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Name: Mojtaba Barkhordari Yazdi

Address: Department of

Electrical Engineering, Iran

University of Science and Technology, Narmak,

 Tehran, Iran

E-mail: mbarkhordary@iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-912-1594046





I was born in Kerman (southeastern Iran) in October 1980. After graduating from NODET ( National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents ) High School in Kerman I entered K.N.Toosi University of Technology. I have been living in Tehran since 1998. I was married in 2004. Now I am doing my PhD research at IUST . After completing my PhD, I will join Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman as a faculty member in 2010.



Ph.D. Control Engineering Iran University of science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003-2010.

Thesis: “Control of nonlinear hybrid systems under constrained switching”

Supervisors: Dr. M. R. Jahed Motlagh


M.Sc. Control Engineering Iran University of science and Technology, Tehran-Iran, 2003 (GPA: 16.58/20)

Thesis: “Design and Simulation of a Multivariable Adaptive Controller with an Expert Supervisor for an Electric Arc Furnace”

Supervisors: Dr. M. R. Jahed Motlagh


B.Sc. Control Engineering Department of Control, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,2001 (GPA: 15.73/20)

Project: “Design and Implementation of a Data Acquisition Card For Windows”

Supervisor: Dr. J. H. Nobari



2006 and 2007: Best PhD Student Award, Iran University of Science and Technology

1996: Accepted in the first stage of 1996 nationwide competition to select national Physical Olympiad



2005-2006: Niroo research Institute (NRI)

- Design and implementation of a digital governor

- Identification of excitation system dynamical model for Yazd power plant

2001-2003: Jahad Daneshgahi, K. N. Toosi University of Technology

- Design and implementation of a 16 channels data acquisition card in order to use in an STATCOM



Journals articles:

1- Barkhordari Yazdi M., Jahed-Motlagh M.R., “Stabilization of a CSTR with two arbitrarily switching modes using modal state feedback linearization”, Chemical Engineering Journal (2009), doi:10.1016/j.cej.2009.09.008.

2- Barkhordari Yazdi M., Jahed-Motlagh M.R., Attia S.A., Raisch J., “Modal exact linearization of a class of second-order switched nonlinear systems”, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications (2009), doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.2009.06.014.

3- Jafarzadeh S., Mirheidari R., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Barkhordari M., “Designing PID and BELBIC controllers in path tracking problem”, Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, vol. 3, Suppl. issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2008, pp. 343-348.

4- Jafarzadeh S., Mirheidari R., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Barkhordari M., “Intelligent autopilot control design for a 2-DOF helicopter model”, Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, vol. 3, Suppl. issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2008, pp. 337-342.

Conference papers:

5- Barkhordari Yazdi M., Jahed-Motlagh M.R., Attia S.A., Raisch J., “Switched feedback equivalence of a class of planar switched nonlinear systems”, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, P.R. China, December 2009.

6- Barkhordari M., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Keshavarz M., “Enlarging region of attraction in input-output linearization method”, 10th Intl. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008.

7- Jafarzadeh S., Mirheydary R., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Barkhordari M., “Designing PID and BELBIC controllers in path tracking and collision problem in automated highway systems”, 10th Intl. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008.

8- Jafarzadeh S., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Barkhordari M., Mirheydary R., “A new Lyapunov based algorithm for tuning BELBIC controllers for a group of linear systems”, 16th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, France, June 2008.

9- Mirheydary R., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Barkhordary M., “Supervisory Lyapunov based control of a diesel engine using VGT/EGR”, Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Seoul, Korea, 2007.

10- Keshavarz M., Barkhordary M., Jahed Motlagh M. R., “Mixed Logical Dynamical modeling and control of steam boiler plant”, Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Seoul, Korea, 2007.

11- Barkhordary M., Nabavi S. M. H., Jahed Motlagh M. R., Kazemi A., “A robust feedback linearization controller design for thyristor control series capacitor to damp electromechanical oscillations”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Industrial Technology (ICIT2006),Mumbai, India, Dec. 2006, pp. 2584-2592.

12- Kazemi A., Sarlak M., Barkhordary M., “An Adaptive noise canceling method for single phase UPQC”, in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Industrial Electronics and applications (ICIEA2006), Singapore, May 2006, pp. 529-534.

13- Barkhordary M., Jahed Motlagh M. R., “Self-tuning regulator with a modified identification algorithm- using an expert supervisor for the variation of forgetting factor”, in Proc. The 6th conference on intelligent systems, CIS2004. (in Persian)

14- Barkhordary M., Jahed Motlagh M. R., “Comparison of different UPQC control method and introduction an optimal method”, in proc. Int. Power System Conference, PSC2003. (in Persian)




Operating systems: Windows, Linux, DOS

Programming language: C++, Pascal, Fortran, Basic

Assembly language: Intel 8085/8086, 8051

Algorithm developing environment: MATLAB

Design automation tools: SIMULINK, PSpice, Protel, and Lab View

Typesetting programs: Latex, MS Word


Persian (mother tongue), English, German (to some extent), Arabic (to some extent)



Control of Hybrid systems;

Nonlinear control;

System identification;

Adaptive control;

Model predictive control;


Power systems;


Selected Courses



Adaptive Control

Advanced Nonlinear Control

Multivariable Control

Fuzzy Control

Optimal Control

Neural Networks

System Identification

Fault Tolerant Systems

Robust Control


Random Process

Power Systems Dynamic

Nonlinear Control


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