouhar A, Kheyroddin R, 2016, The impact of commercialization on the spatial quality of residential neighbourhoods: evidence from Nasr neighbourhood of Tehran, Geographical Planning of Space, Vol. 6 (20), 63-84, (Full text in Persain).
  38. Kheyroddin R, Naderi M, (2016), Success and Failure in Metropolitan Regions Organization Comparative comparison of east pivot of metropolis Tehran and east pivot of metropolis Paris, BAGH-E NAZAR, 12 (37), 17-30.
  39. Kheyroddin Reza, Hakimzadeh Asl Vahid, (2016), The Application of Jobs-Housing Balance in Spatial Balancing Assessment of New Towns (Case study of Pardis New Town in Tehran Metropolitan Region, Iran),  The Journal of Spatial Planning, MJSP 2016, 20(3): 105-129, (In Persian)
  40. Kheyroddin, R., Hedayatifard, M., (2015), “Actors and processes behind exclusiveness of coastal lands: From institutional aspects to spatial outputs. Middle shoreline of Caspian Sea of Iran” in Jean-Marie BRETON, Olivier DEHOORNE et  Jean-Marie FURT, “Spaces and island and coastal environments. Accessibility - vulnerability – resilience", editor Paris, Karthala, 2015.
  41. Kheyroddin R., Razpour M., 2015, Monitoring the Spatial Developments of Rural Settlements in Border Regions: Challenges and Potentials in the Function of Rural Society in Baneh Border County, Village and Development, Vol. 17, Issue 4, Pp. 25-48.
  42. Kheyroddin, R, Khazaeian, O., (2015), An analytic overview on the rise of cyber spaces and the Islamic Society: An urban challenge or natural transition of cities? Journal of Research in Islamic Architecture, Vol.3, No.2, P: 50-65.
  43. Kheyroddin Reza, Golriz Keyvan, 2014, Assessment of Urban Texture Demolition and Renewal Process, Manzar, Vol. 6, No. 27, Pp: 39-43.
  44. Kheyroddin, R., et all. (2014), "The Influence of Metro Station Development on Neighbourhood Quality. The Case of Tehran Metro Rail System", International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (IRSPSD): Vol. 2 (2014) No. 2, P 64-75.
  45. Kheyroddin Reza., Forouhar A., Imani J., 2014, Purposeful Development of Metro Stations: From Spatial Segregation to Urban Integration in Tehran Metropolis Case Studies: Shari'ati and Shohada Metro Stations, Bagh-E Nazar, Vol. 10, Issue 27, Pages 15-26.
  46. Kheyroddin R., Razpour M., 2014, An Investigation on informal Economy and Commercial Tourism Impacts on Physical- Spatial Evolution of Baneh Border Region, Kurdistan, Iran Spatial Strategic Analysis by Multi-Scale Approach, Journal of Urban-Regional Studies and Research, Vol. 5, Issue 20, Pp. 45-66.
  47. Kheyroddin, R. & Razpour, M. (2013). Regional Transport Development and Urban Economic Isolation; Analysis of Paradoxical Consequences in Qazvin- Rasht Highway Construction: Loshan City, Iran, Armanshahr; Journal of Architecture, Urban Design & Urban Planning. No. (10). pp. 217-230.
  48. Kheyroddin Reza, Imani J, Forouhar A, 2013, An Analysis of Spatial Consequences of Urban Management Measures in Old and New Sections of the Metropolis of Tabriz, Journal of Urban Economics and Management Vol.1 No. 4, Pp: 93-109.
  49. Kheyroddin Reza, Taghvaee A, Imani J, 2012, Spatial Evolution Analysis of Metropolises Associated with Changes in Oil Prices (Case Study: Tabriz Metropolis), Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism Association, No. 6, Pp: 17-36.

  1. Kheyroddin, R. (2010), "A geo-referenciel analysis on urban governance policies in Tehran metropolis (The years 1993-2007) Toward urban integration or spatial segregation?",  Journal of Fine Arts: Architecture & Urban Planning 2 (42), 71-82. (Full Text in Persain).

