IST'2010 is the fifth in a series of biannual events organized by Iran Telecom Research Center (ITRC) and designed to provide an opportunity for academicians and specialists in the international ICT community, to meet peers in Iran to have exchanges on the latest developments in emerging technologies, progress in standards, services and applications in information and communication systems. The symposium will feature keynotes by world-renowned speakers, contributed papers, panels, special sessions and tutorials. The 2010 proceedings will be indexed by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, as was IST2008’s. Also please be informed that select papers will be published in International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT) to be published by ITRC. The Organizing Committee invites you to contribute to this prestigious event by submitting a paper or organizing a session with four to five papers pertinent to your area of expertise. Submitted proposals can also include a panel session or a pre-symposium tutorial/ workshop related to one of the topics of IST'2010. :: IMPORTANT DEADLINES | Submission of all proposals | September 20, 2010 | Notification of acceptance | November 6, 2010 | Submission of final papers and registration | November 20, 2010 |