Fluid Phase Equilibria 299 (2010) 122–126
Experimental and theoretical study on liquid–liquid equilibrium of
1-butanol + water +NaNO
Fatemeh Pirahmadi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani
Bahman Behzadi, S. Mojtaba Seyedi, Hesamoddin Rabiee
Thermodynamics Research Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran
a b s t r a c t
In this work liquid–liquid equilibria (LLE) in the system containing 1-butanol–water–sodium nitrate
at temperatures of 25 and 35
UNIQUAC model has previously been used for correlation of liquid–liquid equilibrium in aqueous salt
systems containing alcohols. In that model the excess Gibbs energy consists of two terms, the original
UNIQUAC term and Debye–Hückel term which considers the alcohol as a non-electrolyte solute. In this
work, a modified extended UNIQUAC model is used by taking into account mixed solvent theories. The
model consists of three terms, the original UNIQUAC term, a Pitzer–Debye–Hückel term and a Born term.
The model has been found to give a satisfactory description of LLE data obtained in this work, with an
average absolute deviation of less than 0.5 in calculated mass percent compared to experimental data.
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◦C has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The extended