International Research Projects and Scientific Collaborations:


  1. Franco-Iranian International Scientific Research Program: Gundishapour, CISSC-MRST, Iran & University-Scientific Collaboration Office of French-Embassy, France. « Metropolisation des regions urbaines : Villes Nouvelles Entre La Projetation, La Realisation (Etude Comparative Entre Villes Nouvelles Téhéranaises Et Parisiennes) », Juin 2013-Juin 2015. Supervised by Reza KHEYRODDIN (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, IUST) Iran and Denis MARTOUZET (Professor, University of François-Rabelais, Tours) France.
  2. International Collaboration Research Program (ICRP), CISSC-MSRT of Iran, “Evaluation the Consequences of Border Informal Economy on Physical-Spatial Changes of Baneh Border City; Strategies and Plans in order to Create Regional Sustainable Development”, September 2015, Supervised by: Reza KHEYRODDIN (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, IUST) Iran, and Walter LEIMGRUBER, (Emeritus Professor, Department of Geosciences, Geography, University of Fribourg/CH) Switzerland.
  3. Edited and Collective Book, Multi-Scales Spatial Consequences of Rail-Way Transportation Development, (Multi-Language: English & French), Edited by Denis MARTOUZET (Professor, University of François-Rabelais, Tours) and Reza KHEYRODDIN (Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, IUST) 2016, Under Issue, Presse Universitaire de Université François-Rabelais de Tours, France.

Some International Conferences Paper:


  1. Mostafavi Esfahani Nazanin, Kheyroddin Reza, (2021), The nature and culture of speculative urban management to provide income, case study: landuse changes speculatively in Nasr area, Tehran, National conference of urban ethics and culture ( in persian).
  2. R. kheyroddin, S.F.H. Hojjatzdeh, "strategy for the development of war-stricken zones with territorial planning" presentation in international seminar and workshop: theoretical and methodological innovations in the process of the problematic to research in urbanism &spatial planning studies 05 Nov. 2018
  3. R. kheyroddin, S.F.H. Hojjatzdeh, "How to reach museum axes areas instead of spot museum " in presentation in national conference on the design of holy defense museum. 26th Feb. 2017
  4. Kheyroddin R., Zabetian E., 2016, Explaining the relationship between psychological adaptation with a sense of place to achieve thermal comfort in urban Public spaces, Colloque international De l’action sur la nature à la nature de l’action, Colloque organisé par l’UMR CITERES, l’IRSTEA et l’INSA Centre-Val de Loire dans le cadre du Réseau Thématique de Recherche MIDI, 28-29 juin 2016, Blois, France,
  5. Kheyroddin, R. Dalaei Milan, E(2016), Conflict between property rights and public interests in the context of the limitations of settlements geomorphology(From legal conflicts to customary agreements), 10th Annual Conference of the International Academic Association for Planning Law and Property Rights, 2016, Bern, Switzerland. http://www.geography.unibe.ch
  6. R. Kheyroddin, S.F.H. Hojjatzdeh, "the effect of RAHIAN-NOOR in south of military operation" in report of the international seminar of "Martyrs representation and visibility in urban and architectural spaces in Muslim countries "25th April, 2015, IUST, Iran.
  7. Kheyroddin, R.  Zahedpour, S.  Ghasemi, N(2015) Analysing the impact of landuse change on agriculture and gardens, case study : Urmia Urban-Region, Colloque international L’agriculture  périurbaine : impacts du fait urbain, stratégies et jeux d’acteurs, 15 - 16 Avril 2015, Algérie.
  8. Kheyroddin, R. Mirzakhani, A(2015) « Analysis of Tourist Mobility via HSR Development in  New Geographical Map of Iran », High‐Speed Rail And The City: Urban Dynamics And Tourism, 21 – 23 January 2015, France
  9. KHEYRODDIN, R.  Hedayetifard, M(2015) Effective forces in spatial evolution of urban coastal areas; From spatial changes to ecological transition: Urban coastal area in North of Iran, 5ème colloque de l’ARPEnv Transition écologique : de la perception à l'action, 11 et 12 juin 2015, France.
  10. Kheyroddin, R. Namvarian, A. Kani, S(2014) “Every Day Life” as the In¬termediary of “Becoming Local and Global”: The Transformation of Valiasr Intersection in Tehran, Iran, AESOP International workshop, "BECOMING LOCAL: Transforming spaces, redefining localities" Paris-2014, October 23-25, 2014, France.
  11. Kheyroddin, R. Mir, A(2014) Free Space Optical Communication and Necessity of Utilization in the Urban Spaces, The 2nd International Conference on Urbanism & Spatial Mobility, October, 18-19, 2014, Iran
  12. Forouhar, A., Kheyrrodin, R., Taghvaee, A., Imani, J. (2013), "Purposeful Development of Metro Stations; a Solution to Reduce Spatial Disparities in Tehran Metropolis. Case Study: Tehran Metro Rail System", International Conference 2013 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SPSD2013), Beijing, China, 30 August- 01 September 2013, Tsinghua University of Beijing.
  13. Kheyrrodin, R., Imani, J., Forouhar, A. (2013), "Consequence Analysis of Spatial Evolution Management in Tabriz Metropolis; Urban Expanding & Inner City Degradation (1986-2011) ", le cinquantième colloque de l’Association des sciences régionales de langue française (ASRDLF2013), Mons, Belgium, 8-11 July 2013, Available on: http://www.asrdlf2013.org/spip.php?article25
  14. Kheyroddin, R. Khazaeian, O (2014) “The rise of Placeless and Timeless Telecommunications and new perspectives in revising urban research methods”, paper accepted for oral presentation (on October 20, 2014) in First National Conference on Research Methods in Urban Planning & Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
  15. Kheyroddin, R., Khazaeian, O. (2014) “Telecommunications and the new inter-urban interactions; which spatial structure for the case of Iran?”, paper accepted for oral presentation (on October 18-19, 2014) in 2nd International Conference on Urbanism and Spatial Mobility: Dynamics of Space; Mobility & Relationality, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  16. Kheyroddin, R., Khazaeian,O. and (2013), “New form of regional cooperation, new spatial structure; Electronic cooperation and the rise of mega city-regions, presented and published in Regional Studies Association Winter Conference “Mobilising Regions: Territorial Strategies for Growth”, London, UK. Link: http://www.regionalstudies.org/uploads  Conference_Book_Web_Version_2.pdf
  17. Khazaeian O, Kheyroddin, R. (2014), “Cyber spaces and the rise of fundamental changes in urban social interactions, presented and published (in Persian) on first national conference on “Culture and Technology”, Sharif university of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Editorial Member of Scientific Journal:

