

 Personal Details  


 Name: Vahid                                                                             

 Surname: Abouei

 Mobile: 09125144658

 Fax: +9821-77240480



 Ph.D Student

 Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2006 till now 

  • Advisor: Dr. Shabestari, Dr. Saghafiyan
  • Dissertation title: "Effect of Fe-Rich Intermetallics on the Wear Behaviour of Eutectic and Hyper-Eutectic Al-Si Alloys"

 Master of Science

 Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2003-2006 

  • Advisor: Dr. Kheirandish, Dr. Saghafiyan

 Bachelor's degree

 Imam Khomini (rah) International University, Iran, Qazvin - 1999-2003

  • Advisor: Dr. Noghani 


Journal Papers

  1-  V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "Effect of 

          Microstructure on the Oxidative Wear Behaviour of Plain

          Carbon Steel", WEAR, 262 (2007), pp. 1225-1231.

     2- V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "A Study on the 

         Wear Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel", J MATER. SCI.

         TECHNOL., 23 (2007), pp. 107-110.

     3- V.Abouei, H.Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "Dry Sliding Oxidative

         Wear in Plain Carbon Dual Phase Steel", J. IRON STEEL RES.

         INT., 14 (4), 2007, pp. 43-48.

     4- V. abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. kheirandish, "Mild oxidative wear 

         behaviour of plane Carbon Dual phase steel", STEEL RES INT ,

         78 (2007), pp. 506-511

     5- V. abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. kheirandish, "An investigation of

         the wear behaviour of 0.2 % Carbon dual phase steels", 


     6-  V. abouei, S.G. Shabestari, H. Saghafian, M. Zarghami, "Effect

         of Fe-Rich intermetallics on the wear behaviour of eutectic Al-Si

         piston Alloy (LM 13)", under submission

Conference Proceedings

  1. A. Nasr, A. Gholami, M. Noghani, M. Niasati, V.Abouei, " An Overview of Stray Current Control in DC Railway Systems", COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, 2007
  2. V.Abouei, " Welding Quality and Seismic Damageability of Building Structures", INTERNATIONAL IRANIAN SEISMIC CONGRESS, 2006

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