
  Personal Details

  Personal Details
Surname:  Mehdizadeh Saradj                       
Name: Fatemeh
Present Position: Professor in IUST
Department: School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Tel: +98-21-77240540-9 (ext. 8249); +98-21-73228249
Fax: +98-21-77240468


Education and Qualifications
  1. University Degrees
 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, England, 2000-2005
Master & Bachelor of Science (B.Sc & M.Sc.) in Architecture, Fine Arts Faculty, University of Tehran, Iran, 1985-1993 
  1. Selected Short Course Certificates
 “International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage”, held by the United  Nations  Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Chair Programme, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto (Japan), November 2008
 “Building for success”, held by the Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), Sheffield (England), May 2005

Academic position
Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since 23rd July 2018 – to present
External Examiner, for PhD students, Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, Malaya University, Malaysia, 2015
Visiting Professor, Department of civil and structural engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. September 2014 –  June 2015
Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, From January 2013 to 23rd July 2018
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, September 2005 – January 2013
University instructor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1998-1999
University instructor, Department of Conservation, Higher education centre of cultural heritage organization, 1996-1998
University instructor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Imam Khomeini International University, 1994-1996

Membership in Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees
2022- Reviewer of “International Journal of Environmental Studies (Scopus)”
2021-now- Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Architecture in hot and dry climate” (in Persian)
2021-now- Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning” (in Persian)
2021-now- Reviewer of “Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering-JAABE (Taylor & Francis (ISI))”
2021-now- Reviewer of “Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (ISI)”
2015-now- Founder and Manager of the research laboratory of “Vernacular and Historical Buildings Physics”
2013-now- Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Researches in Islamic Architecture” (in Persian)
2005-now- Reviewer of Many Iranian scientific Journals in the field of architecture

Academic Partnership and professional association members
2022- Member of Scientific committee of the 4th Symposium on Seismic Rehabilitation of Heritage Structures
2022- External reviewer for 2022 World Monuments Watch FOR World Monuments Fund
2021- Member of the jury of the Alborz International Award
2021 -now- Member of the specialized commission of the Imam Khomeini International University audit board
2020 - External reviewer for 2020 World Monuments Watch FOR World Monuments Fund
2020-now- Member of the selected committee of the Art University audit board
2020- Member of Scientific committee of the 3rd Symposium on Seismic Rehabilitation of Heritage Structures
2019-2022- Member of the Publishing and Journals Council of Iran University of Science and Technology
2018-present- The expert member of “The International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH)”, the subcommittee of International ICOMOS,
2018- Member of Scientific committee of the 2nd Symposium on Seismic Rehabilitation of Heritage Structures
2016- Member of Scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art, Valéncia, Spain
2015- Member of Scientific committee of the 8th International Policy Forum on Urban Growth and Conservation Conference, Hamedan & Tehran
2014- Hosting a training workshop with the cooperation of Iran University of Science and Technology and Technical University of Berlin titled: Community Mapping and Neighborhood Re-Generation”
2014-now - Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Urban Landscape Research” (In Persian)
2013- Member of Scientific Committee in the department of art and aesthetics researches in " the  seventh Farabi International Award",
2013- Member of the Scientific Committee of the conference “Architecture, Urbanism, and Sustainable Development”
2012-now - Member of Board of directors of the centre of excellence in Islamic architecture
2011- Member of judgment Advisory Board of art and architecture of the 20th “Khwarizmi International Award”
2011- Member of judgment Advisory Board of art and architecture of the 20th “Khwarizmi Youth Award”
2011- Member of Scientific Committee in the department of art and aesthetics researches in " the  fifth Farabi International Award",
2011- Member of Scientific committee of the 1st Symposium on Seismic Rehabilitation of Heritage Structures
2008- Member of the Iranian Delegation, in proposing the draft of “Tokyo Declaration for the Protection of World Cultural Heritage from Seismic Disasters”, Tokyo, Japan,
2006 - Member of judgment advisory board of art and architecture of 8th “Khwarazmi Youth Award”
2006 - Member of judgment advisory board of art and architecture of 8th “Khwarazmi International Award”
2003-now- Member of the Sheffield Society of Architects (SSA)
1996-now - Member of Iranian Construction Engineers Organization

Academic Award & Honours
12- Receiving the “Maryam Mirzakhani” Award in the 4th National Festival of Women and Science, held by the “Ministry of Science, Research and Technology”, in the “Art and Humanities” field, and age group of 40-65 years olds, 2021
11- Registering a Patent for the foldable temporary house unit, 2018
10- Winning the prize in the competition for designing the zero energy office building from the Research Institute of Energy, 2018
9- Selected as an outstanding professor by distinguished students in terms of educational quality, scientific, and social etiquette, 2017
8- Receiving the award for International cooperation for overseas trainee students in summer school in Iran University of Science and Technology, 2016
7- Winning the First researcher award in “The School of Architecture and Environmental Design” of “Iran University of Science and Technology”, 2015
5- Acknowledged as an outstanding researcher from the Faculty of architecture and urbanism of Iran University of Science and Technology, 2012
4- Winning the second position in the best researcher award in the Faculty of architecture and urbanism of Iran University of Science and Technology for the collection of research and activities in the previous academic year, 2010
3- Winning the best researcher award in the whole country, in the art group of Iran for the collection of research and activities about art and architecture, from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2010
2- Winning the Anne de Fort-Menares award for the article that best demonstrates excellence in the application of historical research to preservation practice published in the APT Bulletin during 2008-2009; “Using Natural Resources for Ventilation: The Application of Badgirs in Preservation(Vol 39. No. 4, 2008). On the 5th day of November 2009. Los Angeles, California. Signed by Brian S. Robinson, President, 2008
1- Winning the STIPEND award to participate in the Association for Preservation Technology - APT 2004 Conference and Workshops in Texas, USA, and presenting the poster entitled “Overview of Damage and Strengthening of Earthquakes to Un-reinforced Masonry Buildings”, 2004

Publications – Book’s author
"Energy policies and executive laws in Iran" (In Persian), (co-authored Fahimeh Mirzaei & Sima Hashemi), Press Organisation, Jahade Daneshgahi Ghazvin Branch, Iran, ISBN: 978-622-7549-48-5, 2021 / 85 pp,
Persian Architectural Heritage: Architecture, Structure and Conservation” (In English) (co-authored Mehrdad Hejazi), WIT Press, Southampton, England, eISBN: 978-1-78466-070-3, 2015 / 527 pp,
Pathology and technical assessment of historical buildings” (in Persian), Iran University of Science and Techonology Publications, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 978-964-454-276-3, 2014 / 364 pp,
Persian Architectural Heritage: Architecture(In English) (co-authored Mehrdad Hejazi), WIT Press, Southampton, England, ISBN: 978-1-84564-412-3, eISBN: 978-1-84564-413-0, 2014 / 171 pp,
Persian Architectural Heritage: Structure(In English) (co-authored Mehrdad Hejazi), WIT Press, Southampton, England, ISBN: 978-1-84564-882-4, eISBN: 978-1-84564-883-1, 2014 / 188 pp,
Persian Architectural Heritage: Conservation(In English) (co-authored Mehrdad Hejazi), WIT Press, Southampton, England, ISBN: 978-1-84564-884-8, eISBN: 978-1-84564-885-5, 2014 / 136 pp,
Publications – Book’s translation
Translating into Persian, “Contemporary Theory of Conservation”, 2004, by “Salvador Munoz-Vinas”, 2010.
Translating into Persian, “The dissertation, an architecture students handbook”, 2006, by “Iain Borden” & “Katerina Ruedi Ray”, 2009.
Translating into Persian alongside Writing an Introduction: “100 of the world’s best houses”, 2009, by “Catherine Slessor”, 2009.

