Dr. S. Hossein, Razavi

Personal Details


NAME: Seyed Hossein


ACCADEMIC STATUS: Associate Professor in IUST

Fields of Research Interests:

Design and Selection of Engineering Materials, Heat Treatment, Phase Transformation.


Contact Address

School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran

Tel: (9821)73228860

Fax: +9821-77240480

E-mail: hrazavimail.iust.ac.ir

Khiabani, A. , Razeghi, K. , Mahdipanah, M.M. , ... Nosrati, R. , Razavi, S.H., " Electrochemical and mechanical characteristics of Al-(x)SiC composite fabricated by high energy compaction", Journal of the Indian Chemical Societythis link is disabled, 2022, 99(9), 100620
Gilakjani, R.S. , Razavi, S.H. , Keyvanlou, H. , Seifollahi, M. "On the Role of Niobium Addition on Volume Fraction of η Phase and Hardness of A286 Iron–Nickel-Based Superalloy", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metalsthis link is disabled, 2022, 75(5), pp. 1383–1391
Shajari, Y. , Razavi, S.H. , Seyedraoufi, Z.-S., " Comparative Study of Solution Heat Treatment of IN738LC Superalloy in Conventional Conditions and Salt Bath", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31(3), pp. 2525–2541
Shajari, Y. , Akbari, A. , Seyedraoufi, Z.S. , ... Abdolmaleki, H. , Khanzadeh, M.R., " Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in Al–Cu Interface via Cold Roll Bonding: Review", Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 2022, 58(1), pp. 41–50
Gilakjani, R.S. , Razavi, S.H. , Keyvanlou, H. , Seifollahi, M., " On the Role of Niobium Addition on Volume Fraction of η Phase and Hardness of A286 Iron–Nickel-Based Superalloy", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2022
Momeni, H. , Shabestari, S.G. , Razavi, S.H., " Densification and shape distortion of the Al-Cu-Mg pre-alloyed powder compact in supersolidus liquid phase sintering process", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 17(4), pp. 87–92
Porhonar, M. , Razavi, S.H. , Shajari, Y. , Seyedraoufi, Z.-S., " The Effect of Polymer Content of Quenchant on Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of AA-7075 Plates Before Age Hardening", Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 2021, 10(1), pp. 55–63
Shajari, Y. , Razavi, S.H. , Seyedraoufi, Z.S. , Samiee, M., " The Effect of Time and Temperature of Solutionizing Heat Treatment on γ′ Characterization in a Ni-Base Superalloy", Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 2021
Sedighi, M. , Shajari, Y. , Razavi, S.H. , Sabet, H. , Porhonar, M., " The Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSCC) of Ni-Base Superalloy IN625 Hot Wire TIG Cladding on AISI 4130 Steel", Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2021, 57(1), pp. 113–120
Gilakjani, R.S. , Razavi, S.H. , Seifollahi, M., " The effect of niobium addition on the microstructure and tensile properties of iron-nickel base a286 superalloy", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 18(1), pp. 61–70
Gilakjani, R.S. , Razavi, S.H. , Seifollahi, M., " An investigation on thermodynamics and kinetics of η phase formation in Nb-modified iron-nickel base A286 superalloy", Metallurgical Research and Technology, 2021, 118(1), 105
Sadeghi, M. , Sabet, H. , Razavi, S.H., " Metallurgical and Mechanical Studies of ASTM A213 T22 / A240 T409 High Frequency Welded Joints", Metallurgia Italiana, 2020, 112(9), pp. 56–63
Mollaei, N. , Fatemi, S.M. , Abutalebi, M.R. , Razavi, S.H., " Zinc based bioalloys processed by severe plastic deformation – A review", Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, 2020, 53(1), pp. 39–47
Seifollahi, M., Razavi, S.H., Kheirandish, S., Abbasi, S.M, "The Role of η Phase on the Strength of A286 Superalloy with Different Ti/Al Ratios", Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2020
Shajari, Y., Porhonar, M., Seyedraoufi, Z.S., Yousefnia, H., Farahani, M., "Improvement of the NiBrAl Casting Alloy Surface Properties by Electroless Ni-B Plating for Dynamic Marine Applications, Physical Mesomechanics, 2020
Lati, R., Rastegari, S., Razavi, S.H., "Effect of zr content on oxide-scale spallation of aluminide coating", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Shajari, Y., Seyedraoufi, Z.S., Alizadeh, A., Porhonar, M., Mirzavand, K., "Effect of solution temperature of rejuvenation heat treatment on the stability of γ′ precipitates in Ni-base superalloy IN738LC during long-term heating", Materials Research Express, 2019
Shajari, Y., Alizadeh, A., Seyedraoufi, Z.S., Razavi, S.H., Shamakhi, H., "The effect of heat treatment on wear characteristics of nanostructure Ni-B coating on marine bronze", Materials Research Express, 6(10),105040, 2019
Rezaei, M.R., Shabestari, S.G., Razavi, S.H., "Investigation on Equal-Channel Angular Pressing-Induced Grain Refinement in an Aluminum Matrix Composite Reinforced with Al-Cu-Ti Metallic Glass Particles", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,28(5), pp. 3031-3040, 2019
Shajari, Y., Bahmani, E., Lori Amini, A., (...), Razavi, S.H., Rabieifar, A., "Fabrication of Fe–Al2O3 Composite Layer on the Surface of Carbon Steel via Gas Tungsten Arc Cladding", Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 55(2), pp. 130-137, 2019
Tork, N.B., Saghafian, H., Razavi, S.H., (...), Ebrahimi, R., Mahmudi, R., "Microstructure and texture characterization of Mg-Al and Mg-Gd binary alloys processed by simple shear extrusion", Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019

