Personal Details
NAME: Maryam
SURNAME: Samadani
Fields of Research Interests:
Ceramics, Glass, Electron Microscopy, Glass.
Contact Address
School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Tel: (9821)73228863
Fax: +9821-77240480
Mahdavi, S.,Mahdavi,V., samadani, M.,Rezaie, H.R."Investigation of the percentage of crystallization in glass ceramics using an image analyzer method", Journal of ceramic processing research,Vol. 12,No. 1,pp. 34-37(2011)
Z. Salehpour,A.R.Mirhabibi,R.Aghababazadeh,M. samadani,"The effects of three types of deflocculants and the increase in the PH on rheological behaviour of Nano Carbon/SiC suspentions", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.11,5429-5434,2011
Rezaei H.R., Mohammad-Rahimi R.,Nemati A. , Samadani M. "Synthesis and characterization of Al2O3-SiC nano compositenby sol-gel method and the effect of TiO2 on sintering"Journal of Nanoresearch,Vol.13 (2011) pp7-19.
M.Samadani, A.Abdollah-zadeh, S.Behrouzghaemi, S.H. Razavi, " Effect of solid solution supersaturation on precipitation of ¡¢ in rapidly quenched Ni-Al binary alloys" J. mater. Sci. Technology, vol. 24, 2008 |
S. Khatibzadeh, M. Samadani, B. Eftekhari Yekta, S. Hasheminia, "Effect of sintering and melt casting methods on properties of a machinable Fluor-phlogopite glass-ceramics", Journal of materials processing technology, 2007
G.Taghavi , H.R.Rezaie , H.Razavizadeh , M. Samadani"Synthesis of W-Cu-Ag Nanocomposite powder produced by co-precipitation method"6th inthernational conference on Diffusion in solids and liquids,Paris, 7/2010
M. Sobhani, H. R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, M. Samadani , "Low temperature synthesis of aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5) nanocrystalline by sol-gel method", First Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2006