Publications – Journal Papers
99- Scopus-Q2, “Designs” (MDPI), (ISSN: 2411-9660); Vol. 6, No. 64, 2022; “A New Look at Excavation Techniques and Design of Rock-Cut Architectures”; Mohammad Mangeli*, Farshid Aram*, Reza Abouei, and Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; (DOI):
98- WOS, “MANZAR” the Iranian Scientific Open Access Journal of Landscaped index in Web of Science, (pISSN:2008-7446; eISSN:2008-2169); Volume 14, Issue 59, July 2022, PP. 30-39; “Prioritization of Façade Retrofit Measures to Achieve Energy Efficiency in Existing Office Buildings in Tehran”, Soad Sarihi, Mohsen Faizi*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; (DOI): 10.22034/MANZAR.2021.312873.2163   
97- ISI-Q1, “Architectural Engineering and Design Management”, ISSN (Print: 17452007, Online: 17527589); 2 June 2022, PP. 1-24; “A Model for Determining the Arrangement and Geometric Specifications of Infill Walls in the Architectural Design to Improve the Seismic Behavior of Buildings”, Azadeh Noorifard*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour; (DOI):
96- ISC (IF=0.13); “International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning (IJAUP) (Print ISSN: 2228-7337, Online ISSN: 2383-3904); Vol. 32, No. 3, May 2022, PP. 1-17; “Classification of the Abilities Needed for Visual Literacy: A Review of Abilities Based on the Cognitive Learning Mastery Approach”, Maedeh GhadiriniaFatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*Farhang Mozaffar; (DOI): 10.22068/ijaup.681
95- ISC (IF=0.302);  “Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning (JSHSP)” (ISSN (Print: 2538-5968, Online: 2538-595X); Volume 17, Issue 1, Serial Number 58, August 2022, PP. 205-218; “Explanation the Interaction of the Physical Characteristics of High-rise Buildings on Distribution of Pollutant Particles due to the Natural Air Flow (Case Study: District 1 of Tehran)”, TinaSadat Sadrolgharavi, Mahnaz Mahmodi Zrandi*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; (DOI): 20.1001.1.25385968.1401. (in Persian)
94- ISI (IF=0.253); the Journal of “Motor Behavior“ (Print ISSN: 2538-273X, Online ISSN: 2538-5593); Vol. 13, Issue 46, February 2022, PP. 201-230; “Mapping of Co-occurrence of Scientific Products in the Field of Children's Physical Activity in the Open Space of Primary Schools”, Fatemeh Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh saradj, Saeid Norouzian-Maleki, Saeid Piri; (DOI): 10.22089/mbj.2022.11834.2006 (in Persian)
93- Scopus-Q3; “International Journal of Environmental Studies”, (Print ISSN: 0020-7233, Online ISSN:1029-0400); Volume 79, Issue 2, 23 Feb. 2022, pp. 213-244; “Vernacular Characteristics of the Built Environment in Bushehr City”, Mahya Fani, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Abbas Yazdanfar; (DOI):
92- ISC (IF=0.13); “International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning (IJAUP) (Print ISSN: 2228-7337, Online ISSN: 2383-3904); Vol. 31, Issue 4, (10-2021), pp. 1-17; “Energy-Efficient Design of Conventional High-Rise Buildings by Façade Modification in Cold and Dry Climates; Case Study the Mashhad City; Running head: Façade modification of conventional tall buildings”, Mirshojaeian Hosseini, Iman; Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Fatemeh; Maddahi, Seyyed Mehdi; Ghobadian, Vahid; (DOI): 10.22068/ijaup.31.4.611
91- ---- “Raf Quarterly Scientific Journal of Architecture Restoration and Urbanism” Vol.1, No.2, Fall 2021, pp. 24-40; “Sustainable Development of 0Tourism and Preservation of the Cultural Landscape Management Plan for Qaboos Tower”, Kimia Mohammadi, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, (in Persian)
90- ISC (IF=0.294); “Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning”, Vol. 14, No. 32, Summer 2021, pp. 49-66, Autumn 2021; “Attributes of Prevailing Styles of Residential Apartment Facades in Contemporary Tehran”, Mahboubeh Mortazavi; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; Mohsen Faizi; (DOI): 10.30480/AUP.2021.2812.1571  (in Persian)
89- WOS;  “Bagh-E Nazar” – The scientific Journal in the field of theoretical studies of art and architecture, (ISSN: 1735-9635, Eissn: 2251-7197); Vol. 18, No. 100, pp. 91-108, October 2021; “Developing a Nature-Inspired Model of Creativity in Architectural Design for Novice Learners”; Saviz Tayyah, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Mahnaz Mahmoodi; (DOI): 10.22034/BAGH.2021.258840.4722
88- MSRT-B; “Armanshahr, Architecture & Urban Development, Journal of Architecture, Urban Design & Urban Planning” (ISSN: 2008-5079); Vol. 14, No. 35, pp. 179-193, Summer 2021; “Representation of the villagers' minds regarding the post-earthquake reconstruction of housing (Case study of Kanzagh village in Ardebil)”; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Yavar Rostamzadeh; (DOI): 10.22034/AAUD.2019.194730.1946
87- ISC (IF=0.316); “Journal of Housing and Rural Environment” (ISBN: 2008-4994), Vol. 40, Issue 173, pp. 119-134, 2021; “Climatic Evaluation of Projects for Improvement of Rural Housing (Case study: Mountainous Areas of Tehran Province)”, Mirzaeri, Fahimeh; Mehdizadeh Saradj, Fatemeh*; Fayyaz, Rima; Mofidi Shemirani, Seyed Majid. (in Persian)
86- ISC (IF=0.231); “Journal of Architectural Thought”, Vol. 5, Issue 9, Winter and Spring 2021, PP. 215-231; “Approach to dynamic design and creation of conceptual designs (Study in the lesson of second preliminary Architectural design)”, Motiei, Babak; Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Fatemeh, Mirza Alipour, Forough; (DOI): 10.30479/at.2020.12184.1385 (in Persian)
85- ISC (IF=0.204); “Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST)”, Vol. 23, Issue 3, Serial No. 106, Spring 2021, PP. 267-281; “Explanation of the Interaction of Residential Blocks Layout and the Pollution Dispersal Regarding the Natural Airflow (Case Study: Sobhan Residential Complex, Tehran); Sadr, Tina; Mahmoudi, Mahnaz; Mehdizadeh Saradj, Fatemeh; 10.22034/JEST.2020.46636.4785 (in Persian)
84- ISC (IF=0.023); “Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering”, pISSN: 2476-3977; eISSN: 2538-2616, Iranian Society of Structural Engineering, Vol. 8, Special Issue 1- Serial No. 41, Spring 2021; “Seismic Analysis of Different Masonry Arches Using Numerical Simulation”, Zarghani, Mohsen; Mehdizadeh Saradj, Fatemeh; Sarkardeh, Hamed; (DOI): https://10.22065/JSCE.2019.80056.1115 (in Persian)
83- ISC (IF=0.139); “Technology of Education Journal” (TEJ Tech. Edu. J., pISSN:2008-0441, eISSN:2345-5462), Vol.15, No.1: pp. 191-205, Winter 2021; “Design indicators affecting the students’ place attachment in open spaces of schools from the perspective of experts in architecture”; F. Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, S. Norouzian Maleki, S. Piri; (DOI): (in Persian)
82- WOS;  “Bagh-E Nazar” – The scientific Journal in the field of theoretical studies of art and architecture, (ISSN: 1735-9635, Eissn: 2251-7197); Vol. 17, Issue 91, January 2021, pp. 65-80; “Revisiting Nature-inspired Thinking Process in Architectural Designs Using Zaltman’s Metaphor Method (ZMET)”; Saviz Tayyah, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Mahnaz Mahmoodi Zarandi;  (DOI):    
81- ISI-Q1; “Sustainable Cities and Society”, Vol. 64, January 2021, Article 1025252; “A Critical Review of Façade Retrofit Measures for Minimizing Heating and Cooling Demand in Existing Buildings”; Soad Sarihy, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Mohsen Faizi (DOI):  
80- ISI-Q1; “Journal of Building Engineering”, Volume 32, November 2020, 101799, “An approximate method to identify torsion caused by infill walls through geometric specifications of architectural plans”; Azadeh Noorifard*, Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj (DOI):
79- ISC (IF=0.162); Journal of “Urban and Rural Management”, Volume 19, Issue 58, Spring 2020, PP:29-52; “The Impact of Lifestyle Change on the Architecture and Decorations of Mashhad Houses during the Transition”; Sepideh Moosavi, Mohsen Tabasi, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; (in Persian)
78- ISI-Q1; Journal of “Construction and Building Materials” Volume 249, 20 July 2020, 118591, “Improving the adobe material properties by laser material processing”; Mehdi Savary, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Mahdi Shayganmanesh, Nahid Tahmasebi Boldaji, Asieh Sadat Kazemi; (DOI):
77- ISI-Q1; Journal of “Structures” Volume 24, April 2020, PP.922-939, “New approximate method to identify soft story caused by infill walls”; Azadeh Noorifard*, Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; (DOI):
76- MSRT-B; Journal of “Armanshahr” (Print ISSN: 2008-5079,  Online ISSN: 2538-2365); Vol. 12, issue. 29, Winter 2020, PP.199-210, “Simultaneous and Combined Teaching of Basic Architecture Courses, Affecting Factor on Students' Academic Motivation (Case Study: Applied Geometry Course Content)”; Babak Motiei, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Qader Bayzidi; (DOI): 10.22034/aaud.2020.102376 (in Persian)
75- Scopus-Q2; “International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering”; ISSN 2008-9163; Int J Energy Environ Eng,  Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020, PP.417-429, “Enhancing the façade efficiency of contemporary houses of Mashhad, using the lessons from traditional buildings”; Iman Mirshojaeian Hosseini, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Seyyed Mehdi Maddahi & Vahid Ghobadian; (DOI):  https://10.1007/s40095-020-00338-0
74- ISI-Q1; “Journal of Building Engineering”; Vol. 27, January 2020, 100979, PP. 1-15, “Assessing the productivity of prefabricated and in-situ construction systems using hybrid multi-criteria decision making method”, Maryam Shahpari, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*,  Mir Saman Pishvaee, Saeid Piri; (DOI):
73- ISC (IF=0.08); Journal of “Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design”, JSAUD Vol.7, issue 2, March 2020, PP.119-134; “The effect of atrium adjoining spaces position in term of light distribution and heat gain Case study: Administrative building of Niroo Research Institute”; Mahya CheshmehNoor, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Seyed Abbas YazdanFar; (DOI): 10.22061/jsaud.2020.4617.1363 (in Persian)
72- ISC (IF=0.162); Journal of “Urban and Rural Management”, Vol.18, No. 56, Autumn 2019, PP.125-142; “Multi-criteria Decision Making to Determine Urban Identity Usage (Case study: Yaghoubiyeh historical bathroom in Ardabil)”; Farzad Zarbakhsh*, Fatemeh Mahdizadeh Seraj, Gholamreza Kiyani; URL: http://localhost/uni-4420-khuctarvij/article-1-2669-fa.html (in Persian)
71- ISC (IF=0.164); the journal of “Teaching Research”, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Autumn 2019, PP. 117-139, “The role of concurrent training in basic design courses on enhancing emotional intelligence, creativity and motivation of architecture students (Case study: Second preliminary architectural design)”; Babak Motiei, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Qader Bayzidi; (DOI): 10.34785/J012.2019.693 (in Persian)
70- ISC (IF=0.316); the journal of “Housing and Rural Environment”, JHRE 2019, Vol.38, No.167, PP. 19-34; “Solar Radiation Absorbed on the Neighborhood Scale regarding the Rural Fabric in Cold Climate Regions”; MEHDIZADEH SERAJ F* , Mirzaee F, Fayaz R, Mofidi Shemirani S M. (in Persian)
69- ---- note in the quarterly Journal of “Architecture and Energy”, ISSN: 2645-5994, 2019, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP.57-59; “Relation between idea and executive facts”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj (in Persian)
68- MSRT-C, “Journal of Resilient City (JRC)”, ISSN: 2676-556x, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 5, Pages 1-15; “Evaluating the productivity of pre-fabricated and in-situ concrete buildings for post-disaster settlement using multi-dimensional decision-making model (VIKOR)”; Maryam Shahpari, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*,  Mir Saman Pishvaee, Saeid Piri; (in Persian)
