Mr.Ghanbari Haghighi


 Personal Details  


 Name: Mohsen                                                                                

 Surname: Ghanbari Haghighi

 Mobile: 09125677494

 Fax: +9821-77240480



 Ph.D Student

 Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2008 till now 

  • Advisor: Dr. Shabestari
  • Dissertation title: ""

 Master of Science

 Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2006-2008 

  • Advisor: Dr. Shabestari

 Bachelor's degree

 Imam Khomini (rah) International University, Iran, Qazvin - 2001-2006

  • Advisor: Dr. Razeghian


Journal Papers

  1. A.M.Zahedi, H.R.Rezaie, J.Javadpour, M.Mazaheri, M.Ghanbari, “Processing and Impact Behavior of Al/SiCp Composite Fabricated by the Pressureless Melt infilteration Method”, Ceramics International, pp. 1919-1926, 2009.

Conference Proceedings

  1. M.Ghanbari, S.G.Shabestari, “Effect of Plastic Deformation on Iron-Manganes Rich Intermetallic Compounds and Semisolid Microstructure of Al-8Si-3Cu-4Fe-2Mn Alloy”,AMPT, 2009.

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