Rezaei, M.R., Shabestari, S.G., Razavi, S.H. , "Effect of ECAP consolidation process on the interfacial characteristics of Al-Cu-Ti metallic glass reinforced aluminum matrix composite", Composite Interfaces, 25(8), pp. 669-679 , 2018

Khodabakhshi, A., Mashreghi, A., Shajari, Y., Razavi, S.H., "Investigation of Microstructure Properties and Quantitative Metallography by Different Etchants in the Service-Exposed Nickel-Based Superalloy Turbine Blade", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 71(4), pp. 849-859, 2018

Seifollahi, M., Sahrapour, P., Abbasi, S.M., Kheirandish, S., Razavi, S.H., "Mathematical-Thermodynamic Prediction and Kinetics of Eta Phase Formation in Fe–Ni-Based Superalloys", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 71(1), pp. 147-152, 2018

Bayat Tork, N., Razavi, S.H., Saghafian, H., Mahmudi, R., "Strain-rate sensitivity of Mg–Gd alloys after extrusion and simple shear extrusion", Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom)12 September 2017, Pages 1-9
Nikoogoftar, N., Razavi, S.H., Ghanbari, M., "Effect of short heat treatment routes on the tribological properties of Ii-6a1-4v alloy", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and EngineeringVolume 14, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 21-33
Rezaei, M.R., Shabestari, S.G., Razavi, S.H., "Effect of ECAP consolidation temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Ti metallic glass reinforced aluminum matrix composite",Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Volume 33, Issue 9, September 2017, Pages 1031-1038
Seifollahi, M., Sahrapour, P., Abbasi, S.M., Kheirandish, S., Razavi, S.H., "Mathematical-Thermodynamic Prediction and Kinetics of Eta Phase Formation in Fe–Ni-Based Superalloys", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 19 May 2017, Pages 1-6
Bayat Tork, N., Razavi, S.H., Saghafian, H., Mahmudi, R., "Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of the As-Cast and Extruded Mg-Gd Alloys", Advanced Engineering Materials, Volume 18, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, Pages 156-161
Khodabakhshi, A., Abouei, V., Mortazavi, N., Razavi, S.H., Hooshyar, H., Esmaily, M., "Effects of cold working and heat treatment on microstructure and wear behaviour of Cu–Be alloy C17200", Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces, Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 118-127
Jafarian, H., Habibi-Livar, J., Razavi, S.H., "Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in ultrafine grained Al/TiC composite fabricated by accumulative roll bonding", Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 77, August 2015, Article number 3443, Pages 84-92
Seifollahi, M.,Razavi, S.H., Kheirandish, S., Abbasi, S.M., "The mechanism of η phase precipitation in A286 superalloy during heat treatment", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Volume 22, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 3063-3069
Samimi, G.AWT IMAGE Mirdamadi, S.Razavi, H.Boutorabi, M.-A., "Improvement in impression creep property of as-cast AC515 Mg alloy by Mn addition", materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 587, 10 December 2013, Pages 213-220
Seifollahi, M., Kheirandish, S., Razavi, S.H., Abbasi, S.M., "The precipitation of η phase in an Fe-Ni-based superalloy with different Ti/Al ratios", International Journal of Materials Research, Volume 104, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 344-350
Seifollahi, M., Kheirandish, S., Razavi, S.H., Abbasi, S.M., Sahrapour, P., "Effect of η phase on mechanical properties of the iron-based superalloy using shear punch testing", ISIJ International, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 311-316
Hajjari, E., Divandari, M., Razavi, S.H., Homma, T., Kamado, S., "Microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of Al 413/Mg joint in compound casting process", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Volume 43, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 4667-4677
Hajjari, E., Divandari, M., Razavi, S.H., Homma, T., Kamado, S.b, "Intermetallic compounds and antiphase domains in Al/Mg compound casting",Intermetallics, Volume 23, April 2012, Pages 182-186 
Olia, H., Abbasi, M., Razavi, S.H., "Evaluation of diffusion and phase transformation at Ag/Al bimetal produced by cold roll welding", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), Volume 22, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 312-317