67- ISC (IF=0.139); “Journal of  Technology of Education”, pISSN: 2008-0441; eISSN: 2345-5462, Winter 2019, Vol. 13, Issue 2 - Serial Number 50; PP. 325-337; “An approach to dynamic and targeted education of architecture basic courses”; Babak Motiei, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Qader Bayzidi; (DOI): 10.22061/jte.2018.3076.1781;
66- ISC (IF=0.079); the Quarterly Journal of “Naqshejahan, Basic studies and New Technologies of Architecture and Planning”, pISSN:2322-4991; eISSN: 2538-2594, 2018;  Vol. 8, No. 1: PP.35-45; “Role of Architects in the Seismic Performance of Conventional Medium-rise Buildings by Using the Experiences of Past Earthquakes; Noorifard A.*, Mehdizadeh Saraj F.;
65- Scopus-Q2; “Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning”, Article number: UDP-D-16-00041R1; Quarterly ISSN: 1755-0793, Online publication date: September 05, 2018; Vol.171, Issue.5, PP:217-225; “Urban Environment Quality Enrichment Based on Aesthetic Values”; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Farhang Mozafar, Maryam Taefnia, Reihaneh Sajad*;;
64- ISI-Q1; “Journal of Architectural Engineering”, ISSN (Print): 1076-0431, ISSN (Online): 1943-5568, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); September 2018, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages: (04018014-1) to (04018014-15), “Automated Detailing and Stability Analysis of Under-Construction Masonry Vaults”; Elham Mousavian*; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000314.
63- ISC (IF=0.302); “Quarterly Journal of the Studies of Human Settlement Planning (JSHSP)”, (Print ISSN: 2535-5968, Online ISSN: 2538-595X), Vol. 12, Issue. 04, Winter 2018, Pages: 785-802, “A new look at unique characteristics of Iran's rock-cut architecture settlements with (Case study: the world heritage site of Meymand village, Shahre Babak)”, Mohammad Mangeli*, Reza Abouei, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj (in Persian)
62- Scopus-Q2; “Urbanism, Architecture, Constructions”, (ISSN:2069-0509, eISSN:2069-6469, Inst Natl Cercetare-Dezvoltare Constructii /Romania), Vol. 08, No. 01, January 2017, PP.57–80, “Preventing Undesirable Seismic Behaviour Of Infill Walls In Design Process”, A. Nourifard, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj, M. R. Tabeshpour,
61- ISC (IF=0.075); Journal of “Maremat & Me’mari-e Iran” (ISSN: 2345-3850; Art University of Isfahan, Iran), Vol. 07, No. 14, 2018, PP.1-12, “Evaluation the status of abilities of restoration graduates, from experts’ point of view, based on the components of knowledge, attitude, skill and competency”, Keshavarz M, Mehdizadeh Seraj F, Jabalameli A.; URL (in Persian)
60- ISI & Scopus-Q1; Journal of “Computer Graphics Forum” (ISSN: 0167-7055, Online ISSN: 1467-8659, Wiley-Blackwell, USA; H-index:121), Vol. 36, No. 08, 18 October 2016, PP:80-94, “Integrated Structural-Architectural Design for Interactive Planning”, B. Steiner* & E. Mousavian* & F. Mehdizadeh Saradj & M. Wimmer & P. Musialski, DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12996,
59- WOS; “Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences”, (ISSN:2247-3769 / e-ISSN:2284-7197, Poland), Vol.07, No.20, Summer 2017, PP.31-38; “Integration Issues for Using Innovative Daylighting Strategies in Light Wells”, M. Gholipour Gashniani, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, M. Faizi; DOI:
58- Scopus-Q2; Journal of “Urbanism, Architecture, Constructions”, (ISSN: 2069-0509, eISSN: 2069-6469, Inst Natl Cercetare-Dezvoltare Constructii /Romania); Vol. 08, No. 03, September 2017, PP:283-298, “Prioritization of interventions for strengthening architectural heritage”, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Kypros Pilakoutas, Iman Hajirasouliha;
57- ISC (IF=0.162); Journal of “Urban and Rural Management” (ISSN: 1607-2227, Vol. 16, No. 46, Spring 2017, PP:375-392); “Assessing the role people participation in analysing rural housing architectural design during the reconstruction after earthquakes”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Yavar Rostamzadeh (in Persian),
56- ISC (IF=0.075); Journal of “Maremat & Me’mari-e Iran” (ISSN: 2345-3850; Art University of Isfahan, Iran); Vol. 06, No. 12, 2016, PP: 23-34; Static Analysis and Verification of Secondary Cracks Formation Caused by Settlement in the Walls without Openings”, Heydari D*, Razani R, Haj Ebrahim Zargar A, mehdizahe seraj F. (in Persian),
55- ISC (IF=0.079); Quarterly Journal of “Naqshejahan- Basic studies and New Technologies of Architecture and Planning”, )pISSN:2322-4991, eISSN:2538-2594, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. (, Vol. 06, Issue 03, Autumn 2016, Pages:38-50;Conceptual assessment of the seismic performance of nonstructural walls in conventional medium rise buildings according to the experiences of past earthquakes”, Noorifard A, Mehdizadeh saradj F, Vafamehr M. (in Persian),
54- ISC (IF=0.13); "International journal of architecture and urban planning (IJAUP)", (ISSN: 2228-7337, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran), Vol. 26, No. 02, December 2016, Pages: 105-114, with the title of: “The Investigation On The Influence Of Initial Spatial Layout On The Seismic Behavior Of Masonry Buildings With Curved Roofing Systems”, E. Mousavian, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj*, (DOI):  10.22068/ijaup.26.2.105
53- ISC (IF=0.190); “Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism” (JIAU), (ISSN:2228-589X, The Scientific Society of Architecture and Urbanism, Tehran), Vol.07, Issue.2, January 2017, Page:183-194; “The forming process of architectural conservation with historical perception approach”, A.M. Moradi, F. Mehdizadeh S., H. Abdi A.*, A. AmirKabirian; (in Persian),
52- Scopus-Q2; Journal of “Urbanism, Architecture, Constructions”, (ISSN: 2069-0509, eISSN: 2069-6469, Inst Natl Cercetare-Dezvoltare Constructii /Romania); Vol. 07, No. 04, June 2016, Pages: 285 – 300, “Compatible Development Solutions in the Context of ‎Historical Settings in Iran”, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj*;
51- DOAJ-AJOL, “Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences”, (ISSN: 1112-9867, El Oued University, Research associations, Algeria), Vol. 08 (3S), May 2016, Pages: 1428-1447, with the title of: “Review of the innovative strategies to improve daylight penetration in building”, M. Faizi, F. Mehdizadeh Seraj and M. Gholipour Gashniani*,  
50- WOS; the quarterly Journal of “Architecture Civil Engineering Environment”, (ACEE, ISSN: 1899-0142, The Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Vol.09, No.02, April 2016, PP:77–92, “Preventing Irregularity effects of Infills through Modifying Architectural Drawings”, A. Nourifard*, M. R. Tabeshpour, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj, DOI:
49- MSRT, “Journal of Seismology and earthquake engineering” (ISC, ISSN: 1899-0142, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology”, Tehran), Vol.18, No.04, Winter 2015, PP:55-67; “Seismic damage due to ignorance of staircases in the design and construction of buildings”; A. Nourifard, M. R. Tabeshpour, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj; (in Persian)
48- ISC (IF=0.13); "International journal of architecture and urban planning (IJAUP)", Vol.25, No.2, December 2015; (ISSN: 2228-7337, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran), PP:100-111, “Green envelopes classification: the comparative analysis of efficient factors on the thermal and energy performance of green envelopes”, E. NajafiM. Faizi *, A.M. KhanmohammadiF. Mehdizade Saradj; (DOI): 10.22068/ijaup.25.2.100
47- MSRT, “Journal of Seismology and earthquake engineering” (ISSN: 1899-0142; International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology”, Tehran); Vol. 18, No. 03, Autumn 2015, PP:13-32; “Seismic assessment of infill walls with current material based on seismic experiments”, (in Persian); A. Nourifard, M. R. Tabeshpour, F. Mehdizadeh Saradj; (in Persian)
46- ISC (IF=0.089); “Quarterly Journal of Ganjineh Asnad (Documents Treasury, ISSN: 1023-3652, Documents Organization and National Library of Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran)”, Vol.24, No.4, January 2015, PP:126-145; “Earthquake crisis management for the rescue of museum objects kept in historical buildings: a scenario”, A Vaisi*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, A Mohammad Moradi; (in Persian)
45- ISC (IF=0.059); “Quarterly bulletin of Greater Khorasan”, (ISSN: 2251-6131, Imam Reza International University, Mashad); Vol.05, No.15, Summer 2014, PP:121-131; “Architectural guidelines for the climatic adaptability for thermal comfort in Mashad”, (DOI):  20.1001.1.22516131.1393., M Faizi, F Mehdizadeh, S Sabeti, (in Persian),
44- WOS, “Geografia, Malaysia Journal of Society and space”, (ISSN: 2180-2491, eISSN: 2682-7727, The National University of Malaysia), Vol.11, No.1, January 2015, PP:1-12; “The role of place identity in the preservation of Iranian historical sites: A comparative study of Jolfa and Masjid Jami Districts in Isfahan”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Farhang Mozaffar, Reihaneh Sajad*
43- ISC (IF=0.190); “Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism” (JIAU), (ISSN:2228-589X, The Scientific Society of Architecture and Urbanism, Tehran), Vol.5, No.2, November 2014, PP:1-9; “The effect of transition pre-entrance space on the thermal behaviour of main spaces in hot-dry climates of Iran (evaluating the old houses of Yazd city)”; F Mehdizadeh S, G Japalaghi, H Sanaieaian, (DOI): 10.30475/ISAU.2015.61991 (in Persian),
42- ISC (IF=0.13); “International Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning (IJAUP)”; (ISSN: 2228-7337, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran), Vol. 24, No.02, December 2014, Page:75-89; “Making balance between optimum daylight and maximum thermal comfort in hot-humid climates; Case study: Rashidy historic mansion in Bushehr city, Iran”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*Amin allah AhadiNader Maleki; URL:  
41- ISC (IF=0.204); the journal of “Environmental science and technology” (JEST); (Print ISSN: 1563-4809, Online ISSN: 2008-3516, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran), Vol.16, issue 3, Serial Number 3, October 2014, PP:181-190, “The effect of inner and outer layers’ number in double skin façades on energy consumption in office and educational buildings (Case study: the building of pure science department in IUST)”, Fatemeh MehdizadehSeraj, Mohammad Mehdi Danesh*, Haniyeh Sanaeiyan;  (in Persian)
40- ISC (IF=0.255); Journal of “Soffeh” (ISSN: 1683-870x, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran); Vol.23, No.4, September 2013, PP:35-46, “The Effect of mass and space arrangements in building blocks on the thermal behaviour of indoor spaces”, Hanieh Sanayeayan*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Seraj, Farshad Nasrollahi, Seyyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani; (DOI): 20.1001.1.1683870.1392. (in Persian),
39- Scopus-Q3; Journal of “Advances in Environmental Biology” (ISSN: 1995-0756, EISSN: 1998-1066, AENSI Journals (American Euroasian Network for Scientific Information), USA); Vol.8, No.6, Special issue 2, 2014, PP:3061-3071, “Chahar Soffe; Ancient Originator Pattern of Iranian Native Architecture the method of its Occurrence and Evolution in the Central Plateau of Iran”, Seyyed Mahdi Madahi*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Ali Abdollahi, Sajad Aeini, Seyyed Ehsan sayadi,
38- ISI & Scopus-Q1; Journal of “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews” (ISSN: 1364-0321, Science Direct, USA); Vol.38, October 2014, PP:551-560, “Review of the impact of urban block form on thermal performance, solar access and ventilation”, Haniyeh Sanaieian*, Martin Tenpierik, Kees van den Linden, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Seraj, Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani.
37- Journal of “Pazhuheshaye Me’mari-e Eslami” (jria, ISSN: 2382-980X, Tehran, Iran); Volume 01, No.02, 2014, Pages 7-22, “Relation among Meaning, Aesthetics, Shape and Structure in Islamic Architecture of Iran”, Hejazi M, Mehdizadeh Saradj F*, (in Persian),.