  1. The Journal of Urban Economics and Planning, Tehran Urban Planning and Research Center Press, Tehran, Iran.

pISSN: 2821-2118
eISSN: 2821-2126
URL: https://www.juep.net/journal/editorial.board?lang=en


  1. Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture, Iran University of Science & Technology, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Tehran, Iran.

Print ISSN: 2382-980X,
Online ISSN: 2382-980X
URL: https://jria.iust.ac.ir/page/51/Editorial-board


  1. The Journal of Spatial Planning, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Tehran, Iran.

eISSN: 2476-6860
pISSN: 1605-9689
URL: https://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/persons.php??slc_lang=en&sid=21


Professional Experience

  • Official Expert of Justice in Civil Engineering, Justice Experts' Association of Tehran, Iran, (2009 to now),
  • Training formation and Post-Doc in APUR (Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme), Paris Municipality, France, June et July 2009.
  • Member of Construction Engineering System Organization of Tehran-Iran (membership No:10-3-0-23360) with a License for Engagement in Engineering Job from ministry of housing and urban development of Iran.(2001to now)
  • Ecole de Mèze : « Modélisation et simulation multi-agents en sciences sociales : Cours d’initiation aux principes, pratiques, méthodes » Responsables Mr Nils Ferrand, UMR G-EAU Cemagref et Frédéric Amblard, IRIT- Université de Toulouse 1. stage du 8 au 14 avril 2007 à Mèze, France.
  • Head of Standard Compilation and Technical Affairs, Technical Deputy, Planning & Management Organization, Tehran Province, (2001 to 2003).
  • Cooperation and Advising in the regional Development Plans to Ministry of Jihad Sazandegi (Amenagement) (1996-1999).

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