تقوی |
نام: دکتر رضا تقوی زنوز
رتبه علمی: دانشیار
تلفن: 50-77240540 داخلی:8908
فاکس: 77240488
پست الکترونیکی: taghavi AT iust.ac.ir
آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران
دانشگاه های محل تحصیل
- دکترا، دانشگاه Manchester، انگلستان
- فوق لیسانس، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، ایران
- لیسانس، دانشگاه علم و صنعت، ایران
- Aerodynamic Design of Axial Compressors
- Aerodynamic Optimization of Tall Buildings
- Gas Turbine Testing
- Fulid Dynamics Testing
- Wind Tunnel Testing
زمینه های تحقیقاتی
- آیرودینامیک تجربی و تئوری
- توربوماشین
- جریان های گذار
پروژه های تحقیقاتی
- Aerodynamics of Tall Buildings
- Drag Reduction of Passenger Trains
- Design of Axial Compressor
- Design and Manufacturing of a Closed-Circuit Subsonic Wind Tunnel
- Aerodynamics Optimization of Axial Compressors
- Performance Tests of Gas Turbine Engines
راهنمایی پایان نامه های تحصیلات تکمیلی
- Drag Reduction of Passenger Trains (M. Sc.)
- Optimization of Axial Compressor Blading, (M. Sc.)
- Numerical Prediction of Axial Compressor Performance Map, (M. Sc.)
- Numerical Optimization of Axial Compressor Design, (M. Sc.)
- Experimental Investigation on the Aerodynamics of Passenger Trains, (M. Sc.)
- Design, Manufacturing and Calibration of Test Equipments for Gas Turbine Engines (M. Sc.)
- Prediction of Boundary Layer Transition Using Three-Equation Model (M. Sc.)
- Experimental Investigation on Gas Turbine Engine Performance (M. Sc.)
- Axial Compressor Design Based on Streamline Curvature Method, (M. Sc.)
مقالات ژورنال
- Salari M., Ardakani M. A., Taghavi-Zenouz R., Experimental Studies on Temperature Effects of Freestream and Hot Wire Sensors on the Calibration Curves and Velocity Measurements, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2006.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R.,Ghorbani R., Aerodynamic Profiling of Transonic Axial Compressors, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2006.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Salari M., Prediction of Commencement of Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flows Using Turbulence Potential Model, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol.16, No. 4, 2006.
- Farshi B., Taghavi-Zenouz R., Preliminary Design Optimization of Axial Compressors, Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of the ISME, Vol. 5, No.1, Aug. 2004.
مقالات کنفرانس
- R. Taghavi-Zenouz, Rafiei Y., Beheshti S. M., Design and Manufacturing of a Combined Pressure and Temperature Rake for Gas Turbine Engine Testing, 14th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 16-18 May 2006.
- R. Taghavi-Zenouz, Kolaei A., Salari M., Modeling and Analysis of Transition Phenomenon on Flat Plates and Wind Turbine Blades Based on 3-Equation Model, 14 Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 16-18 May 2006.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Shahriari M., Boundary Layer characteristics on Rotor Blades of Transonic Axial Compressors, 14th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 16-18 May 2006.
- Salari M., Taghavi-Zenouz R., Prediction of Transition in Boundary Layers Based on Modeling of Velocity Fluctuations in Laminar Flows, 14th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 16-18 May 2006.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Salari M., Prediction of Bypass Transition in Boundary Layers Using a Physical Model, 13th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 2005.
- Ardakani M. A., salari M., Taghavi-Zenouz R., Experimental Investigation on Performances of Hot Wire and Hot Film Anemometries, 13th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 2005.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Ghorbani R., Aerodynamic Blading and Performance Map Prediction of Axial Compressors, AIAA-2005-1012, 17th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Munich, Germany, Sep. 4-9, 2005
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Ghorbani R., A Theoretical Investigation on Aerodynamic Loading Effects on Geometry of Axial Compressor Blades, ISME 2003, 13-15 May 2003.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Ghorbani R., Loss Calculation in a Transonic Axial Compressor Using Through Flow Analysis at Design Point, 5th National and 2nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 18-20 Feb. 2003.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Khorsand M., Numerical Flow Visualization in a Transonic Axial Compressor, 7th Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento, Italy, Aug 25-28, 2003.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Babaei H., Drag Reduction of Passenger Trains, 8th Iranian Fluid Dynamics Conference, Tabriz, Iran, Sep. 8-10, 2003.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Ghorbani R., Design of Supersonic Axial Compressor Blades Using Streamline Curvature Method, 4th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 25-27 Jan. 2002.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Ghorbani R., Design of Supersonic Axial Compressor Blades Using Streamline Curvature Method, 4th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 25-27 Jan. 2002.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Babaei H., A Wind Tunnel Investigation on Raja Passenger Trains, International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Mashhad, Iran, 2002.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Numerical Analysis of Flow in a Transonic Axial Compressor Cascade, 9th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, Iran, May 27-31, 2002.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R. Growth and Bursting of a Separation Bubble on an Elliptic Cylinder, 9th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics (9ACFM), Isfahan, Iran, May 27-31, 2002.
- Taghavi-Zenouz R., Visualization of Surface and Wake Flow Patterns around 2-D and 3-D Elliptic Bodies,10th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Kyoto, Japan, Aug 26-29, 2002.
- Lamont P.J., Taghavi-Zenouz R., Poll D.I.A., Reynolds Number Effects on the Flow around 2-D Elliptic Cylinders, 33rd AIAA Meeting and Exhibition, Reno-Nev, USA, 1993
آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی
ارائه دروس
- Advanced Aerodynamics (M.Sc.)
- Advanced Fluid Dynamics (M. Sc.)
- Aerodynamic Design of Turbomachines (M. Sc.)
- Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles (M. Sc.)
- Air Intake Aerodynamics (M. Sc.)
- Boundary Layer Theory (M. Sc.)
- Subsonic Aerodynamics (M. Sc.)
- Supersonic Aerodynamics (M. Sc.)
- Fluid Mechanics I (B. Sc.)
- Fluid Mechanics II (B. Sc.)
- Thermodynamics (B. Sc.)