 Hajjari E., Divandari, M. ,  Razavi S.H., Emami S.M., Kamado S., "Estimation of the Transient Interfacial Heat Flux Between Substrate/melt at the Initiation of Magnesium Solidification on Aluminum substrates using the Lumped capacitance Method", Applied surface science, 257, 5077-5082, 2011.

Hajjari E., Divandari M., Razavi S.H., Emami S.M., Homma T., Kamado S., "Dissimilar joining of Al/Mg Light Metals by compound casting process, Journal of Materials Science, 46, 6491-6499, 2011.

  Nami B.  Razavi H., Miresmaeili S.M., Mirdamadi sh., Shabestari S.G., "Impression creep properties of a semi-solid processed Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy containing Calcium and Rare Earth Elements", Scripta Materialia, 65, 221-224, 2011.

Torabi, M., Razavi, S.H., Sanjabi, S., "Electrochemical evaluation of PbO nanoparticles as anode for lithium ion batteries", International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, Volume 24, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 351-355

  Momeni H., Razavi H., Shabestari S.G., "Effect of Supersolidus Liquid phase Sintering on the Microstructure and Densification of the Al-Cu-Mg pre-Alloyed powder", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 2, 10-17, 2011.

Razavi S.H., Mirdamadi S., Hormozi M.M., "Investigating the Physical and Mechanical properties of High copper and silver Dental Filling Amalgam Alloys", Iranian Journal of Materials science and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 1, 40-4, 2011.

Nami B., Shabestari S.G., Razavi H., Mirdamadi sh., Miresmaeili S.M.,  "Effect of Ca, RE Elements and Semi-Solid processing on the Microstructure and creep properties of AZ91 Alloy", Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 1261-1267, 2011.

 Nami B., Shabestari S.G., Miresmaeili S.M., Razavi H., Mirdamadi sh., Effects of calcium and Rare Earth Elements on Microstructure and creep properties of AZ91 Alloy in As cast and Semi-Solid processed conditions, International Journal of cast Metals Research, vol.24, No.1,45-52, 2011.

Nami B., Razavi H., Mirdamadi S., Shabestari S.G., Miresmaeili S.M.," Effect of Ca and Rare Earth Elements on Impression creep properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, volume 41A, 1973-1982, 2010.

E.Nazari , S.H.Razavi, S.M.A Boutorabi , " Effect of Filtration on the Morphology and Mechanical properties of Mg Molten Alloy entering the mould cavity “, Journal of Materials processing Technology, 2010

B.Nami, S .G.Shabestari , S. M.Miresmaeili, S.H.Razavi, Sh.Mirdamadi, “The Effect of rare earth elements on the kinetics of the isothermal coarsening of the globular solid phase in semisolid AZ91 alloy produced via SIMA process”, Journal of Alloys and compounds, pp. 570 Journal of Alloys and compounds, pp. 570-570, 2010.
A. Samadi, A. Abdollahzadeh, S. Behrouzghaemi, S.H. Razavi, "Effect of solid solution super saturation on precipitation of gama prime in rapidly quenched Ni-Al binary alloys", Journal of Materials Science and Technology 25(1), 2009, pp. 130-134

  S.H.Razavi, Sh. Mirdamadi, J.Szpunar and H.Arabi , “Improvement of Age ـ hardening process of a Nickel ـ base superalloy, IN738LC , by Induction Aging “, Journal of Materials Science, 2002.

S.H.Razavi, Sh. Mirdamadi, H.Arabi  and j .Szpunar,” A  Mathematical  Model  of  influence  of  Rapid  Induction  Heating  on  Nucleation  and  Growth  of  precipitates”, Materials  Science  and  Technology , pp. 1205-1210, 2001

S.H.Razavi, “ThixoForming “, APO Seminar  &Workshop,August,2005,Taipe ـ Taiwan

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