

Personal Details  


 Name: Roya                                                                                

 Surname: Molaii


 Fax: +9821-77240480












Journal Papers

  1. R. Molaei, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Solatanieh, “Alloying Kinetics of Mechanically Activated Mn-Al Powder Compacts in Aluminum Melt”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 41 (2006) pp.906-911
  2.  R. Molaei, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Solatanieh, “Dissolution Kinetics of Aluminum–Manganese Compacted Powders in Molten Aluminum”, Int. J. Materials and Structural Integrity, 2009,pp....
  3. M.R. Bayati, R. Molaei, K. Janghorban, “Surface Modification of AISI 1045 Carbon Steel by Electrolytic Plasma Process”, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 41 (2010) pp.906-911.
  4. M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, R. Molaei, F. Golestani-Fard, A. Kajbafvala, S. Zanganeh, “One Step Growth of WO3-loaded Al2O3 Micro/Nano-Porous Films by Micro Arc Oxidation”, Colloids & Surfaces A, 355 (2010),pp. 187-192.
  5. M.R. Bayati, R. Molaei, K. Janghorban, "Surface Hardening of AISI 1045 Carbon Steel by Surface Alloying via Plasma Electrolytic Process", Metals Science & Heat Treatment, 2009,pp....
  6. M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, R. Molaei, F. Golestani-Fard, A. Kajbafvala, S. Zanganeh, “MAO-Synthesized Al2O3-Supported V2O Nano-Porous Catalysts: Growth, Characterization, and Photoactivity, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010), pp.3806-3811.
  7. M.R. Bayati, R. Molaei, M.H. Shariat, K. Janghorban, “Thermal Stability and Corrosion Resistance of Electroplated Black Chromium Solar Selective Absorber”, Electroplating & Finishing 28 ,2009.






Conference Proceedings

  1. M.R. Bayati, Amir Kajbafvala, Roya Molaei, H.R. Zargar, Saeid Zanganeh, “How Hydrophilicity of the WO3-TiO2 Nano Porous Layers Is Influenced by the MAO-Parameters”, MS&T Conference, USA2010.

  2.  M.R. Bayati, Amir Kajbafvala, Roya Molaei, H.R. Zargar, Saeid Zanganeh “On the Hydrophilicity of Micro Arc Oxidized V2O5-TiO2 Nano/Micro-Porous Layers”, MS&T Conference, USA,2010.

  3. M.Bayati, Amir Kajbafvala, R. Molaei, Hamid Reza Zargar, Saeid Zanganeh, “The effect of growth parameters on photo-catalytic performance of the MAO-synthesized TiO2 nano-porous layers”, MS&T Conference, USA,2010.

  4. M.R. Bayati, Amir Kajbafvala, Roya Molaei, H.R. Zargar, Saeid Zanganeh “S-Doped TiO2 Nano Porous Layers Grown via Micro Arc Oxidation”, MS&T Conference, USA,2010.

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