36- ISC (IF=0.075); Journal of “Maremat & Me’mari-e Iran” (ISSN: 2345-3850 Isfahan, Iran); Volume 03, No. 06, Fall & Winter 2013-2014, Pages 99-110, “The Mechanism of Lighting Historical Monuments in the Urban Context case study Sheikhlotfollah mosque”, Malihe Bakrani*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Seradj; (DOI): 20.1001.1.23453850.1392. (in Persian),.
35- ISC (IF=0.190); “Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism” (JIAU), (ISSN:2228-589X, The Scientific society of Architecture and Urbanism, Tehran, Iran), Vol.5, No.1, 2013, PP.147-159, “Principles of passive cooling systems in vernacular architectural elements of Iran”, Roza Vakilinezhad, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Seradj, Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani, (DOI): (in Persian),
34- ISC (IF=0.121); the biannual journal of “Pazhuhesh e Honar” (ISSN: 2345-3834, Isfahan, Iran); Vol.3, No.6, 2014, PP.47-65, “The design principles of education centres based on philosophical pedagogy”, Mansoureh Mohseni*, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Seradj, (in Persian),
33- ISC (IF=0.125); “Journal of Climatic Research” (ISSN: 2228-5040, Mashhad, Iran); Vol.03, No.12, PP.13-22, September 2012, “New method for Climatic Classification of Iran Based on Natural Ventilation Potential (Case study: Yazd)”, R Vakilinezhad*, S. M Mofidi Shemirani, F Mehdizadeh Seraj, (in Persian);
31- Scopus-Q4, “International Journal of Environmental Sustainability” in “The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability” (pISSN:1832-1077, DOI:, Common Ground Research Networks, USA, pISSN:2325-1077, eISSN: 2325-1085); Vol.8, Issue 4, 2013, PP.101-110, “SHANASHIL, A Sustainable element to balance light, view and thermal comfort”; S. Majid Mofidi, R. Vakilinezhad*, Mehdizadeh Mehdizadeh.
30- ISC (IF=0.453); “Honar-ha-ye-ziba, Memari-va-shahrsazi” (ISSN: 2228-6020, journal of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran); Vol. 17, No. 4, January 2013, Pages 61-70, with the title of “Adjusting the curriculum for teaching the basics of architectural design based on future requirements of students in architectural design studios”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Alireza Farsi Mohammadi Pour, (DOI):10.22059/JFAUP.2012.36366 (in Persian);
29- Scienceline, Bimonthly “Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism” (J. Civil Eng. Uan., ISSN: 2252-0430, Turkey); Vol. 02, No. 03, PP.97-101, May 2012, “The Application of Golden Proportion in the Façades & Ornaments of Quadruple Vaulted Porticos of Jami Mosque in Isfahan, Iran” Mahdipour M*, Mahdizadeh Saradj F.;
28- MSRT-B, "Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development, Journal of Architecture, Urban Design & Urban Planning" (pISSN:2008-5079, eISSN:2538-2365, Tehran, Iran); Vol. 5, No. 9, March 2013, PP.153-164; "Accelerating the recovery process of hospitalized patients with the proper design of windows in hospital rooms, Case study: Mild and humid climate (orbit 36 to 38 degrees)", Fatemeh Mehdizadeh SaradjAmin Ahadi*, (in Persian);
27- ISC (IF=0.13); “International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning (IJAUP) (Print ISSN:2228-7337, Online ISSN:2383-3904, Tehran, Iran); Vol. 22, No. 2, December 2012, Pages 100-107, "A historical experience of local seismic proof shelters in Quchan-northeast of Iran";Fatemeh Mehdizadeh*, Elham Moussavian;
26- --- Quarterly Journal of "Miras e Melli (National Heritage)" (ISSN: 2252-0759, The deputy office for cultural heritage, Iranian cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts organization, Tehran, Iran); Vol. 5, No. 7 & 8, Autumn 2012; Pages 44-51, with the title of "Practical Geometry in the Construction of Iranian Brick Barrel Vaults", Nima Valibeig*, Farhad Tehrani, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh (in Persian);
25- --- “Tarh o Namad”, (ISSN: 2228-5644, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, IUST, Tehran, Iran); Vol. 4, No. 5, July 2013, PP.73-82, “Improving architectural education by introducing live projects to architectural design courses”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj (in Persian);
24- ISC (IF=0.075); Journal of “Maremat & Me’mari-e Iran” (ISSN: 2345-3850 Isfahan, Iran); Vol.2, No.3, August 2012, PP.39-49, "The Geometrical and Mathematical  Analysis of Panjohaft Arches in Iranian Barrel Vaults", Farhad Tehrani, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Mehrdad Hejazi, Nima Valibeig, (DOI): 20.1001.1.23453850.1391. (in Persian);
23- ISI-Scopus-Q1, “International Journal of Architectural Heritage” (ISSN: 1558-3058 Print, 1558-3066 Online, Taylor and Francis Group, Philadelphia, USA); Vol.7, Issue 4, March 2013, PP.434-460, “Learning from the past and planning for the future: conditions and proposals for stone conservation of the Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great in the World Heritage site of Pasargadae”; Maryam Rafiee Fanood & Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj,
22- ISC (IF=0.075); Journal of “Maremat & Me’mari-e Iran” (ISSN: 2345-3850 Isfahan, Iran);  Vol.1, No.1, spring and summer 2011, PP.15-27; "Applying the Hanjar triangles in the mathematical calculation, implementation and enforcement of traditional Iranian architecture"; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Farhad Tehrani, Mehrdad Hejazi, Nima Valibeig, (DOI): 20.1001.1.23453850.1390. (in Persian);
21- WOS;  “Bagh-E Nazar” – (ISSN: 1735-9635, Eissn: 2251-7197, The Scientific Journal in the field of theoretical studies of art and architecture, the Scientific Journal of NAZAR Research Center for Art, Architecture & Urbanism, Tehran, Iran); Vol.8, No.17, September 2011, PP.31-42; "A comparative study on approaches to achieve tranquillity, calmness and meditation in traditional gardens of Iran and Japan",  Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Atefeh Nikoogoftar, (in Persian);
20- ISC (IF=0.13); “International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning (IJAUP) (Print ISSN:2228-7337, Online ISSN:2383-3904, Tehran, Iran); Vol.21, No.1, June 2011, PP.17-26, "Prioritization of historic buildings based on their values"; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, URL:
19- ISC - Technical and Art Quarterly Journal of "ATHAR" (ISSN: 1024-2647, Tehran, Iran); No. 51, Winter 2011, PP. 83-94; "The process of vulnerability evaluation, and proposing an improvement plan for historic buildings", Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Shima Rahimy, (in Persian);.
18- ISC (IF=0.190); “Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism” (JIAU), (ISSN:2228-589X, The Scientific Society of Architecture and Urbanism, Tehran, Iran), Vol.1, No.1, Autumn 2010, Page 119-128, “Statistical analysis of exam hall on student psychological aspects”, Farhang Mozafar, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Mona Bisadi, (in Persian);
17- --- “Tarh o Namad”, quarterly journal of architecture, urbanism and art (ISSN: 2228-5644, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, IUST, Tehran, Iran); Vol.2, No.2, Autumn 2010, PP. 103-112, “The state of Delineating Spaces and The Role of Senses in The Perception of Different Distances”, Farhang Mozafar, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Sara Daneshmand (in Persian);
16- --- the bi-monthly journal “Danesh-Nama”; Isfahan, Iran, Vol.19, No.3, March-April 2010, PP.95-103, “The Necessity of careful façade design of buildings adjacent to historic urban nuclei”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh*, Fatemeh Masoumian, (in Persian);
15- ISC (IF=0.139); “Technology of Education Journal” (TEJ Tech. Edu. J., quarterly journal, pISSN:2008-0441, eISSN:2345-5462, Tehran, Iran); Vol.3, No.4, October 2009, Page 37-46, “Recognition of the Role of Nature in Educational Spaces”, F. Mozafar; F. Mahdizade Seraj; S.S. Mirmoradi, (in Persian);
14- --- “biannual journal Maremat & Pazhuhesh”; Tehran, Iran, Vol. 04, No. 07, Autumn & Winter 2009, PP.43-49, “Seismic protection of historic object in museums located in historic buildings, using the base isolation”, A Vaisi*, A Mohammad Moradi, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, (in Persian);
13- --- “Abadi” Quarterly Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, Special issue on Neo-cities, Vol.19, No. 65, Winter 2010, PP.84-87; “The foundations of Creating Identity for New Satellite Towns, The case study of Isfahan’s Sepahan Shahr”, F. Mehdizadeh, F. Mozafar, R. Sajad, (in Persian); Tehran, Iran.
12- ISC (IF=0.13); “IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Architectural Engineering, Tehran, Iran, ISSN: 1018-7357; Special Issue, Vol.19, No.6, 2008, PP.9-20, “Seismic Issues in the Design Process, the Role of Architect in Seismic Safety Issues in the Design Process”; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, URL:
11- ISC (IF=0.13); “IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Architect Engineering Special Issue Vol. 19, No.6, 2008, Page 41-52, “A Comprehensive Approach towards the Classification of Cracks in Un-Reinforced Masonry Buildings”; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, URL: Tehran, Iran.
10- --- “Haft-Shahr” quarterly journal of architecture and urbanism, Tehran, Iran; Special issue on “The Concept of City”, No. 25-26/ Autumn-Winter 2009, Page 60-71, “Identity making elements in vernacular cities of Iran, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Tannaz Tabatabaei, (in Persian);
9- --- the “Conference Proceeding book of the third conference on Architectural Education”, Tehran, Iran, November 2009, PP.491-514, “Judgement Criteria in Architectural Design Projects”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Karim Mardomi, (in Persian);.
8- --- “Honar-Pajoh” Quarterly Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran; ISSN:1735-756X; Vol.3, No.4, 2007, PP.45-59, “Evaluation the Changes in the Contemporary Iranian Architecture through Visual Comparisons in Form”; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*, Farhang Mozafar, Mehdi Khakzand, (in Persian)
7- JSTOR, “APT Bulletin”; The Journal of Preservation Technology, New York, USA; Vol.39, No.4, 2008, PP.39-46, “Using Natural Resources for Ventilation: The Application of Badgirs in Preservation”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj*,
6- --- “Haft Shahr”; The journal of architecture and urbanism of Haft Shahr, Tehran, Iran, pISSN:2423-3366; Issue 21-22, PP.51-60, 2008, “Achieving the principles of urban sustainability through conformity with Iranian vernacular urbanism”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saraj, Fatemeh Nassabi, Seyed Bagher Hosseini (in Persian),
5- --- the journal of “Abadi”; architecture and urbanism quarterly, Tehran, Iran; Year 18, No.59 or No. 24 from the new series, summer 2008, “Comfort for Citizens as a result of the Improvement of Urban Pedestrian Movement Systems, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh (in Persian),
4- ISI-Scopus-Q1, journal of "Architectural Science Review", (ISSN / eISSN: 0003-8628 / 1758-9622, Sidney, Australia); Vol.50, Issue 2, June 2007, Published Online: 9 June 2011, "Earthquake Intensity, Damage and Conservation of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings", PP.130-140, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj,
3- ---- “Newest in Energy”, Tehran, Iran; Year 1, No. 5, February 2009, “The traditional architecture and urbanism of Iran; the improved and ultimate usage of clean and renewable energy”, pages 65-69, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj (in Persian)
2- ---- “industry of buildings”, Tehran, Iran, No. 70, 2008, Page 9, 10 - “Intimacy in Residential Spaces”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Abbas Javaheri (in Persian)
1- ---- the weekly magazine of “Nasir Bushehr”, 11th year, in the numbers of 474, 475, 476 and 477, December 2008, serial papers with the title of “The Alphabets of traditional cities of Iran, an investigation in the passageways of the historic urban fabric of Bushehr”, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh, Sahar Mokhlesian (in Persian),

Publications – Conference Papers
  1. International Conferences
71- Mahdavi, M., Moradi, A., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Kamrani, A.; the “2nd Internation Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution”, paper titled: “Investigating the effective factors on the technical resilience of the city against earthquakes with an emphasis on historically valuable structures”, 8 December 2022,  Tabriz Islamic Art University,  Iran.
70- Jalili, Z., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Sajjad, M., Razani, M.; the “2nd Internation Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution”, with the paper titled: “Analysis of architecture and function of Cheragil rock settlement”, 8 December 2022, Tabriz Islamic Art University,  Iran.
69 – Mirzaei, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the 2nd International and 5th National Conference on Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment, to present a paper titled: “Increasing the Energy Efficiency in the Design of an Office Building in Tehran by Using Renewable Energy Sources”, 9 & 10 June 2021,  Ardebil, Iran.
66- CheshmehNoor, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Construction, to present a paper titled: “Evaluation of natural lighting and temperature in atriums, Case study: Niroo Research Office Building”, December 11-13,  2019, Esfahan, Iran.
64- the Conference of “Kerpic’19 – Earthen Heritage, New Technology, Management 7th International Conference”, and presenting a paper titled: “Recognizing the role of Central Courtyards as a Model of Sustainable Architecture in the Houses of the Yazd Historic City”, 05-07 September 2019, Köycegiz, Muğla, Turkey.
63- Goldansaz, K., Sadeghi, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Moradi, A.; the Conference of “Kerpic’19 – Earthen Heritage, New Technology, Management 7th International Conference”, and presenting a paper titled: “Reviving Place Identity and Extracting Rural Housing Pattern for Sustainable Development of villages; Case Study: Tooran-Posht Village”, 05-07 September 2019, Köycegiz, Muğla, Turkey.
60- Mirzaei, H., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Sadeghzadeh, N., the “International Conference on New Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Management and Environment”, and presenting the paper titled: “Assessing thermal performance of the green wall to reduce energy consumption through the walls in residential buildings”, January 6, 2018, Karaj, Iran.
59- JahanBakhsh, Z., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the “Fifth International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development”, and presenting the paper titled: “Investigating the efficient factors on the vitality of public spaces”, 26-28 December 2017, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
58- JahanBakhsh, Z., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the “International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development of Contemporary Iran”, and presenting the paper titled: “The Influence of Architectural Body’s Features On Promoting Vitality of Public Spaces”, 16 August 2017, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
57- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Savary, M., the “Fifth International conference on railway engineering”, and present the paper titled: “Locating the access of metro stations through distressed urban areas, as an efficient step towards their upgrading the social security, revitalization and regeneration”, 14 May 2017, Tehran, Iran.
54- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “1st international symposium on seismic rehabilitation of heritage structures”, and presenting the paper titled: “The challenges during the seismic strengthening of historic buildings; authenticity, integrity and readability” 2nd and 3rd of January 2017, Tehran, Iran.
53- Rostamzadeh, Y., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “International Conference of Contemporizing Islamic-Iranian Architecture Traditions” and presenting the paper titled: “Evaluating the status of public participation in the experiences of post-disaster reconstruction in Iranian rural areas”, 31 May 2016, Ardebil, Iran.
52- Faizi, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Gholipour, M.; the “2nd International conference on research in science and technology” and presenting the paper titled: “Review of the daylighting strategies to improve light well in deep plan building and high-density city”, 14th March 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
51- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “8th International Policy Forum on Urban Growth and Conservation” and presenting the paper titled: “The role of hinge between the architectural monuments and their adjacent new development”, 3 October 2015, Tehran, Iran.
50- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Sohrabi, S., Japalaghi, R.; the “International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban infrastructure” and presenting the paper titled: “Social contact restoration in commercial centres with the utilization of traditional Bazaars (Comparing Islamic Bazaar and Dabir Aazam commercial centre in Kermanshah)”, 29-30 July 2015, Tabriz, Iran.
49- Damyar, Z., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Damyar, S.; the “1st International Conference on Human, Architecture, Civil Engineering and City” and presenting the paper titled: “Contemporary Iranian Architecture and Ordinary Audience: testing the validity of categories in intellectual movements”, June 2015, Tabriz, Iran.
48- Noorifard, A., Tabeshpour, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “7th International conference on seismology and Earthquake engineering (SEE 7)” and presenting the paper titled: “Effect of infills on torsion and soft storey in a conventional residential building in Tehran – Iran” alongside Azadeh Nourifard, 12 May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
47- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Shahhoseini, S.; the “2nd International Conference on Urbanism and Spatial Mobility: Dynamics of Space; Mobility & Relationality-ICRARE2015” with the paper titled: “Improving the Suitability of Spaces of Mobility in Cities through Comparative Study of Experiences of Traditional Contemporary Cities”, 18 October 2014, Tehran, Iran.
46- Sabeti, S., Faizi, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “9th Symposium on Advances in Science & Technology (9th SASTech 2014)” and presenting the paper titled: “Analysis of comfort criteria of Mashad in buildings” alongside Shiva Sabety, 20 November 2014, Mashad, Iran.
45- Sabeti, S., Faizi, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Zarif, S.; the “9th Symposium on Advances in Science & Technology (9th SASTech 2014)” and presenting the paper titled: “Evaluating the various passive systems to improve thermal comfort in Mashad” alongside Shiva Sabety, 20 November 2014, Mashad, Iran.
44- Sabeti, S., Faizi, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Zarif, S.; the “2nd International Congress on structures, Architecture & Urban Development” and presenting the paper titled: “The role of building envelopes in vernacular houses to increase thermal comfort (hot-dry climates)” alongside Shiva Sabety, 17 December 2014, Tabriz, Iran.
40- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Mozafar, F., Sajjad, R.; the “International Symposium on “Revisiting Kathmandu. Safeguarding living urban heritage” and presenting the paper titled: “Preserving values by the application of aesthetic principles of historic urban sites during development” alongside Reihana Sajad, 28th November 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal.
39- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Hejazi, M.; the “International Symposium on “Revisiting Kathmandu. Safeguarding living urban heritage” and presenting the paper titled: “A multilevel approach in planning risk management for built heritages located in high-density urban areas – case study: Ali Qapu– a historical building in Naqsh-i-Janah World Cultural Heritage Site in Isfahan, Iran”, 28th November 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal.
38- Sanayeaian, H., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the “PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future” with the paper titled: “Placement of semi-enclosed spaces and energy demand in contemporary buildings in Iran” alongside Hanieh Sanayeayan, 10-12 September 2013, Munich, Germany.
37- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Japalaghi, R.; the "Third International Conference on Recent Advances in railway engineering", with the paper titled: "Creating and wiping identity from cities; Assessing the impact of rapid railway transit construction on the cultural-historical aspects of cities" alongside Reza Japalaghi, April 30, May 1, 2013 – Tehran, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran.
36- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Nikoogoftar, A.; the “Terra 2012- XI International Conference on the study and conservation of earthen architecture heritage – Seismo adobe 2012” with the paper titled: “Iranian Asbads (windmills), an adobe machinery system in the cultural landscape of southern and eastern parts of Iran” alongside Atefeh Nikoogoftar, April 2012, Lima, Peru.
35- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Moosavian, E.; the “Terra 2012- XI International Conference on the study and conservation of earthen architecture heritage – Seismo adobe 2012” with the paper titled: “The investigation on the influence of floor-plan shapes on the seismic behaviour of local habitats of central southern Khorasan-Iran” alongside Elham Mousavian, April 2012, Lima, Peru.
33- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Khansari, N.; the “International conference: The city, Pedestrian life”, with the paper titled: “Revitalization of pedestrian life in the historic site – case study of Sorkhab path road in Tabriz” alongside Khansari, 5th March 2012, Milad Tower, Tehran, Iran.
32- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Hashemi, M.; the “International Conference of the traditional knowledge of managing water resources”, with the paper titled: “Investigating the strategies of Qanat conservation in the city of Mahan and its effect on rehabilitation of house-gardens”, 21st February 2012, The International Centre on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures, Yazd, Iran.
29- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the "Second international special session of the urban landscape aesthetics" as the chairperson of the second session titled: "cultural landscape of cities" alongside Professor De Georgio, the head of the architecture department of the Sapienza University of Rome and Professor Alsandra De Chezaris, teaching in the Sapienza University of Rome; the topic of the speech given in the seminar "cultural landscape and the aesthetics of modern cities", 14th September 2011, Milad Tower, Tehran, Iran.
28- Moradi, A., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tajeddini, S.; "The 5th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology- SASTech", with the paper titled: "The effect of sustainable urban infrastructures on the process of formation of historic cities in Iran", 12-14 May 2011, Mashad, Iran.
23- Aslani, M., Mozafar, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the international conference of Islamic Arts & Architecture, with the paper titled: "The presentation of convex mirror works in the architectural decorations of the Shah Soleiman's Palace", 14-16th November 2008 - at the national college of arts (NCA), Lahore, Pakistan.
21-1- Rafiee, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the International conference of "Youth in the conservation of cultural heritage, YOCOCU 2010", with the paper titled: "Removal of Black Crusts on Historic Stoneworks  By the Use of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria", 25 May 2010 – Palermo, Rome, Italy.
17- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Hejazi, M., Rahimy, S.; the “8th International Congress on Civil Engineering”, presenting a paper titled: “The conservation of corners in Iranian historic domes as the symbol of reciprocal collaboration of architects and civil engineers”, 13 May 2009Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
16- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tabatabaei, T.; “The first International conference on regeneration & revitalization of urban distressed areas”, presenting a paper titled: “The role of valuable historical elements of the city in the diagnosis of its historic distressed areas”, 10-11 December 2008Mashhad, Iran.
13- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Jafarpour, S.; the "first international conference on seismic retrofitting", presenting a paper titled: "Evaluation, conservation and strengthening of unreinforced masonry arched bridges in Tabriz, case study Mansour Bridge", 20-22 October 2008, Iranian national retrofitting centre, Tabriz, Iran.
11-1- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Masoumian, F.; the 2nd international conference of “Superior City, Superior Design”, with the title of “Façade design besides historic sites”, 30th and 31st of July 2006, Hamedan, Iran.
10- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Torkzaban, S.; “The first International Conference on Zagros Traditional Settlements(INTBAU), presenting a paper and poster titled: “Architectural design criteria concerning new development of the historic sites of Zagros region”, 30 April- 2 May 2008, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran.
9- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Speaker in the APT 2007 Conference titled "Old World Technologies Adapting in the New World", for presenting a paper titled: "Preservation by using natural resources - Detailed investigation towards the applicability of BADGIR in the preservation of internal material", November 3-7, 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
8-1- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.,- Attending the workshop of Sheffield Development Foundation (SDF), Summer 2007, Sheffield, UK.,
8- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the international conference of 'Seismic Retrofitting',; with the title of 'Adjusting a Systematic Table to Predict the Damage and Strengthen Historical Buildings with Different Limits of Budget', this has published in the proceeding of the conference; 24-27th April 2006 Tehran, Iran.
7- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; Attending and presenting a poster in the APT 2004 Conference, “Raising the Grade for Preservation”; 4-7th November 2004 Texas, USA. Website:
6- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; 12th Iranian Researchers Conference in Europe (IRCE), Renold Building, UMIST,  “Cracks and pathology of masonry domes”, 3rd July 2004, Manchester, UK., website:
5- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; 12th Iranian Researchers Conference in Europe (IRCE), Renold Building, UMIST, “Diagnosis of cracks in masonry buildings”, 3rd July 2004, Manchester, UK.
4- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; Tenth Iranian students’ seminar in Europe, the University of Central England (UCE), “seismic issues in the design process”, 28th June 2003, Birmingham, England, website:
3- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Ninth Iranian students’ seminar in Europe, the university of Central England (UCE),  “fundamental ethics in the conservation of historical buildings”, 29th June 2002, Birmingham, England, website:
2- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Eighth Iranian students’ seminar in Europe, UMIST, “protection of historical buildings against earthquake”, 7th May 2001, Manchester, England, website:
1- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Seventh Iranian students’ seminar in Europe, “earthquake prediction and life safety”, UMIST, 21st May 2000, Manchester, England.
  1. National Conferences in Iran
68- Mahdavi, M.H., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Participating in the “National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Horizons of Islamic Art in the second step of revolution statement”, with the paper titled: “Evaluating the safety and passive defence of historic textures according to the 21st Building Code; Case study: HasanAbad Historic Bazaar in Isfahan”, 20 May 2021, Islamic Art University of Tabriz,  Iran.
67- BayaniFard, S., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the “National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Horizons of Islamic Art in the second step of revolution statement”, with the paper titled: “The Process of Re-organization and Rehabilitation of historic Forts; Case study, Jalali Fort in Kashan”, 20 May 2021, Islamic Art University of Tabriz,  Iran.
65- Fani, M., Yazdanfar, A., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., “The 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development of Iran”, and presenting a paper titled: “Comparative analysis of the architectural and environmental element of Shanashir in Bushehr port and countries”, 5th November 2020, Tehran, Iran.
62- Ghahramani, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Mozfar, F., Hoseini, B.; the “First national quality conference in urban and architectural spaces”, with the paper titled: “The criteria of internal space quality on tolerability and efficiency of employees on special work environments”, 1-2 May 2019, Zanjan, Iran.
61- Ghahramani, M., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Mozfar, F., Hoseini, B.; the “First national quality conference in urban and architectural spaces”, with the paper titled: “The role of scape and biophilic design on the quality of workspace and efficiency of office employees”, 1-2 May 2019, Zanjan, Iran.
56- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Salimian, Z., Yunesi, Z.; the “National conference of Brick and Brick laying” with the paper titled: “The Saljuqid minarets as the apex of Brick-work art”, 13 February 2017, Tehran, Iran.
55- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Mirzaei, F.; the “National conference of Brick and Brick laying” with the paper titled: “Comparing the Brick production process and current construction material based on sustainability”, 13 February 2017, Tehran, Iran.
43- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Valibeig, N., Rezaeibana, Moazen, E.; the “First national seminar about new horizons on sustainable development of architecture, tourism, energy and built environment of cities and rural areas” with the paper titled: “Evaluating the development patterns for the district number 12 of Tehran for preserving cultural heritage against earthquakes and introducing seismic retrofitting methods for masonry historic buildings based on Iranian Code 360”, 31 July 2014, Hamedan, Iran.
42- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Valibeig, N., Rezaeibana, Moazen, E.; the “First national seminar about new horizons on sustainable development of architecture, tourism, energy and built environment of cities and rural areas” with the paper titled: “Preventive conservation and minimum intervention by the proper cognition of buildings seismic behaviour, case study: office building of Masoudieh historic Mansion”, 31 July 2014, Hamedan, Iran.
41- Noorifard, A., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tabeshpour, M., Vafamehr, M.; the “2nd Seminar on Structural Investigation of Non-Structural Elements” and presenting the paper titled: “Efficient procedures during the design of conventional buildings to prevent the undesirable seismic behaviour of partition walls” alongside Azadeh Nourifard, 16th April 2014, Iranian society of building structural engineers, Tehran, Iran.
34- Heidary, A., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Heidary, E.; the “First national conference of cultural anthropology” with the paper titled: “Comprehensive Recognition Of  Users in Designing Rural Houses, Effective in Promoting Their Efficiency & Acceptance Index”, 3-4 May 2012, Yazd, Iran.
31- Valibeig, N., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tehrani, F.; the "1st National Conference on Geography & Rural Development Planning" with the paper titled: "Durable rural structures, their pattern-ability and stability", 14-15 December 2011, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Iran.
30- Valibeig, N., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tehrani, F.; the "The first national conference on cultural features of Kurdistan province", with the paper titled: "Historical bridges of Kurdistan, symbols of beauty, geometry and stability", 19 October 2011, Islamic Azad University of Kurdistan, Iran.  
27- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tajeddini, A.; "The first national Conference On Islamic architecture and urbanism", with the paper titled: "Vaqf, the supervision and appraisal pattern of interventions in urban spaces and urban sustainable conservation", 11-12 May 2011, Islamic art university of Tabriz, Iran.
26- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tajeddini, A.; "The National Conference On Civil Engineering And Sustainable Development", with the paper titled: "Sustainable urban conservation", 1st March 2011, Estahban, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
25- KarimiAzari, A., Hoseini, B., Mozafar, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F.; the third national conference of "creativity, TRIZ, Iranian innovation management and engineering", with the paper titled: "The fundamentals of housing design based on upbringing childrens' creativeness", 27-28 October 2010, culture and art research centre of Jahad Daneshgahi, Tehran, Iran.
24- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Yazdanfar, A., Nikoogoftar, A.; the "national conference of cityscape", with the paper titled: "Revitalization and regeneration of historic derelict urban textures through the change in townscape", 28-29 November 2010, culture and art research centre of Jahad Daneshgahi, Tehran, Iran.
22- Mozafar, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Sajjad, R.; the national conference of "qualitative upgrade of landscape and townscape of Isfahan", with the paper titled: "from the escape to the view of cities and identity challenges in the city of Isfahan", 23-24 June 2010 - at the Isfahan art university - Isfahan, Iran.
21- Tehrani, F., Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Valibeig, N.; the first national conference on “Housing and rural development”, with the paper titled: “The morphology of vaulted roof systems in rural houses”, 27th September 2009Sistan & Baluchistan University, Zahedan, Iran.
20- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tajeddini, A.; the “2nd national congress on Iranian vernacular skills”, presenting a paper titled: “The geometry of design and energy use in vernacular architecture - The case study: public bath of Maymand historic village”, 20 May 2009IUST, Tehran, Iran.
19- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tabatabaei, T.; the “2nd national congress on Iranian vernacular skills”, presenting a paper titled: “Vernacular Architecture, Vernacular City - The influence of urban context in determining the structure of vernacular architecture”, 20 May 2009IUST, Tehran, Iran.
18- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Valibeig, N.; Participating in “2nd national congress on Iranian vernacular skills”, presenting a paper titled: “The application of geometry in the diagnosis of vernacular roofing of Iran”, 20 May 2009IUST, Tehran, Iran.
15- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Tarkashvand, A., Farsi, A.; “The second conference on cinema and architecture”, presenting a paper titled: “The role of cinema in architectural education, specifically the sense of space and place from minor to major scale”, 18 & 19 November 2008Tehran, Iran.
14- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Mardomi, K.; “The third conference on Architectural Education”, presenting a paper titled: “Judgement Criteria in Architectural Design Projects”, 9 November 2008Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
12- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Rahimy, S.; the "Iranian rehabilitation national conference", Presenting a paper titled: "Regeneration of integrity in rehabilitation and strengthening of historic sites against earthquake (case study: Kashan Bazaar)"; 26-28 August 2008, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran.
11- Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., the “Fuel, Energy and environment national congress”, presenting a paper titled: “Efficient and optimal usage of natural energy resources as the unique solution in preserving the built environment”; 27-29 May 2008, Materials and Energy Research Centre (MERC), Tehran, Iran.
 Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Speaker in the national conference of "Student, Industry and Sustainable Development"; presenting a paper titled: "Considering live projects related to the industry in the curriculum of university education" December 3-5, 2007, IUST, Tehran, Iran.
 Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Presenting a seminar in 'Cultural Heritage Higher Education Centre', with the title of 'Research in Conservation' on 19th December 2006, Tehran, Iran.
Mehdizadeh Saradj, F., Presenting a seminar in IUST, with the title of 'Protection of Historical Buildings against earthquakes' on 5th December 2005, Tehran, Iran.

Research Projects
Researcher and author of listed projects, Sponsored by “research deputy office of IUST”:
  • “Structural details for the conservation of masonry monuments”, 2021
  • “Evaluation of Infill Architectural Design in the context of Iranian Historic Buildings”, 2020
  • Fundamentals, Concepts, and Approaches related to Authenticity in the restoration of Iranian Historic Buildings”, 2018
  • “In seismic strengthening of historic buildings: Authenticity, Integrity, Legibility; Where to apply which one?”, 2017
  • “Contextual design of architecture in Iranian historic settings”, 2016
  • “Planning and decision making for seismic retrofit of existing architectural heritage”, 2015
  • “Using modern technology for seismic strengthening of historic buildings”, 2014
  • “Seismic strengthening of historic buildings”, 2013
  • “The re-evaluation of teaching conservation in the architecture departments”, 2012
  • “The technical evaluation of Iranian Historic masonry buildings”, 2011
  • “Morphological studies of masonry Iranian vaults”, 2010
  • “The analysis of Bam urban landscape-before and after the earthquake”, 2009
  • "Feasibility studies of existing conservation laboratories in Iran", 2008
  • "Diagnosis of cracks in un-reinforced masonry buildings", 2007
Further research activities:
- Team leader and lead author, “Documentation of interconnection between form, structure, geometry, aesthetic and meaning in Islamic architecture of Iran”, sponsored by “research centre of Isfahan traditional arts”, 2012
- Main author and researcher, PhD thesis with the title of ‘Un-reinforced masonry domed buildings in regions of high seismic risk of Iran: a procedure for selecting historic buildings for protection and repair’, 1999- 2005
- Main researcher, Architectural Research and Feasibility studies of Minouhi detailed Plan (Employed by Dwelling Foundation of Islamic Revolution), 1993
- Main author and researcher, Master thesis in Architecture, “Housing pattern design in the satellite city of Ardahal”, 1992-1993
- A member of the research team, Architectural research – the re-construction of Kirman City, Iran (Employed by Jahad Division of Tehran University), Tehran – Iran, 1991-1993
- Assistant Designer, Architectural Research - Reconstruction plan for the neighbourhood of Jami Mosque in Kirman, Iran (Employed by the province governor of Kirman), 1988-1990

Professional Experiences
Design of several housing units in Tehran, Iran
Rehabilitation plan of the historic monument of “Shah-Abbasi” Caravanserai in Damghan, Iran
Rehabilitation plan of the historic mansion of “Heshmat-allashgar” in Sorkheh, Iran
Cooperation in conservation plan of Shush citadel in Shush, Iran
Cooperation in restoration plan of towers in Bam citadel, Iran

Teaching Experiences
Rehabilitation and Conservation Design Project of Architectural Heritage (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Conservation)
Evaluating the conservation experiences of historic buildings and cities (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Conservation)
Risk management and reconstruction after disasters (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Conservation)
Introduction to the conservation of historic buildings (undergraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture)
Building Pathology (postgraduate and undergraduate courses in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Conservation, Higher Education Centre of Cultural Heritage Organisation; Faculty of Historic Buildings Conservation)
Conservation Technology (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Conservation)
Introduction to the traditional construction systems of Iran (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Conservation; Department of Conservation, Higher Education Centre of Cultural Heritage Organisation; Faculty of Historic Buildings Conservation)
Advanced Research Methods (PhD and postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Conservation & Department of Architecture; the Art University of Isfahan, Department of Conservation)
Professional English (postgraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Conservation & Department of Architecture)
The Basics of Architectural Design (undergraduate course in the School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture)
Architectural design Studio (Undergraduate courses in architectural design projects including first and third projects)

Registration of theory
 Defending the Theorization Chair entitled: "Meaning, Aesthetic, Form and Structure in Islamic Persian Architecture", with the collaboration of Dr Mehrdad Hejazi (Honourable faculty member of University of Isfahan), in the centre of Theorization, Critique, and Debate of University of Isfahan, 20 May 2013

PhD Students
2022 Mortazavi, Mahboobeh; Complexity and its Attributes on Assessing the Aesthetics of Apartment Facades in Tehran
2022 – Sarihi, Soad; Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings through Façade Retrofit (Case Study of Office Buildings in District 6 of Tehran)
2022 – Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh; Optimal pattern of open space structure of primary schools to promote physical mobility (Case study; Ghaemshahr girls' schools)
2021 – Mirzaei, Fahimeh; A model for evaluating and improving the architectural design process of rural housing to reduce building energy consumption in cold climates (case Research: rural dwellings in the mountainous areas of Tehran province).
2021 – Zarbakhsh, Farzad; An intervention model in revitalizing historical baths, A case study of cold climate baths in Azerbaijan region
2020 – Yarmohammad, Fatemeh; Principles of facade design of office buildings using solar systems to reduce pollutants
2020 – Tayyah, Saviz; The architectural design process model based on the bionic approach to promote purposeful creativity
2020 – Mirshojaeian Hoseini, Iman; A sustainable model for the high-rise residential buildings façade to optimize the energy consumption, case study: Mashhad city
2019 – Rostamzadeh, Yavar; Evaluation of the rural housing architecture designing after disaster from beneficiaries perspective (Case study Kanzag village)
2019 – Shahpari, Maryam; Design strategies for prefabricated residential complexes to improve productivity
2018 – Motiei, Babak; The effect of architectural studio teaching methods in the form of composition and analysis in architectural design prerequisite courses on emotional intelligence, academic motivation and creativity of architecture students.
2018 – Mangeli, Mohammad; The effect of climate and context on the architecture of cave houses in Meimand village, (to preserve rural handcraft architecture
2018 -  Gholipour,  Mostafa; Evaluating the adaptability of innovative daylighting systems with buildings (conventional light wells in Mid-Rise Buildings of Tehran)
2017 – Keshavarz, Mohsen; The curriculum model for the bachelor's degree in the restoration of historical monuments, To improve the capabilities of students, according to the needs of the field of practice in the restoration of historical monuments of Iran
2017 – Noorifard, Azadeh; A Model for Determining the Arrangement and Geometrical Specifications of Non-Structural Walls in the Final Stages of Basic Architectural Design to Improve the Seismic Behavior of Buildings; Common Mid-Rise Residential Buildings in Tehran
2016 – Moosavian, Elham; CAD for Preliminary Architectural-Structural Layout of Masonry Buildings
2016 – Abdi Ardakani, Hojatollah; Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Contemporary Iran, Critical Analysis of Architectural Conservation's History (1960-2010)
2015 – Maddahi, Seyd Mehdi; Understanding the connection between the body and the lifestyle in native architecture (Case example: Beshrouieh)
2014 – Sajjad, Reihaneh; Preservation of the urban dilapidated historical texture through increasing the sense of belonging and enhancing the aesthetic values of the texture
2015 – Sanayeian, Hanieh; The effect of the form of semi-open space on the amount of energy consumption, access to Sunlight and building ventilation (case example: common residential buildings in Tehran)
2013 – Vakilinezhad, Rosa; Effect of Building Envelope and Ventilation Patterns on Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings (Case study: Buildings with Single-sided Ventilation in the hot and dry climate of Shiraz)
2012 – Valibeig, Nima; The link between theoretical-practical geometry and stability of Iranian brick arches and vaults

PhD Candidate:
GhadiryNia, Maedeh (2014)
Akoochakian, Sarah (2017)
CheshmehNoor, Mahya (2018)
HoseiniNasab, Saba (2018)
Bayat, Sahar (2019)
Yavari, Hosein (2019)
Montazeriun, Maryam (2020)
Sheikhi, Mehdi (2020)
KhosraviRad, Omid (2020)
Vahdatpour, Sholeh (2021)
Mirzaei, Saeideh (2021)
Samimifar, Fatemeh (2021)
Hashemi, Seyd Saeid (2020)
Majidi Movahed, MohammadHosein (2021)
Mahdavi Ghahsareh, MohammadHosein (2022)
Zeinalpour, Maryam (2022)


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